How many times have people been in to triage because of what feels like slower movements?

I've been once for movement and once for breathlessness but I feel baby is a bit quiet today, I've felt a few wiggles but not like active moves. I feel like I might be over reacting bug I just don't know. It's first baby and I just want her to be ok. Anyone else find baby doesn't kick so much some days ? Or do you feel it's always constant ?
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If you aren’t sure go to triage, no one knows your babies movements like you and if you aren’t happy, get the reassurance. With my first I found an ice cold fizzy drink and sitting in a calm quiet place usually put me at ease but I met mummy’s who were in triage 5/6 times due to concern about reduced movements. Do not feel like you are a nuisance or overreacting. Often movement patterns are the only indication of what’s going on.

I have an anterior placenta, and I don't feel much ever. I go triage once every other week, almost just to make sure. And each time, they say they'll expect to see me again because they know it can be a big deal to not know if everything is okay

I’ve been in once for pain and reduced movement. My baby boy has been less active today but getting loads of bubbly feelings, I think it’s cos he’s changed positions. I’m trying to not panic cos I can feel something just not the normal big kicks and big movements. Hopefully get big movements tomorrow otherwise I might go back to double check he’s ok x

@Beth I have an anterior placenta too but some days I feel her super strong. I'm 29 weeks now so I have literally no idea 🤷🏼‍♀️

@Beth thank you for sharing that, it helps to hear that they are understanding 🥰

I feel like my baby’s movements changed last Thursday. I still felt him move but they weren’t as strong/powerful or frequent so I went in to be monitored and then had a scan the next day. That is the second time in a few weeks that I’ve been in. The Monitor and scan showed he is fine but his movements are still different to how they used to be. But he has changed position slightly now facing the left rather than facing out so I feel it could be due to that. Always just go in to be monitored if your unsure

@Claire did they do a scan for you ? They never offered when I went last time

I feel a bit like I just can't wait to reach the end and just have my baby so I can stop worrying about this 🤦🏼‍♀️

Not this baby but I went twice last time and I was actually in slow labour. I had an anterior with baby 1 and didn’t feel much until she was huge. Baby 2, baby has quieter days especially if I’m very active in the day. Maybe they are just tired out from being kept awake 🤣

On busy days it seems like my baby is quieter. But it's probably also that if I'm moving about or focusing on other things I'm feeling the movements of baby less. If I have a cold drink or a sugary snack and then rest for a while and do nothing usually that reassures me. I've been in once so far for reduced movement at 28 weeks. I was told to always go in though if worried because noone knows a baby's movements like their mother and the midwives go off your instincts.

Definitely go to triage if you think something is off! I've been up for monitering 3 times x

I have been in 3 times for reduced and once for change in movements as they wasn't as strong and their pattern had disappeared and if they are to stop , reduce or change again I feel more then comfortable to ring triage as they've told me many times of I'm worried their worried and they couldn't care if I was in everyday as the day I make excuses and don't go could be the day they are poorly so I think that has helped with my anxiety as I kept apologising for going in! I do always try prodding and poking them , playing music , cold drink , hot drink , something sugary and if they still haven't moved after then I call. I was leaving it 6+hours as i thought I was getting in my own head but was told i should wait 2 hours 3 at a max! Xxx

I’m 30w with an anterior placenta and been 3 times now. I’m so anxious anyway in this pregnancy and they have always been so nice to me but I do feel bad going in. You just feel like your wasting their time don’t you but we shouldn’t feel that way xx

I’m 30 weeks and have been 4 times, albeit some of those were before 28 weeks. I agree with what’s been said, never feel anxious about going in even if it is often! My baby was breech for 2 weeks which accounted for a lot of my reduced movements x

I’ve been twice so far and so they gave me an emergency scan. For me I’ve been told baby is on the larger side which can make movements more like wiggly turning rather than kicking and that feels less powerful and less easy to detect. I’m 33 weeks tomorrow and it’s been like this the last couple of weeks for me.

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