About to become a single mum

Hey fellow single mums who are all amazing. Feeling numb yet oddly that a massive weight has been lifted that me and my husband are going to separate. Sadly we have only been married for 1 year after a very turbulent 6 years together. Tbh not many people wanted us to get married and I doubt they will be that sorry to see him go. Our little one is only 10 months old but I'm thinking it's better now than when he is older and knows what's going on? I'm not sure how involved he will be with his life I'm predicting the first few .months he will then he will start being unreliable and not showing up, not paying his way I'm not even expecting him to pay CM even though he says he will. We have literally just moved into a new house with a housing association so now we have to sort out tenancy he said he will sign it over to me as it makes sense for me to stay in it. But I don't know if I'm entitled to stay once we actually get divorced unless Court says so? It's such a mess and I'm terrified but he has lied to me one last time. :(
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Im sorry youre going threw this it sucks i hope you guys are able to seperate and be able to commumicate and be civil for baby. It is easier when baby as they wont know any different. My son is about 6 months old and his father and i have been officially broken up since he was 4 months but we didnt live together after he was birn due to bullshittery thats turning into my favor as hes become more of an ass in the last month than the first 4 months of mt sons life. Do whats best for you and baby, im an advocate for women gain superpowers when we become mothers and gain more when we become single mothers. If you ever need to vent or just talk feel free to message me

Go girl. Single mum life rules you will love it, I can’t imagine doing it any other way

As far as I know, if your both on the tenancy u both have the right to stay there. You'd have to ring your landlord and explain the situation and ask for him to be removed and essentially end the joint tenancy for you to start a the new tenancy in just your name. your best off ringing them yourself if your worried he's lied to you that way u know the full facts. Good luck single mum life is sooo much better 🫶

@Zoey Yeah we looked it up and we both have to sign letters stating that's what we want to happen then go into the office and sign document there. He is unreliable and lies about money secret credit cards etc and swore on our babies life he had paid his half of rent and when I checked he hasn't and he lied saying it hasn't gone through I'll phone them and fix it it was all BS he just hasn't paid it. He works full.time yet I paid for the month rent here upfront and 3 appliances I've had to put on credit cos his score is so low. I'm literally scrapping by on benefits what little we get til I go back to work it's just too exhausting to deal with anymore

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