Delayed entry to school

Has anyone done delayed entry to school in UK for summer born children? As in not deferred but delayed for a full year. Any advice or comments please
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Surely it’s the same thing? What’s your reason for delaying for a year? I deferred my daughter, she started reception class last month. She’s an end August baby so just turned 5.

@Neena no that’s delayed. Deferred is where they basically Skip reception and start at year 1 same age as their peers but they don’t have to go to reception. I don’t understand the point really but I’ve been reading about it. Apparently delayed is not a right, it’s an agreement with the school. How did it go for you? Was it easy? How did you go about it

@Neena Can I ask the process of this please?

@Neena my reason for delaying is simply she’s born end of July and I think they start too early anyway.

Ah ok yes I understand what you mean. The terminology does get confusing! When they skip reception and go straight into year 1, it is detrimental to the child’s education because reception is a fundamental year. There’s literally no point in delaying and then going into Y1, the whole point of having a delayed start is that the child starts in reception! @Beth the law has changed, delayed is now a right and schools do have to agree to it. Most are on board but some may require a reminder about the law change and they have to get with the programme. I wrote a 10 page legal letter to my local council who are in charge of the delayed start, anticipating a fight as I’d heard terrible things about said county council when it came to delayed starts but lo and behold they simply agreed and said yes no problem, apply again next year 😂

@Neena oh wow thank you! When was the law change? I can only find stuff that says it’s not a right. The defer seems to be but I agree with you they is literally no point in that.

@Laurie you have to write a letter to your local county council who deal with delayed starts, stating your reasons why you want to. They should reply back with a yes/no. They council also said I had to apply for a school place for the year, so in my case, this was for Sept 2023 intake, she got accepted for the school we had chosen but I had to decline the place stating delayed start. I had to go through the whole process again last year for Sept 2024 intake, with no guarantee that she was gonna get into the same school but luckily she did and this time round I accepted the place and she started last month. I cannot tell you the difference a year has made. My daughter didn’t need to be deferred as she is smart, independent etc but the stats speak for themselves about summer borns. I’m thinking about the long term implications, not just these early years.

@Beth going straight into Y1 is a huge no no. Your child needs to go through Reception as that’s where they learn the foundations of everything. How to spell, phonics, writing, maths. If your child went straight into Y1 from either staying at home or coming from a pre-school they’d be at a massive disadvantage of not knowing and understanding the fundamentals of what they’re being taught. They will always be behind. Don’t let any school try and fob you off. Reception year is crucial for children. I cannot state that enough!

@Neena I’m totally on board with needing reception year, I have experience in schools I understand how important it is. I can’t see anything about a law change on my county council website it still states it is a request. What did you state as your reasons?

@Neena Thankyou for such a detailed reply, that's really helpful. My daughter is 16th August and due to start next year but she's nowhere near ready. Plus potentially autistic

@Beth @Laurie I suggest you guys join this group, it was invaluable for help when we were going through the process.

I wouldn’t delay it - I wouldn’t have them skip reception that’s a HUGE transition and they miss a lot of play before doing more structured work I would defer and the schools can refuse this BUT they have to prove why it’s in the child’s best interest (it never is!) My only concerns with deferring is that secondary schools don’t have to continue to admit out of official cohort so children could end up skipping year 6 or year 7 if secondary’s decide not to follow it x

I would definitely not have them skip reception - so important for them If you start them a year later in year r just be aware at some point they may have to skip a year to catch up with their age group

I know 3 friends who delayed their august babies. All 3 started in reception. Not Y1. I believe for high school they’ll have to apply for them to start in Y7 too as opposed to Y8. Join the summer admissions fb group.

Second to join the Facebook group… this is a big topic and lots to consider but lots of helpful information and experience on there. I’m currently debating between starting my august 21 boy part time with his year group or requesting to start reception the year after, definitely wouldn’t want him to start in year 1. Varies area fo area and school to school but you can always fight for your child’s best interests if you are armed with the right information 😊

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