Anyone else tired of being a sahm?

I love my baby and husband so much and I feel so blessed to have them both but I hate being a sahm and I can’t go back to work full time till my husband quits his night job which he’s prolly not till the end of next month but it’s like so draining being a sahm, it’s always something to do and I never catch a break or anytime to myself fr, me and my husband don’t have sex anymore and haven’t in months and he’s always saying it’s not me it’s a him thing but gosh irs like a never ending cycle of baby, animals, laundry, cooking and cleaning all in repeat. Like literally my husband leaves for work at 6 gives me and baby a kiss before leaving, me and baby walk the dogs then stay up till 12 and then I fight for a hour and some change to get her to nap then she naps for 30 minutes so I eat then she is up for a bottle, she won’t latch anymore so I have to constant pump for her to have milk, my husband usually comes home around 2 and he holds baby for a little before going back to work then I have to deal with laundry, feed all the pets, pump, entertain her cause she doesn’t sleep much throughout the day, put her down for a nap at 6, get started on dinner, take dogs out, she wakes up change and feed her and then put on Bebe Finn so she can be entertained while I clean, then in that time get stuff my husband asked me to do done and then do her bedtime routine, then he comes home and takes her and puts her to bed then showers, then sometimes we talk but usually it’s him turning on suits and going to bed and then we repeat the next day, on his days off I don’t even have a break cause he wants to sleep in and take naps throughout the day but he does help with baby a lot when he’s up. It just feels like life is a constant repeat, my marriage is now boring and no longer fun like it used to, my baby gives me a hard time half the time and so does the animals and everyone just expects me to just get it done and never complain, never be upset, never drained. Sometimes when my baby starts screaming I just wanna scream back and then I remember she’s just a baby and can’t talk and that’s her way of communicating, and when my husband asks me for anything I just want him to hush, all I listen to all day is Bebe Finn, twinkle twinkle little star, bluey, and the wheels on the bus and I’m losing my mind
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Girl!! I totally understand. Being a SAHM is an actual job and it’s 24 hours, everyday of the week. There are days I’m jealous my husband gets to go to work because it’s like him time away (which in reality he would rather be home) my hushband job is Monday to Monday and 12 hour shifts. I literally don’t get a break like the weekends for extra help because that’s not how his job works. Personally from reading this, it sounds like your marriage is lacking communication. Sex is huge for me but it’s not for husband. We compromise and he will play with me until I finish and go back to doing what ever. We haven’t stopped doing the things we love because of our baby, we add him to it. We like to travel a lot and now we have a travel buddy! Maybe ask your husband to help out around the house from time to time. I know if I’m having a melt down over the house, he was step up and start helping rather from laundry or dishes. Remember the cleaning doesn’t need to be done every day. There are days

I let my chores pile up because I just want to relax with my son. That is ok to do! It also sounds like you may be struggling with some ppd. It would t hurt to get into the doctor and get a professional opinion as well! You got this mama ❤️

@Trinity if I ask for help he’s great with helping and SAMEEE i told my husband I was jealous of the fact that he gets a break and explained to him like we will always be parents but when he’s at work even tho he has to work he gets a break from being a dad and I just wish I was the dad sometimes. We’ve had so many talks about sex and it’s not important to me and I’ve expressed that to him cause he said he was scared I’ll leave him for us not having sex and I told him I want to have sex with him bc he turns me on seeing him in dad mode and what he does for us and it turns me on more and sometimes I do wish we could have sex spontaneously or even cuddle sometimes. We never cuddle anymore cause baby sleeps in the middle of us cause honestly it’s the only way I get any sleep but I just wish we had something with a little spark in our relationship

Could you maybe include the baby like a movie date in bed? The baby can be cuddle up next to you guys? Or maybe try to eat one meal together with no cell phones? What about a quick shower together? How old is your baby? Maybe you can start sleep training in their own bed?

I totally understand what you're saying and it is extremely difficult you are definitely not alone i think if not all 99 percent of moms feels these feelings, ppd is real and you should look into taking some medication that is ok while breastfeeding because this job is exhausting in every way. It absolutely doesn't mean you don't love your kids and family and your life it's just that the fact is it is draining raising babies and toddlers and kids is extremely difficult and draining. Try to get help from parents family friends people you trust just for a bit to have a small break because it will be a while before you can have time to yourself back again your doing great mama

@Trinity we do all those things together, I think he’s not horny cause he’s stressed due to work but I try everything to turn him on or so we have time together. I make sure his clothes is out for each job, pjs are ready for the shower, dinner is cooked and ready for him to eat after his shower. Since I stopped working money has been tight cause I make more then him, so I’ve noticed he’s been a little more snappy and irritated and we talked and came to the fact that it was due to stress from him working and feeling like we still don’t have enough like we should but honestly I feel like we have everything, we have food in the fridge and the baby always has what she needs and our bills is always paid and we even have splurge money so we can eat take every now and then, yeah we can’t go out the way we used to or spurge the way we used to but I feel grateful for what we have and I feel like as a man it’s a different feeling for him. Our baby is 1 month

@Sara I’m planning on going back to therapy so I have someone to talk to about things bc sometimes I just wanna let our pets out and put the baby in her stroller and burn the house down while we go on a walk, cause it’s not even the baby and the pets it’s like feeling like I’m trapped in jail and I only get out on Sundays when I spend time with my mom and she helps as much as she can but she lives far so Sundays Is our day

I’m a homeschooling single mom… my kids are not babies so it’s easier now but yeah I’m home with my kids 24/7 and they haven’t seen their dad in a month… I’m diving right into depleted mother syndrome and it sucks soo bad! So you aren’t alone!

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