NHS not being helpful.

I’m officially 32weeks today, due November 21st and haven’t been told how much my baby weighs or estimated weight bare in mind at my 12week & 20week scan I was told my baby is weighing behind…so how do I go about this as it’s really been stressing me out and no one’s giving me answers
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This wouldn't be a standard measurement for most trusts. Typically your community midwife would measure bump to get an estimated measure of baby. This is a fundal height measurement and therefore not weight. If there is any concern with these measurements, only then would you be referred for a growth scan. They can give you an estimated weight from the growth scan but tbh even they can be quite inaccurate so I'd always take it all with a pinch of salt x

I think you'd only find this out if you were being sent for growth scans. You could ask to be sent for one? Are they measuring your bump? They'd send you for scans if they were concerned so no news is good news maybe 🤷‍♀️ I know it's horrible not knowing but I'm sure if they were concerned they'd be doing something x

You wouldn’t be told that on the nhs unless you are having growth scans or additional scans for medical reason. It’s perfectly normal to just have a 12 and 20 weeks scan and then have the bump measured following that x

You can ask for the graphs and measurements of each scan, in my area we have an app where I can see all the details of a scan after, (I had two growth for one for being too small and one for accelerated growth) both times it came back normal and I had the weights listed on there. But these weight measurements can be inaccurate. If your baby is weighing behind it’s probably not behind enough to cause concern which is a good thing. If she would be under a certain centile they would send you for a growth scan to check. One time my tummy was measured at 26 weeks they said its too small, so they sent me for growth scan, it was all normal, then at 34 weeks I measured as accelerated growth, again went for growth scan and it was all normal on the charts. If you want ask for what centile she is on the graph and they can explain to you what she’d have to be below to cause concern. Try asking for the print out of the graph and measurements of your scans.

I am also 32 weeks, due Nov 20th ☺️ as previously said it’s only bump measurements so far but always mention how you are feeling and any concerns with the midwife - particularly if this is causing you stress!

If they’ve had scans and printed scan reports it will be on there. If you have online notes then it will be on the growth charts on there. You may just need to convert them from g to lb and oz. Just remember the weights aren’t often that accurate If you haven’t had scans we don’t offer our weights based on an abdominal measurement as they really aren’t accurate at calculating detail weight

Unless they have concerns, you don't get any scans on the NHS after 20 weeks, and the measurements they do at appointments aren't very accurate. I had 2 straight forward pregnancies so no extra scans and no idea how big my babies would be (8lb 10oz and 9lb 1oz). If you're that worried maybe get a private scan. I understand you're stressed about this but it is the way it is with NHS

Have you had a growth scan since your 20 weeks scan? That's the only way you'll get an estimated weight. But it is only an estimate

With my first pregnancy I never found out. Unless there is a concern from your midwive, you would not be referred for growth scans and yiu will not get estimated measurements.

Same here my baby was very small (10th percentile) at 20w scan, but apparently they only offer extra scans if they’re 9th percentile or less. 😖 My bump is measuring ‘on time’ but I don’t see how that’s reliable. So I get no further scans. Everyone also comments that my bump looks small

Yeaah they only tend to tell you this at a growth... If they're concerned they tell you and you get further scans. They then go on your bump. I've had two growth scans from bump measurements being behind, each time baby is weighing ahead. They're not remotely concerned at all. Trust me, my second scan I saw a consultant too and he was like "I don't know why you're here". So if they are concerned they will refer you for another scan and if they are remotely concerned from that one, you'll get more.

I agree. NHS are unhelpful! I went for a growth scan and they didn’t tell me anything apart from “all good” and I had to keep asking questions.

@Nasra Growth scans are there to check the baby is growing well so "yup all good" is literally all you really need. They're not there to tell you what size clothes to buy etc. I got given "perfect growth" and that was pretty much it. They're medical scans that check the health of the baby so the actual data from them goes to the professionals that can interpret them. If you've had a growth scan..that is them being helpful and checking the health of your baby and function of the placenta. If you want all the pink and fluffy that's where private ones come in.

@Bethan I wasn’t implying what you mentioned above. I don’t care for the baby clothes size etc. I just asked wanted to know the percentile and the heart rate to be told me to be. Just the important information you know? Rather than someone rushing you during the scan.

@Nasra I'll be honest. I only got told percentile because I asked specifically. It's not important unless it's too low or too high. As for heart rate. Never been told that at any scan. Especially not a growth scan. Just get told it's all healthy and fine and nothing to worry about. I've been on a CTG machine about 4 times too and their heart rate changes from one minute to the next so again. Specific heart rate not relevant unless it's indicating an issue. At which point, they tell you. So I don't really get your complaint. They told you your baby has no problems and you're not happy with that?

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@Bethan I’m not complaining I’m just saying it’s good to talk to the pregnant woman who’s lying on the bed. Instead of attending an appointment where she had to wait an extra hour because other people were taking long, to be just told yeah everything is good you can go now. Anyway I don’t think you understand what I’m talking about. I’m not going to bother anyway.

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