November baby now an October baby

So, this is my first baby and he has been measuring big pretty much since 20 week scan. Just had my second growth scan I’m 36+5, they think baby is 9lb now 😳😬😮 no gestational diabetes or anything either. (HOW have I grown such a big baby? I haven’t had a big appetite or anything through out and barely gained any weight besides bump). Consultant is insistent for an induction (over elective c section, but still said it’s my choice) and also strongly advises that I don’t leave it until baby makes own appearance if he goes beyond 38 weeks. Even though scans can be wrong which I see people say a lot of here, they also can be correct and it’s the only thing they can go by. She’s concerned that if he is as big as they say - or bigger - in another 3 or so weeks he’d be around 11lbs, and with it being my first we don’t know how my body copes in labour and how it fits babies through ect. So I am booked for THIS Sunday for induction when I’ll be 37+1. I am shocked as wasn’t expecting it to be so soon. And I’m nervous as hell and anxious and just mind fucked 😂 My early November baby is looking like he’s gonna be a mid October baby 🥲 not sure what the point of me posting this is but yeah. Hope you’re all doing ok. Xx
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All the very best! You got this.Hope everything goes well momma and baby both

Good luck 🤞🏻

Good luck!😊

Same here, although i have GD and other factors as to why i need to deliver early, i always knew my early nov baby would be a October ba but expected 38 weeks but baby girl is abit chunkier than expected so being brought in on Wednesday for induction via foley balloon (hoping it goes the same as last time and im already dialated enough that i dont need the balloon and they just bring me back in the next day to break the waters🤞) if it helps my last induction was a fantastic experience and i got the birth i wanted (other than the back labour which had nothing to do with the induction and was just a me thing)

Oh wow @Jami all the best of luck . Not wanting to make this about me but this could be me so appreciate your bravery for posting … keep us updated x

Hope it all goes well whatever you decide.

Oh wow! How exciting that you'll get to meet your baby soon. Hope everything goes well. I was induced with my first and they said to watch sad films while waiting for the first bit to kick in as it can help speed up the process. Good luck with everything!

Im going in on saturday to be induced as my baby hasnt put on weight, opposite to you but seems mad that its happening.. good luck to you x

My November baby is going to be an October baby too! A little gutted as November meant a lot to us for a few reasons. But I’m glad I’ll get to meet her sooner and my body can finally get better instead of making my soo unwell x

All the best ☺🤞you got this 😚 I'm sure doctors know what they're doing. I was at the hospital on Sunday and stayed overnight as suddenly out of breath and high blood pressure out of nowhere. Now taking pills for high blood pressure but don't rule out that it might turn into preeclampsia. My Mum had it too so I have a family history. Even though all pregnancy I'm looking after myself my November baby also can turn out to be an October baby.

If you feel up to it later would it be possible to have an update post on whether they turned out to be accurate about how big your baby was? I was told at a recent scan that my baby is also measuring big so pending another growth scan to check.

I’m now booked for an October c section but was due November. As long as we’re all happy and healthy I suppose!

@Lauren thank you so much for this. The consultant did a cervical exam today and said they’d be able to fit the balloon. Really appreciate the positive note for an induction too. I wish you all the best for this birth and hope you and your little one do amazingly 🤍

@Afshan thank you xx

@Nicole yeah of course I will try and find this post again when I remember. I’m so intrigued to know his weight! He’s put on 3lbs in 4 weeks going by the growth scans and is WAY off the chart not even close to the 97th centile now 🤣😬 with no explanation either just that I appear to grow big babies. Good luck with your scans and as long as you and baby are healthy and ok that is really all that matters 🤍

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My early baby wasn't ready so my induced pregnancy never made it past 4cm after 4 days so ended in emergency c section., I'm having an elective section this time. My first was due to growth and they were so off he was a very average 7lb12! It's always your choice how it happens. Good luck

You got this mama!🤍🤍

@Rachel thank you for sharing! yeah the consultant said it could end in a c section which I know. I’d like to try myself and if nothing happens then I’m ok with the c section. She checked my cervix today and said it’s much softer than she’d expect for this stage which I’m taking as a possible glimmer of hope but everything’s opposite of what I wanted so won’t be surprised if the labour goes that way too 😂 x

Aww exciting ! I was induced at 39 weeks with my first everything went smooth, good luck hope it goes ok for you x

@Jami yes as long as you happy with either outcome then that's good to look at anyway a positive... i wasn't and in the end the doctor basically said I had to have the section because I kept refusing. But this time I'm looking at the positives of having elected etc. You'll smash it! 🙌

Just got this news myself. Had an appointment yesterday and they said the same about how big baby is. I'm also high risk due to another medical condition as well as gestational diabetes so they're looking to Induce me at 36-37 weeks... I'm 34 weeks today 😳 My late November baby is now a mid October/late October baby

Have you had a private scan to see what their measurements are?

@Jen it says in the post she's had a growth scan 😀

@Tasha thank you for this, glad you had a positive birth! Xx

@Kiera thanks for sharing this. That must’ve been a shock to the system too! I’m sure it will all be ok and I hope so much the birth goes as close to how you’d like it to 🤍 xx

@Jen I’ve had 2 growth scans

My early November baby is measuring big on growth scans too, I’m booked in for a csection in 2 weeks so it’s gonna be an October baby too! Just have to trust the doctors, but yes I understand how your feeling because growth scans aren’t always accurate x

@Nicole hey, beautiful baby boy was born today weighing 9lb 1 so the growth scan was bang on accurate for his weight. Balloon induction worked quickly however on the highest dose of pitocin drip I couldn’t dilate further than 5cm for 14 hours so ended up with a c section. Induction contractions are no joke 🥲 but he is here, safe, scrumptious and squishy 🤍

@Jami Aww big congratulations to you! Hope you're both doing well. Thanks for the update

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