
Does anybody else have a problem with nudity, like being uncomfortable if ur partner is wondering around naked for example. I also have issues with being watched getting undressed or something. I've always been insecure about like having sex in daylight too. My partner of 2 years has always accepted the way I am but always compliments my body anyway and doesn't understand the insecurities as he thinks i have a fantastic body. But it's not that I actually think I look disgusting I've just always been a bit prudish. But it's my comfort levels and don't see myself changing that (I'm 33 and always been like this). He now picking holes in it saying I've been oppressed my whole life and that in this day and age I should be more comfortable saying I should be complimented that he likes to see my lady parts.
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Im the same. I do not like just walking around nude. I can do pants and a bra or underwear and a shirt. But just straight up naked? No. Super uncomfortable. And honestly i dont find bodies attractive so my husband walking around naked isnt going to get me as excited as it seems to get him

What are the emotions or thoughts that arise when u see it?

I'm actually opposite, I love and prefer being naked I feel so free at the nude beach, I feel clothes weigh me down, and believe me I don't have a beach ready body lol I let all my rolls hang out I've just never cared what anyone thought of me and I've always loved myself like alot lol super vain lol I feel like it's more mental , when you're under the influence do you find yourself feeling worry free ?

I don't really have any emotions around it, I just don't like it. Like I wanna look away or something. I don't get this natural attraction to naked bodies. I'm not even that interested in sex generally like I could go wayyyy longer than any partner has ever wanted to go like months if I could help it.

You could just be asexual

Tbh the thought had crossed my mind, but then again whenever I get with a new partner I am sexually attracted to them. I just get to a point where I'm just not that interested, like I don't get same thrill

Idk if there's a specific reason or not that you feel this way, but that doesn't matter. It's your body and it is fully up to you, and you alone, if you want to be butt naked or walk around in a snowsuit. It's not okay for him to be pressuring you into doing things you are uncomfortable with because it makes him happy. It's gross that he is trying to gaslight you into thinking you're oppressed when this is just what makes you comfortable. Is this new behavior of his brought on by something? Could he feel neglected in the relationship so he's trying to change your mindset? I'm not a fan of how he's going about this, but maybe there's something else he's trying to communicate. I'd start with asking him about it and why it's suddenly important for him. See if his emotional/physical needs are being met and if not is there a way you both can compromise and work on it to where you are BOTH comfortable and happy. This might just be a miscommunication issue.

Im the same way. We're just modest.

I used to think seeing men naked unattractive and then i realized i was really a lesbian lol…comphet messed with my mind bad!

@Kelsey tbh I know he feels neglected sexually, it's a constant problem because I'm not a highly sexual person. I know the deep seeded reason why it's being brought up but I'm not intentionally withholding sex, just don't feel sexual very often. Feel like we are 2 ends of the scale when it comes to sex and as much as he tries to accept the way I am I think deep down he finds it hard to accept. But the alternative is me having sex and not enjoying it because I'm not feeling sexual and I would just feel like an object for his desire. I love him truly and me not feeling sexual isn't linked to my feelings or lack of, I've always been this way and I'm not attracted to women so I know it's not that

Oh it definitely isn't missing from our relationship just not as much as he would like. I guess nobody knows what the future holds, I guess I'm hoping we will find a way to make it work we are looking into counselling. We also have a very busy family life, so I guess as the kids get older I'm hoping we can have some more couple time together which will help me connect more as I think my sexuality is demisexuality which means the more quality time we have the more it opens up myself to feeling more sexual. Thanks for all the comments everyone 🙂

You might just need more spontaneous more excitement more thrill like you said, like sex in random places at random times

I totally agree that you shouldn't have sex if you're not in the mood. It's not fun or healthy to feel like an object. I think you and I are kind of similar because quality time is my thing too. I had to over explain to my husband what that meant, because for him quality time was watching TV together 🤦 He just didn't understand until I told him exactly what I wanted. We had our first baby and our intimacy is definitely not what it was before, there's just no time 😅 I'd suggest date nights if you are able! It might bring some of those lovey feelings back.

@Kelsey well just to put into perspective 6 kids another on the way. I work full time he has uni. We are always so busy, so dates are like very rare. Quality time for me is like when we have deep meaningful conversations or just hanging out chatting. Half the time when I try to open up for some dialogue he is in his phone. I do find rejection hard too so if he acts not interested in spending time with me I just won't bother. Which isn't helpful but I guess we have got lots of work to do if we want this relationship. It's tough but I've never loved anybody as much as I love him (apart from my kids but that's a different type of love) so can't say what future holds just hope he is patient enough to bear with until the children are older and we can have more spontaneous moments when I don't have the world so much on my shoulders

Woah, you guys are really busy. And I spent most of my pregnancy not wanting to be touched or even see myself naked let alone someone else. I'm exactly the same with what I consider quality time too. I've have had to tell my husband to get off his phone or it's not quality time since he's paying more attention to a screen than me. Don't beat yourself up over not wanting to be intimate as much as your partner! I feel like pregnancy and postpartum are so different than any other time and your partner should understand that as you already have 6 kids. It's just a little bump in the road. You guys love each other and I really think when there's more time for each other it will all work itself out ❤️

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