Worst mom ever award goes to me!

Just sat outside my 2.5 year olds room listening to her sob “my papa, my papa” for 20 mins. It was my turn for bedtime and she WOULD NOT stop talking and making stuff up. The whole nine yards- she can’t sleep because she hasn’t seen the moon, her hand hurts, she wants papa etc. After 30 mins I lost my cool and told her that if she didn’t stop talking I was leaving- and followed through. She then proceeded to cry for papa for 20 mins. My husband finally broke and went it there and she just sobbed and sobbed about how I yelled at her. He gave her a little cuddle and she fell asleep almost immediately. Ughhhhh.
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You're NOT the worst mom ever. Sometimes children have "favorites," and it's like the "pickle jar" scenario where you loosen it up for her, and she got all her energy out and fell asleep when dad came.

No don't be so hard on yourself, these toddlers are professionally trained by Satan lol to say and prey on you If you keep giving in she will run the whole house, gotta set boundaries and stand on business And it takes a team You said you would leave, you left that's good she needs to take you serious Dad tagged in at a reasonable time and finished the job Dad should talk to her about listening to mommy that he supports you and for her not to think that's her way out of everything

Not to sound like an asshole, because hey I've gotten mad at my son quite a few times after repeatedly saying be careful/gentle/stop/no/go to sleep/hands down and him not listening, BUT if she's asking for her papa and he's around, just give in. Not sure what you guys agreed upon for bedtime but sometimes they really miss the other parent and it's not always the most convenient times either. Maybe you both can do bedtime together and read some books as a family before bed?

Please don't feel bad 😭 parents are human too and we have our moments. I remember growing up with my little brothers God their mouths would not shut.🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ Its okay to let them cry a bit or just talk to themselves and self soothe she isn't an infant but she is growing up and she needs to know it's okay and you need to know it's okay🫶🏻

Don't feel bad at all. My daughter is often like this - she's a bundle of energy at bedtime and she often doesn't settle as well for me as she does her dad 🤷🏼‍♀️ She also often wants the one that isn't there to see her before she goes to sleep. Next time, even if one of you is doing bedtime, can the other one just pop their head in to say goodnight and give her a goodnight cuddle and kiss?

I definitely agree with the other poster that mentioned dad talking to her about listening to you. My 3 yr old listens to me typically, but will cry for his dad if he’s in trouble. I’ve finally convinced my guy to back me up when he’s home. Just his dad saying “your mom said to sit down until you can calm down” and “No it’s time for bed like mommy said” got instant results. He has his dad wrapped around his finger and his dad is definitely his favorite. but it’s important for kids to know you’re on the same page.

My 3 year old had a phase around 2.5 for talking and having zoomies before bed, refusing to even try go to sleep. I started out feeling so frustrated but then I changed my approach to bedtime and her. I started giving her options, picking her toothpaste, toothbrush, pjs, which toy to take to bed, which book. I then introduced a bit of “rough” play to get her zoomies out, we do something called bake a cake where I mix ingredients into her belly and she gets tickled, rolled etc. She called out of daddy a lot to, he is her biggest playmate and I know she finds him a lot of fun. My husband usually has our youngest strapped in a wrap to put her to sleep so we csnt always swap if she’s asleep. I’d do one of two things, say daddy is unavailable and that mummy can try do funny voices like daddy for the book, or I say if she wants to lay down in her bed or mummy and we sing. For a while she fell asleep almost instant when laying on me, then slowly we went back to her being in bed,

I think there is a big brain development at this age ❤️ it calms down x

You're not the worst mum. My son goes through periods of having a favourite too, so we just go along with it. We don't have a set plan to put him to sleep, we just go with whoever he prefers at that time

Oh this kind of situation is known to me. The times I’ve lost my cool I’ve deeply regretted so I understand the feeling. What I’ve done and has worked is to just continue with the talk if it’s talking what my LO is doing. If he’s playing I try to direct the game to another softer game, maybe a song, maybe talk about the day, maybe picking his ears (that’s a thing now haha). I’m trying to give more space for games at bedtime now. Many times is just that they’re overtired and don’t know how to come to relax

My husband works away all week so every nap and every night ends up with him crying because dad is not there even if he was perfectly fine doing bedtime routine , I believe at this age they start noticing and counting how many sleeps he had without his dad I feel for him but sometimes I just walk away after 30-40min and let him soothe himself to sleep with a dim light on other nights I pretend to sleep in his bed until he's calm You're only human I lose my cool 5/6 times a day it's normal as long as you make sure to talk to them because they do understand they're just developing their own personalities xxx don't worry mama you're doing your best 💖

If that's what qualifies for the worst mum award then I reckon you could pass that around all of us mum's. We all make mistakes. We all lose our cool. It's how we react to that afterwards that counts. Even just reflecting on what we did and what we maybe should have done shows that you're a great mum. Take that pressure off yourself. You made a mistake. It happens. Tomorrow is a new day x

Awww it’s ok mama. You did well *hugs*

You're no where near being a bad Mom! If this helps, my husband and I used to take turns for bedtime but turns out our kids prefer him 😁🫡👐 so he does it, unless they ask for me. This way the household doesn't have to encounter the day ending how yours did last night. We have been there! It's hard.

Hey, I don't think you are the worst mum. Maybe yesterday she just wanted dad to put her to sleep. I also think and have spoke to professionals. My little one sometimes whinges and cries when I tuck her in.. and as soon as we go in there she's fine. I used to feel bad and asked them what do I do in this situation and they said.. as long as you know she's safe it's fine if she cries herself to sleep. I monitor her nd if I see that she's really upset and is crying out the norm then I tend to take her out.. give her cuddles and wait few mins before tucking her back.

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20 minutes seems like an extraordinary amount of time to sit and listen to your little one sob. Have you ever looked at the gentle sleep training material?

@Priscilla trained by Satan is correct. I agree with all you said 😂😂 OP, I deal with the same thing. I told my daughter that Dad would tell her the same thing that I am and that it's time to do what I told her to do. I keep reinforcing this and eventually, she calms down.

Congratulations on your "mean mom points" you'll earn more in the next 16-17 years. Don't beat yourself up. You're human. You're gonna lose your cool occasionally. Hopefully today was a better day

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