Crying baby

My little girl is four months old and honestly I’m not sure what the issue is with her but she literally HATES her car seat and her pram! She cries so much to the point she’s losing her breath. We go to our parents home which is literally 7mins on the car, but we have to stop about 4 times to take her out and console her. A 7min drive takes 20-30min. It’s even come to the point I literally refuse to go out with her and opt to stay at home. It’s so unfair for my husband and my little boy because they’re doing things and I can’t go because of my daughter. She hates her pram, hates laying in it and screams the street down if I take her for a walk. I have to literally carry her home! Does anyone recommend anything, or do you know why she’s doing this? I feed her, I even put her to sleep but she knows I’ve put her in the car seat/pram and she’ll start! We have my brother in laws wedding at the end of the month and we have our friend’s wedding on the weekend and I’m literally dreading it. My little boy was never like this I don’t understand why she is like this 😩
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My baby did this in her car seat for ages. It wasn’t until i realised i could move the head rest up that she was ok. I never knew you could do that so it made me feel awful that she was so uncomfortable in it!

It might be a physical discomfort. Have you tried adjusting the insert or straps? My mom keeps pushing me to bring my LO to a chiro, she thinks he has some posture discomfort so this is also in the back of my mind when I hear about babies that hate their seats.

I’ve taken the insert out, I feel like she’s gone too big for it now. But she still cries in her car seat. I don’t think it’s discomfort because I try and keep her comfortable in it. She has enough room and her straps are tight enough. She’s like this in her pram. She still in her basinet..

I absolutely feel your pain as my little boy was exactly the same and I was going out of my mind. What worked for us was changing him from his infant carrier to the joie 360 ispin, we trialled him in our older boys and he literally slept the whole time and didn't cry once - literally the first time ever. He rarely cries now and is only when we first put him in and are not moving. As for the pram I have had to train him but again swapped him from the carry cot to the more upright sitting bit and he much prefers this too. I think he has silent reflux so these two being changed has helped a lot. I also use a rockit on the pram even when walking and this helps too. Wishing you good luck I know how stressful it is especially when you have an older one too x

My son hated the car seat whilst it was rear facing and cried everytime! Once I could forward face him at round 10 months he was SO much better (this was 10 years ago when you didn't get hung for doing it). As for the pram, maybe switch over to the seat depending on how old she is?

Ah sorry u said 4 months! Same as my girl and we're now using the seat

I let her cry in the car on short trips. I hate it but 10 mins or less she’ll be okay. I play music & have a lil fake fish tank to look at back there, it sort of helps. Usually by the time we get wherever she’s tuckered out.

Our 3 month old has been the same in the car recently. We have been giving her something to look at / play with recently which has helped and if anyone could sit in the back with her and chat we will do that. She also isn’t a fan of the bassinet, whilst going through this fussy phase we have been using a baby bjorn carrier instead x

Hey, we have the same issue. We basically given up on the pram and just use a carrier which he still screams when he first goes in but then falls asleep. Car wise we have decided to limit it to 30 mins max and then get public transport for further journeys. If he's due a nap I play white noise close to his head as soon as we get in the car (I sit in the back) and he will sometimes fall asleep. and if he's wide awake I'll play dancing fruit. It doesn't always distract him for the whole journey but any less time crying the better. We don't actually stop usually if it's less than 15/20 mins to go on the journey but it is very traumatic hearing him scream. I'm usually crying by the end and my husband is mad. 😔

Same here, when he cries we open windows to let fresh air in as I have noticed that our car seat makes him sweat, if we driving our car is usually very cool inside we switch heating just to remove fog inside the car.

We are exactly the same. I also have a nearly 2yo who never did this. I can't sit in the back as I don't fit and tbh Im usually on my own. I've tried swapping to next size seat, white noise, the happy song, transferring when asleep, being wide awake. Nothing works for us and he's wet through from sweating and crying by the end of a 15 mins drive. I' m at a loss really., just praying when he's more aware of surroundings he'll be able to look in the mirror and see me and I can talk to him.

Maybe she has slight reflux and that's why she doesn't like to be laid down? At 4 months you can switch to other part of pram, just e mid position not sitting straight 🙂

My boy is the same in the pram so I just use carrier. Car seat I have to try my best to time trips with his naps and I pop the car seat on pram wheels and get him to sleep on there then put him in car asleep. Sometimes we have had to make journeys of up to 20 minutes with him crying unfortunately. Where possible I sit in the back (in between baby seat and toddler seat 🥴) if my partner is driving, but this is just weekends as he's working obviously through the week. My daughter loved her pram and didnt mind the car so this is a phase I can't wait to be over X

My boy is the exact same, every day now I just sit in the car with him for 3-5mins (not driving) just hoping he gets used to the environment. So far it’s not made any difference so I’m also at a bit of a loss!! He also hates the pram!

My 2yo was like this when she was a baby. Like others have said, we used the carrier loads instead of the pram, but she was happier when we moved the seat part and she could be more upright and see more. Same with the car seat, she was happier when we used the next stage car seat which is more upright. We do ERF so have Axkid and Britax seats. Maybe I’m mean but for 7 minutes I would just turn up the music and just drive, I sat in the back with her for family trips out though. We also realised she had lots of tension from the birth and had torticollis, so we saw an osteopath for a few sessions and I think that really helped too.

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My first was like this, we put him in the pram seat from about 9 weeks old and reclined it - made a world of difference. On car seats we ended up getting the cybex cloud which reclines and was an absolute game changer

My baby up until about 2 weeks ago absolutely HATED her carseat and would scream her head off every time in the car. I started to just put her in it for 5 mins at a time couple times a day and then take her out before the crying would start. And also do the short school run journey with a mirror (before my partner would just do the school runs alone and she didn't have a mirror) she seems to be getting much better. She still hates the pram and will not go in it, but I think it's because I've rarely ever used it so has never gotten used to it. She likes being in the carrier so I've always just used that. But it's a bit of a pain when my back is bad 😫

I have the same issue with my boy! Hates the car seat and his carrycot. In terms of the car seat, I've hung a colourful soft plush toy from the cars grab handles, just by his window. The toy has a rattle/bell inside so it helps distract him somewhat when we're driving he stares at it a lot. It doesn't always work but I've found he's much better than when it wasn't there. I haven't tackled the pram issue yet but I'm finding it more difficult to physically carry him around everywhere we go now that he's starting to get bigger and heavier. Im thinking of transferring his pram from the carrycot to the seated pushchair. It has a 5-point harness and padding around the neckline, so his head will be supported and I can recline it back a little I'm hoping he'll be happier that way when he can sit up and see everything but yet to test it x

Ahh I’m sorry to hear all your little bubbas are the same. yesterday I fed her and put her to sleep and got her into her car seat and we drove to the party which was 30mins away. Thankfully she didn’t wake up until we got there and on the way back I did the same, fed her and put her to sleep. She slept and the last 15mins before we got home she woke up and cried. We unfortunately couldn’t stop to get her out because we were on the motorway, but for about 10mins she cried non stop. I felt awful but she kind of understood that we weren’t going to stop and she just sat in her seat sulking 🫠 today is the wedding but I’m not going, she isn’t feeling too well. Going to take her out tomorrow for a few mins and get her used to the car environment. I feel like an awful mum because I just let cry and cry. She was so annoyed with me 😂 she refused to have milk when we got home until later in the evening. I think we just need to let her cry it out until she realises the car isn’t stopping for her

@Aneasa Absolutely, you have to go where you have to & she’ll get the hang eventually.

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