First day of solo-parenting newborn did not go well :(

My little girl is 5 weeks on Wednesday. My husband had to go back to work today after 4 weeks with me. It was hard when it was the two of us.. But alone?? 😭 She was so distressed all day. She's sicked up on 3 outfits. She would not let me put her down and when I attempted to so I could go pee, she screamed until she was red in the face. I couldn't figure out how to set up her pram on my own and basically spent most of the day one handed and unable to do anything aside from hold her and sob because I felt like I was failing as a mum 😭 My husband walked in and I burst into tears. It's harder because I'm going to be going to bed at 7 so i can take over from him at 1am (our girl won't sleep unless contact napping so we have to split the nightshift).. So I basically can eat dinner with him and then I have to go to sleep. I'm dreading tomorrow already. Good grief. Someone please tell me this gets easier. 🫠🫠🫠
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My first day alone was exactly the same!! It gets so much easier don’t worry.

It gets easier 100% Maybe try a sling/carrier, if it works it might give you a second hand free. My best advice is that no matter how much you dread the next day, the next day is never how you thought it would be. This is both ways, it can be much better or you thought it would be better it won't. When I stopped worrying about the next day, I wasn't surprised anymore 🤣it took me months

Sending you a virtual hug. You’re doing the best you can do and that’s enough. My LG is now 4 months and I can tell you it’s so much easier than it was at 5 weeks so hang in there. Here are a few things that I found to be helpful: baby carrier, walking around the flat with her in the pushchair, and a dummy. Have you tried swaddling? It makes it a bit easier to transfer baby to her bed if she falls asleep on you.

Hi there ! I swear to you it is gonna be easier ! Did you try dark room + sound machine + crib next to you + sheets with your odor + swaddle + put her gently after she fall asleep in your arms after 5-10minutes ? That worked for me to put my baby in the crib but every babies are différents… my baby I had to wait until he was well asleep but not too long bc he would cry waking up if I waited to much 🫠 Anyway , you are still in early postpartum, hormones are crazy, lack of sleep, broken brain…. It’s normal !! I was feeling like you, crying for nothing and all, everything seemed a mountain … Can you go walk outside ? Ask your hubby to settle the pram before going to work so that you don’t have to do it . Baby falls alseep easily in strollers !! An other thing : it is ok to let your baby cry for 5minutes if you need a break, or to go to the bathroom. As long as you know she’s fed and dry. Mama you are doing your best, I promise it gets better very soon 💜

That’s okay that your first day was a bit of a disaster. You’ll get your rhythm soon! Your baby will eventually learn to sleep on its own. The struggle doesn’t last forever ♥️

I feel yaaa, I’m a single mum to a 6 week old baby so just know you are not alone ! 🫶🏼 My boy mainly likes contact naps also, so it’s impossible to get anything done! I have these same issues, when to pee or get food 😂 🤦🏻‍♀️ I got out the house alone today, that was an achievement so don’t be hard on yourself, tomorrow will be a better day 🙏🏼

My mother in law is helping us and once my husband is going to work i will have my mom for 5weeks. I feel you, you are strong and it will get easier. Try to get some help if you can.

Hopefully tomorrow will be better. Try and set up a safe place for her when u need to go toilet or get food. Does she have anything downstairs can you try white noise music. Hope tomo is better and it does get easier

For my first baby I had my hubby for a week And that included the stay at hospital cuz I had an emergency c section. No one stayed home with me, I’m just wanting to say even if you have no help at all. You will be fine! I promise

It does get easier promise! I had quite a few disaster days in the early weeks I won’t lie but you get to learn ways to make things go a bit smoother for yourself and the little one. I used to find it helpful that when my partner got in from work to get things ready for the next day eg. Have a practice with the pram, get outfits and nappy bag sorted etc. Also found it helpful to have different places in the house to put the baby down when I needed to get stuff done, like a bassinet in the living room, a baby bouncer in the kitchen, I also used to sit my son in his baby bath when I needed to pee! Haha and just try to remember that whenever it feels like things aren’t going to get better that everything is temporary, and don’t be too hard on yourself, you are keeping a tiny human alive so your doing amazing!

it gets easier i promise!! you’ll get a routine and she’ll start sleeping longer!! this was how my daughter was at 5 weeks and now she sleeps long stretches, lets me put her down, i found that feeding her sitting more up right, burping her after every 2oz of milk and then sitting with her up right to let her digest it has helped tremendously with her spitting up. she used to spit up on everything but now rarely. you’ll get into the swing of things! remember that you’re a first time mom and we need to learn what works for our baby. you’re not a bad mom you’re a new mom:)

It'll get easier, I don't have a huge amount to say other than to agree with someone else here. It is a 100% ok for your baby to cry for 5-10 minutes so you can use the loo or make yourself some food or get a breather. You have to look after you to be able to look after her. Put her down somewhere safe and give yourself 5 minutes. You are not failing because she's crying and unsettled, she's a baby, it's what they do! She is safe, fed, loved and comfortable and you are there. Which means she is ok and you are doing just fine!

i’m sorry you had a rough day! i’ve totally been there and i promise it will get better! you’re still learning and figuring things out, sounds like you’re trying your best and that’s all that matters. and if all you do is cuddle your baby all day that’s okay ❤️ i hope tomorrow will be easier

But it wasn't a disaster! You looked after baby and got through the day! Things will get easier as you get into a groove.

You did amazing, 5 week old babies are hard work and trust me when I say it will get easier with each day! I remember when my daughter was a newborn I would often sob to myself when alone with her thinking how hard it is! A baby carrier was great as they love being close and can still get things done I had the aura baby wrap it’s a stretchy one x

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You did so well! My first day was the same, I gave in and rang my dad and he came over. The next day I cried more than the baby. You should be so proud of yourself ❤️ if you have space, try putting the pram up tonight and leave it up, so you're ready to go tomorrow for some fresh air. You've got this, you're smashing it! 💪🏻❤️ I also second a baby carrier, I had the baby bjorn carrier and it was a god send, having 2 hands definitely helps!

I was so scared at the thought of being alone with my baby 😭but he’s 2 months and we’re chilling right now. I promise it gets better, you’re going to find your rhythm and have some type of routine as the days go by. Hang in there

Does babe have colic or reflux? Could be why they were so cry-ey All I can say is those days happen to everyone and you smashed it because you survived it (however you needed to) and baby is loved and looked after It does get easier YouTube is your friend for pram demos xxx

It will get easier, a lot later 😭😭😭😭 but there's hope haha. That was me, pretty much single handed for longgggg months. Baby now walks and eve tho she's still clingy she can do stuff on her own lol

Our baby only contact napped and the split shift nights were not sustainable for my husband and me - we got a purflo sleep nest at about 5 weeks old and an electric heat pad from Amazon. He slept in the purflo every night until he was about 5 months old, it fit into our next to me. Every time I got him out and before bed I turned on the heater and put it in the purflo to make it warm and cosy as it seemed he couldn’t stand his head being put down on cold. We were desperate and it worked for us so thought I’d share. Also when transferring go very slowly and always do head last! You’ve got this xx

You have got this mumma ✨🫶🏼

5 week old babies are tough. It was one of the hardest ages to date and my baby is 9 months old. Definitely baby wear. That way baby can sleep and you can at least go pee or have 2 hands. Also it’s ok for baby to cry if you set them down for a few mins to do something for you. You can’t take care of baby if you don’t take care of yourself

Sounds exactly like my day yesterday with my partner first full day back at work and me on my own 😔 I cried so much and think I can’t do this anymore! Feel like the whole day I just spend feeding him or trying to settle him from crying and if he does fall asleep it’s on me and will only last 5 minutes in the basket! I made lunch and it took me 4 hours until I could eat it 😔 I really hope it gets better l x

Yeah it’s hard! Wrap sling was a life saver for me in those first few months, always my number 1 recommendation to any new mama 🙏🏼

I bought a mamaroo it was a lifesaver .. she just loved the motion of it and napped and it’s a bonus that you do not have to go out in the car . It was a real godsend back then

Hi lovely you live 20 mins from me, I’ll message you. Being a mum is bloody hard and your emotions are very valid. When my first baby was born three years ago I BAWLED my eyes out on hubs first day back and called him home early. It does get easier I promise xx

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