Am I overreacting for this? I feel dumb BUT

If the whole family is going up to your kids’ bdrm for wind-down time/play blocks. Twin A trips twin B so twin A goes to his room with dad and he’s all pouty and sad and dad doesn’t come back- is it relatively safe to assume that dad is spending time with the upset twin in his room as it’s just before bed and we were having family chill time? Like that’s the whole reason we went up together. Because he wasn’t with the upset twin. He just put him in his room and went upstairs to watch a show and I’m annoyed as hell lol
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Honestly the only reason why I’m curious what the ladies think is because he thinks I’m overreacting and that I didn’t communicate? But expectations were already set. It’s family wind-down time. This is what we do like, all the time.

My fiancé would do the same thing, except in our situation I would’ve just been silently salty to avoid argument. Apparently some things aren’t obvious to men even though when explained it seems completely obvious

I’d say be overly transparent but it may come off naggy “so you’re gunna do ___ right ?”which is why I don’t try with most stuff I just say a few times and observe how he acts you can’t change someone just request and how they react is how they are🤷‍♀️ but then you can also say “I had said multiple times, and you still haven’t so I’m feeling frustrated you can’t just grit through it even if you don’t wanna”

@Heidi I hear that too though, sometimes it’s easier to not have the talk/argument. I think what upset me the most was 2-fold. I didn’t know that little man was alone in there until he started crying. And even then, I didn’t intervene b/c I thought husband was in there with him so it went on for like 5 unnecessary minutes by himself. And then when I approached him, I sounded annoyed but my reasoning was so practical. “I thought you were with Beau. This was our family time, we came up to play blocks and then you guys left.” His response was “it sounds like you made a lot of assumptions and didn’t communicate.” Dude. Just fkn apologize and stop blowing us off to watch Suits re-runs.

@Stacey 🇵🇸 i have been there definitely, you can’t help but sound annoyed sometimes even with the right logic. I’m sorry that’s irritating if he keeps doing it after you’ve made it clear it was all together time I’d be like you think I don’t wanna watch my show? Let’s be there for them and then do it. Maybe that’ll put it in perspective we don’t just do it for fun as moms lol I feel like some men think we’re just chilling like we wouldn’t rather be doing anything else

Also I love that name Beau my fiancé said no to it lol

Not Suits re-runs 😂 I'm sorry. I'd definitely be annoyed

@Heidi right, give him some perspective. Like we’re parents. Part of that job description is that we don’t always get to do stuff we want lol like grow up. Oh my gosh thank you! We thought Beau was just a lovely but masculine enough name you know.

@Raqi of all shows!! 😂 And he’s an attorney so I think it’s extra cathartic for him or something who knows 🙄 lol

A lot of men were not raised by nurturing fathers & many didn't have nurturing mothers either. So you may have to sit him down & break down your expectations on what being an active and involved parent means.

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