Y’all how do you even find the time to go out anywhere???

I swear there’s always something that holds me back. Like needing to clean up around the house, anxiety, laundry, bottles, letting him nap, letting ME nap, feeding him, feeding ME. Before I know it, it’s evening time already and the day is already gone. I always see women taking out their newborns or 0-3 mos old babies and I’m like how??????? It didn’t help that in the beginning I was a nervous wreck about him being in the car seat for too long, or being exposed to illness so young. He’s 2mos old now and I’m ready to take baby steps to go out more but can never seem to find the time! And by going out I mean just a stroll in the park, or going to the store. Not even trying to do anything that crazy and I can’t seem to get out!
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My baby is 14m and I still struggle. Do what works for u not what everyone else is doing. When my baby turned 9ms she started sleeping more and I felt more myself and was able to add more to my days

I made it a goal to leave the house for 20 minutes a day. Whether it was with him or by myself. My husband has been really great at giving me as much me time as I can and I also bring his food on the go. If it's a decent day I'll bring a bottle with me so I can walk and feed him if I need. It's so hard and I struggle but I didn't want to be stuck at home especially with cold weather months. If you're not ready to go to the park or store go through the drive through and get a coffee or ice cream or something!!

I give myself 2 goals a day ie: dishes and taking a slow full shower (not just quick shower) for the first few weeks. Now 6 wks pp and I’m adding one more thing to the list on days I feel up to it. I have a 3 yr old too so most of my time goes to her. I learned first time around we can’t do it ALL EVERYDAY. So I’m prioritizing my def care, babies, and cleaning/cooking is last. My husband supports this and has taken on most of the housework but now we’re adjusting things since I’m more able bodied. Hopefully some of this is helpful! Hang in there and give yourself some grace!

I just go the house don’t get dirty easily laundry I can do when shes asleep plus if I don’t go out I will start going crazy like she’s almost 2 months we had a b-day party today I took her to

Well I have two older ones that are in school and this one was born two days before school started so we kind of hit the ground running with going out and doing things. My husband isn't the type to sit home much either lol now that he's back to work I have to get up and take the teen to school, come home, get the 5 year old ready and to school and then we try to run any errands in the 3 hours before I pick up the 5 year old. Then we go home and spend a couple hours with my husband before he goes to work. So mornings are already pretty busy for us.

All I do is plan in advance so I let my husband know there’s a day I want to go out so he can stay with baby or we plan where we want to go with baby. I clean what I can but I worry more about it once we get back home. Like yesterday we went out and I took care of baby early morning then he did while I got ready then I took care of baby while he got ready and just went by baby’s schedule. I too get nervous going out with a 2 month old but being at home all day sucks and I wanna start making memories early on.

We try to do 1 outing a day! Even if it’s just a trail walk. I feel like the hardest thing for me is feeding her since she’s EBF. I feel like it would be difficult for a pumping momma, too. I feed her in the car or right before we leave the house. Once you get into a rhythm it gets easier!!

i got a 24m old and 2.5m old. i tell them “respectfully, moms got stuff she needs to do” so i either pack them up and we leave to do what i need to do or my 24mo plays by herself & my 2.5mo is either napping or in her swing long enough for me to clean, shower, cook etc. ive learned as a new 2 under 2 mom.. you find a way to make it work. we are a disaster when we go out to the store but it has to happen. my 2.5mo has been a trooper tho. we sometimes have to do nap time in the car, meal time in the car. if not, im running around the house trying to get things done while feeding my 2.5mo and feeding my 24mo. its hectic but things get done. i work better under stress anyways so i find myself more productive it takes time to find the balance between everything

I started going to the gym right when I turned 6 weeks postpartum and they have a kid zone we use for our 2 year old and now 2 month old. They watch them for 2 hours a day as many days as I decide to go, except they are closed Sundays. I go 3-5 days a week, just depending on how it goes lol. It honestly is a lot of work packing up their diaper bag, my gym bag, getting them both dressed, feeding my baby a bottle, and my toddler breakfast, and feeding myself and getting myself ready. It honestly takes me 1-2 hours just to be ready to leave lol. but i am so determined to lose weight and its nice to get some me time to improve myself. We go other places fairly often but usually if I take both of them it’s when my husband is with me if it’s not the gym. ( I usually go there in the mornings when he is working). Other places I usually just take one or the other if I’m alone.

For me it’s all about being prepared as much as I can be. I have a diaper changing caddy in the car always stocked, I try to stay on top of the laundry and dishes so it doesn’t pile up. I keep the diaper bag stocked with the essentials so I can leave at a moments notice or when she’s in a good mood or sleeping. I bottle feed breast milk and I always make sure to grab two bottles when we leave the house if we end up staying out later. The snuggleme and baby carrier have been game changers. I can put her down or wear her while I’m working around the house and try to time it when I know she will be sleepy after a feeding. Also I found a small window of time where my husband is home in the morning before work and he can be 100% on her so I can do whatever I need to do if I wake up early enough. Trying to get my workout in during that time so I can feel accomplished and have more energy for other things throughout the day. Hang in there mamas’s you all are doing great, we got this!

It’s insanely difficult to get out of the house when you have to balance taking care of yourself and the baby. The last few days I’ve been telling myself “today we will go out” and then I go through the cycle of “after this nap, we will feed then go” but then I need to eat or she falls back asleep during the feed. Lmao it’s a cycle of chaos and going out is just a foreign concept at this point 😂

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