Exhausted mom mistakes

My husband won’t forgive me or treat me like the human I am. I let go of my 7mo on the bed to reach the other direction and grab something and he immediately went for the end of the bed and fell off. He is okay. I am not. He fell once from the couch because I let go for a second. And other time he fell from the changing table when I let go for a second. It has not happened at any of these places more than once yet I make the mistake again but somewhere else. His big head topples him over, or he learns to move so fast in a day or two that I’m not used to it. My husband won’t forgive me. I don’t understand what he wants from me - he wants me to say it’s inexcusable? Yes, I made a mistake. I’m always awake. Sorry there’s a reason for this. Im exhausted, I’m not at 100%. Im not drinking or smoking. I never want this to happen! I’m imperfect. I’m not gonna get it right all the time. This is one of those things yet he says he doesn’t have this happen. I’m the SAHM/P. I have the most time with him. Can anyone relate? I’m not gonna get into the worse of it I received from him but know that this is the sugar coated version.
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I can understand why he is upset. Once is an accident, twice is a mistake and a third time is a pattern of carelessness. HOWEVER that doesn't give him the right to treat you like less than a human being. You should make it clear to him that his behavior is unacceptable and if he can't see that you are struggling and need help then HE is the problem. If this keeps happening because you are so exhausted then it's time dad stepped up and helped out more. Working dad gets breaks at work and gets to clock out for the day but you as a SAHM work 24/7. You should discuss setting up a more balanced division of labor where you also get time to rest and recuperate. That being said, I'm afraid you are being a bit careless. If this has happened more than twice then you should create precautions for it. Keeping one hand on him at all times, strapping him down, setting him down in the crib or on the floor until you've prepared everything you need, etc. You got this 👍🏽

My baby felt twice it happens… it’s normal for him to be upset and hold u to higher standards but that’s about it. He shouldn’t be causing u guilt or like a bad mom. Then he is using it against u which is not right.. Trust me if my BF was watching our daughter she would fall every day . Don’t listen to ur man unless he is the SAHP . They don’t know crap

Honestly it happens. Our life doesn't stop and we don't stop doing stuff just because they're awake. Is someone going to come and hand you a diaper or whatever you didn't grab? My husband got mad the second time he fell off the couch and was my fault and the time after that it was his fault he fell off the bed. Oh why did you put him so close go the edge? They don't realize how quick things happen until it happens to them.

My baby fell twice too; we just change him on the floor mostly now, it’s easier. He is a big boy, and as soon as he could roll it was too much stress to be changing him on a place he could hurt himself. I used to put barriers of pillows on the edges of the bed too to make it harder for him to roll off if we were playing on the bed. You will need to come up with different ways to keep him safe now he’s at rolling/crawling age. X

@Kimarys im surprised you can say it’s carelessness so confidently when you are only 5 months in yourself. It hasn’t been the same place each time and occurrences are months apart (3mos, 5mos, 7mos). I don’t have experience with babies. This is all new and so fast how they develop new skills all the time.

It may be 5 months with my own child but I was a professional nanny for many years. Attempting to minimize my opinion by attacking what you believe to be my level of experience is sad. I made it clear in my previous post that I believe you can learn from past mistakes and do better. I even gave potential solutions to your problem and condemned your husband's behavior. Based on your reaction though, it seems you have a problem accepting accountability.

@Kimarys It’s absolutely my fault. I don’t know how to be more aware and not do “careless” things than learning from my mistakes or someone else’s that I’ve seen. Yes I appreciate the tips, but sometimes they don’t seem better in the moment or I forget how fast he can move. I actually learn something from women’s stories on peanut. There was no attack on your level experience. I was only pointing out your time in the possibility of something like this (3 falls) happening to you, 5month worth of possibilities versus 7. But I hope and assume it won’t happen to you since you have had so much experience being a nanny. We will all have different periods of motherhood where we shine and where we struggle.

I agree and I want to be clear that my comment about "carelessness" wasn't meant to be an attack even though it did seem harsh. Babies are fast and can do unexpected things. I only meant that after the second time an incident occurs, it's no longer unexpected. Babies also always find interesting ways to get themselves into trouble and all we can do is try to prevent as many as we can with as little information as possible. I meant what I said before, you can do this and your husband needs to step up.

Aw god it’s happens!! My partner went away for the weekend and my daughter slept terribly, she’s woken up and I hadn’t heard her, straight off the end of the bed, lip popped open. Two days ago, she was toddling along and fell and hit her head off the concrete. Raising children is so difficult especially when sleep deprived. You cannot have it held over your head, you didn’t let it happen on purpose. What’s going to happen when he inevitably is with your child when they hurt themselves?? I’m sorry you’re going through this but I wouldn’t let anyone crucify me over an accident. Is he just constantly being mean to you over it?

I actually do agree with @Kimarys and don’t think her experience of ‘just 5 months’ should be diminished. 5 months with a newborn is still a huge learning curve and a lot happens in that time. I think we all need to be aware that our babies are changing and developing sometimes literally overnight and we need to be prepared and diminish risk as much as possible. If I need to take my eye off my LO even for a second I put her on a ground surface where I know she can’t fall from just because I know she is so strong and there are things she would be capable of doing she hasn’t shown me yet! It’s also not right of your husband to make you feel bad, it is a learning curve for all of us and these things will happen to us all. We are all tired and it is truly exhausting but we have the most important job in the world taking care of our tiny humans.

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