Hand, Foot & Mouth at nursery

We have just got back from holiday and LO was due to restart nursery settling in sessions on Monday but been told that they have had 2 confirmed cases of HFM a few days ago and now another one today. LOs confirmed start date is 21st October so next week is her last chance to do settling on sessions (she did some before holiday and they didn't go well 😕) I feel like I've got a dilemma and just looking for advice and wondering what others would do please? Our little girl is 2 in November and had horrendous colic?/crying for her 1st 9 months and then has had nearly back to back illness of one thing or another for the past 9 months. She has just had around 6 weeks respite from it (she still puts EVERYTHING in her mouth, always has done, which probably makes her more vulnerable to everything). Would you send her to the settling in sessions next week, despite knowing HFM is doing the rounds in there or would you forego the settling in sessions and let her go straight into nursery days, despite her being very unsettled during previous settling in sessions? Delaying the official start date isn't an option as nursery said she's already had a lot of settling in sessions. Help, advice needed please 🙏
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My lg was 18 months when she started nursery and only managed 2 settling in sessions but managed ok she was only 1 day a week and she’s been doing 2 from the start of September and has been great a little bit of seperation anxiety but does love it

My LG currently has HFMD very mild shes only 14 months. Few spots and a rash none on palms soles or in her mouth. We don't know where she got it from as she doesn't go to nursery. I'd send your little one as she could pick it up anywhere. X

My LO attends nursery which has 5 confirmed cases and i’m 37 weeks pregnant still working so I sent him. As above said if you playgroups, soft play etc you could catch it from there and not know. Xx

Also to add as above has said we’ve had it twice and I think she got it from her toddler group not from nursery at all

If you are “happy” (said loosely) for her to possibly get it, then i’d still send her. My little one currently has it and around 5 other kids from the childminders are also off with it so it does spread easily. Its also the second time he’s now had it. The spots weren’t a problem as they didnt bother him but first time round he had a temp of almost 40 every day for around a week which wasn’t fun. This time around, he had a temp for a day and then has just been a little whingey since but overall fine in himself. I do think settling in sessions are important as it does make sure the setting is the right fit for little ones but also for you x

I've heard if you wash hands immediately after coming home it can massively prevent illnesses. We don't go to nursery, but actually my partner caught hfm we think just from the playground. What's weird is neither me or my daughter got it, and the only place he went where there were children around was the playground with us. Outside, and not even that busy either.

Thanks everyone for your thoughts. The general consensus seems to be to go for the settling in sessions, as more important than the risk of getting HFM. This was kind of my take on it too but my husband thinks it's irresponsible to let her walk into somewhere that we have prior knowledge has ongoing cases. I do know where he's coming from, as our LG really has been through a lot so I do feel bad to knowingly increase the risk of another illness for her. This parenting lark is so bloomin hard isn't it?!

I hate to break it to you but when they first start nursery they generally will pick up anything and everything that goes round. It takes a good year for there immune system to toughen up and not be so prone to catching everything. So prepare for the sickness, coughs, colds etc! Only saying this from years of experience from working in the early years sector! HFM can also be mild. My little girl caught it at nursery and only had a few blisters around her mouth and on her hands. X

I would probably go with sending her in. If she does get it, your nursery might have an exclusion policy (at mine it’s 5 days) so would probably be more difficult if that happened once she started fully as it would disrupt the routine. And I also felt that my kid benefitted massively from the settling in sessions. You’ll make the best choice for your kid though, as you know them best! Hope it all goes well

Thank you for all your messages. We ended up making the decision to not send her in for today and tomorrow's settling in session as there have been lots more cases over the weekend and today. Her last settling in session is Friday so we are going to aim to go for that one and then next week when she is due to start, instead of 2 full afternoons we are are going to take the financial hit of those and just do 2 or 3 hours for those as extra 'settling in' sessions instead. Our nursery unfortunately doesn't have any exclusion policy for HFM. I know that by Friday we might be in the same boat and she could still pick it up but it just seemed like the best compromise to maybe lessen the chances and let her get settled for a bit first, rather than walking straight into a known outbreak on her first day. Thanks again for all your thoughts on this, it is appreciated 🙏

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