In law struggles, Help!

I never really had a problem with my unlaws. They're very different to my family however there where never any arguments until i had my baby then it changed. I'm very protective of my baby as anybody would be, i don't want anybody else to have him. I trust my mum to have him however i live with her so it's different she's had him over night a few times but i'm in the next room so i can hear him and see him still but she's just given me a night off every few weeks to catch up on sleep. I also have a very close friend who is trust with my baby, she's not had him at all yet not even for an hour but i have asked her to have him in a month or so when he'll be nearly 6 months so i can go for a family evening out for a birthday celebration that my mum is attending. The problem is my mother in law is an active drug user, i don't judge i know it can be hard once in the depths of addiction to stop but I do not trust her with my son not even for an hour, people say she's had grand children she's never used with the grand children there but that's what SHE says nobody can say whether she has or hasn't only she knows and ofc she'd say she hasn't, it was also different as when she had the other grand children as babies my partner and his sister lived there so there was someone else constantly there when the baby was there but now she lives on her own so if she was to use and something happened she'd be on her own. She also smokes cigs in the house which we do not our house is strictly a smoke free home and if anybody holds the baby they have to wash their hands take off the top layer of clothing and not touch baby until atleast 20 mins after smoking even after doing all of the above, i worry that if she had him and she wanted to smoke she'd either smoke in the house or leave him on his own to have a cig as smoking is also an addiction and i know she couldn't go a whole few hours without smoking never mind over night and he's never left on his own at all when he's with me he's constantly with somebody. I feel uncomfortable him going up to the house for visits purely because of the people that go there, the fact it isn't a none smoking home and the fact that people actively take different drugs within the house. This is causing problems because i always make excuses for baby to not go up but there's only so many i can say so he has has to go up a couple of times and the whole time im on edge. Im being told that i shouldn't let my friend have the baby before my partners mum or sister has him but i dont trust any of them his sister drinks a lot especially on weekends and has a child that's very heavy handed with babies and can kick off a lot i dont want that around my son if he kicks off id be scared for his safety its different when he comes to my house to visit baby as im there aswell as his mum( partners sister) so i can focus on baby while his mum sorts him out however if something was to kick off if partners sister had my son then she'd have to not focus on baby or try and sort her son while holding my child etc and it could end bad i could be thinking too much into it but im just so scared i want to protect him with my life. I try and put this across but nobody listens as the friend i trust with my baby also has a child but her child is very calm he's been around my baby since the day he was born he loves him he strokes his head so softly gives him cuddles and then goes and does his own thing he never kicks off he's a very well behaved child with no jealousy etc showing at all and always asks for sleepovers with baby i know he'd be safe at my friends house but i don't think he would be at my in-laws. There's alos another problem, i don't want my son going to their house due to the drug use etc but i also don't feel comfortable with them coming to my home often either. When i first had my baby my partners sister was quite nasty to me a few days postpartum she screamed at me and kicked off i went home and cried because of the hurtful things she said for a few days straight i couldn't shake what she said and couldn't shake the hurt she made me feel at all i still get upset about it now she's younger than me very naive and is going down the same path her mum is on atm she uses recreational party drugs a few times a week drinks a lot and sees random men often she isn't a very nice girl i have tried to offer her support in the past offering her a place to live to be closer to baby etc but she didn't take it and just seems to be getting worse and worse. I didn't speak to her and blocked her for a while after this happened but in the end unblocked her for the sake of my son and partner however a few weeks ago something else happened with me and my partner she got involved called me nasty names said i was delusional and said i must be struggling with some sort of psychosis because of how i felt which i know i wasn't but she was awful i told her if she can treat the mother of her nephew like that she doesn't deserve access to her nephew and removed her again. After the first incident her mum also obviously got involved and tried to make lied up to make me look like the bad guy which a few people had my back on and said what she was saying was lied. After my mum seen me in a state she said she doesn't want these people in her house anymore which i agreed to and said that for a few months they can see my baby in a place that's mutual maybe at another family members house or even their house but not often so he isn't open to the things they do in that house. Since then we've said they can come see him just so i can see what's going on with my son and he doesn't have to leave my side if i don't want him to but they just won't make the effort to. Now my partners sister keeps texting me asking when she can see baby when we're taking him to her mums when we are taking him to his dads who is also an active drug user and has horrible people in the house which again i don't want my son around. I keep making excuses but then i get nasty replies. Most of the time they aren't excuses if the weathers bad i don't want him being taken out to go there in the pram which it has been slot recently. He also had hos jabs so was poorly when they asked us to take him up so i said no, i recently washed his pram inserts and they're air drying so when they asked recently i said no his prams drying but they said we should just carry him or pay for a taxi to their house and back but i am the only one working atm as my partner lost his job i dont want to pay £6/£7 each way in a taxi when jk struggling with money as it is with christmas and birthdays of family members coming up so again i said no. I've said they can come here but it's not good enough. I keep getting accused of keeping him away from them which part of me feels like i am doing but his safety is my number 1 priority. Like i said i was brought up so different to them i never went without a meal my parents aren't drug users they barely drink and never did when i was young my family always came to us when we where children especially grandparents and i spent all my time at home i never had sleepovers at family members houses it wasn't necessary for a relationships as relationships can be built in the day time not just during the night when babies sleeping anyway. Another thing is that his mum always wants to feed baby she would get angry when he was first born that we didn't wait to see her to give him a bottle cos she wanted to feed him one time she took him off me to feed him and when i asked for him back she said no cos he's her grandson so she gets to feed him too. Another time we was at a family party he was only a few weeks old and he has been passed around which i said i didn't want to happen but felt too guilty to say anything as it wasn't my family to say it to, his auntie was holding him he started crying i went to take him but my partners mum pushed past and took him and said 'come to granny you are safe with me i'll sort u our' but i knew she'd been using i didn't want her to hold him and it's also my responsibility to calm him and be his safe place not hers. There just been problem after problem and i need help
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It is first and foremost your responsibility to protect the baby. While it's not ideal to have a tense relationship with inlaws and it's hard not to give into their demands, you have reason to be concerned with their access to him if they are active drug users and smokers. I think it makes sense not to want him at their house and to not leave him alone with them. If you do want to keep up with them then maybe you can suggest going out to eat once a week and that's when they can catch up with the baby, with you there monitoring it. I also hope that your partner is on board with your pov and supports you. Going against family wishes is hard but if you have a united front and you are unwavering in what you're willing to give, then they'll eventually give up the fight bc they know they won't win. Or at least they'll have to accept your terms because they have no other choice if they want to see the baby

They aren't willing to go out for a meal once a week, his mum won't leave the house ever really and they never have money if i'm completely honest and i aren't willing to have to pay for meals etc. when the weather was good i'd ask them if they wanted to go for a walk to the park or come down to mine etc always told no but now when the weathers bag they're demanding us to take our child up there in the rain. My partner is sorta on board sort of not he can't see bad in the behaviour really he also thinks i should allowed our son to go there but i've put my foot down and said absolutely not

You should definitely put your foot down and just stick to it. Go to the park then instead of a restaurant. They can't demand anything from you. You have the power, not them.

I think they are Lucky you let them see him at all considering they are drug users … i personally wouldn’t let them see him.. They need to respect your wishes to be honest if they turned around and said they’d stop talking to you I wouldn’t worry if anything would that be handy… Admittedly I feel sorry for you’re partner as this obviously puts him in the middle but if he can’t see that they are in the wrong & you are completely & understandably in the right then he is just naive & clueless…

I have to be honest, as far as I'm concerned they're lucky to have set eyes on him. I don't associate with drug use. At all. In any way. If people want to use them, they can crack on but they won't use them and be in my life. I wouldn't trust anyone who uses them with my child alone ESPECIALLY not an addict. As for smoking. Absolutely right, if they smoke in the house I'm not sure I'd go there never mind take my baby there. I absolutely HATE smoking and drugs. My partner remembers the look on my face when he pulled out a vape on our first date. I was disappointed he even vaped! I've moved past that because he won't ever exhale towards me and the midwife told him he even needs to do the outside, remove the outer layer before going near baby with his vape. Nevermind a cigarette! It's hard because they're grandparents and your partner is pulled both ways but absolutely stick to your guns.

This is exactly what i'm like i've seen first hand what addiction does to families as one of my family members is an addict, not immediate family but i was quite close to them growing up but since they've started doing hard drugs such as heroin i don't really associate myself with them. I've also not allowed them to have any access what so ever to my son as that is something i have complete control over with him being on my side of the family. My partner does understand what his parents and sister does is wrong, i had my first drink since having baby and he hated it he doesn't like me drinking because he doesn't want me to end up like his mum basically but that would never happen im SO anti drugs it's unbelievable. I knew his mum was an addict before i had the baby which is his point in this which yes i understand that but i would never ever not have a child because of who their grandparents are, grandparents are a vital part growing up i know this, i used to go on some lovely days out

with grandparents and great grandparents however this isn't the relationship my son would have with them. Any money his grandma has goes straight to her addiction you walk in her house and can smell the drugs she takes and it's not just a bit of weed every now and then it's crack and heroin, all it would take is a slight overdose while having my son and she could fall on him drop him as he gets older and starts being able to move around more he could get hold of it i don't want this. It's causing arguments between me and my partner my excuse this week is weather however i'm taking my son to my dads house in a few days and even if the weathers bad we will be going and he's saying it's not fair i take him to my dad but he can't take him to his mums however my dad isn't an addict he doesn't even drink his house is a clean no drugs zone they don't even vape in the house or anything. I vape myself however never around my son. It's becoming a problem because i can't even have any time to

myself because my partner says if i go out he's taking our son to his parents house i don't want this so i don't go out if i do go anywhere it's somewhere with my baby my life has completely changed not even due to having a baby, due to what his grandparents do! It also angers me that all his grandma on my partners side has got for him is a pack of baby grows whereas my dad got him his for my mum got him all sorts and buys him stuff constantly. Ik it's not about what they get for their grand children but everything he's got is from this house and my family i don't like stuff going up to that house due to who's there i don't trust it not to 'get lost' or 'disappear' so i just don't let it happen. Ik it's unfair to think like this but my son isn't being around that behaviour and then sort of people especially so young, feels like i'm setting him up for failure in life if i let him see that sort of stuff growing up

@Ray I definitely agree and i do put my foot down a lot they rarely see him i feel bad stopping my son from having a relationship with family but i don't want him around that his safety is and always will be my priority. They're more than welcome to come see him as much as they want at my house where they can't smoke or use drugs but they aren't willing to do that they have excuses

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