My Pregnancy Notes

I find this website so confusing to use!! 🙈 So I had a midwife appointment on Friday when I was 34+6 and midwife said baby girl was measuring all fine and nothing else really said. I’m just looking on the ‘My Pregnancy Notes’ site on my portal and found the growth chart, is the red diamond her latest measurement? Also the estimated weight in the box at the top left, is that for my baby? Sounds like such a stupid question but I’m so lost 😂 more panicking as if it is, that means she’s weighing around 7lb 7oz already and I’m only 35+2! I know it’s hard to go by the fundal height but now I’m scared she’s going to be huge when every appointment I’ve asked is she growing big or at an average rate, I’ve been told she’s growing steadily and not big etc!
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Where did you find this on my pregnancy notes lol 😆 I've not round this yet and I thought I looked through every section!

Thanks I'll look, might be because it's on a computer and I'm on my phone x Oh and yes the red diamond is your latest fundal height measurement, I wouldn't worry because it's not very accurate - they could have measured from a slightly different point last time x

I think the optimal weight in top left is what their optimal weight at time of delivery would be, and the red dots if you follow them across to the right is their estimated weight at that point in time If it reassures you at all I was measuring on the 95th and 97th centiles, sent for a growth scan and baby wasn’t big at all, estimated on 61st centile! So very inaccurate!

Same here I ask the doctor to interpret

Her estimated weight based on fundal height chart was approx 3000g and then the scan it was 2448g, so a huge difference!

I noticed how none of us have got the parameters filled in the top left, surely they're pretty important for figuring out if you're having a "big baby" or if it's because you're very tall or because of your ethnicity

Yes optimal weight in the corner is the weight they expect baby to be by your due date. Your baby seems to be measuring at 36cm which is fine for 35+2, generally your bump should measure around the same amount of weeks you are. You do seem on the bigger side of normal but still normal. But anyway, your fundal height is not reflective of the size of your baby Important to remember they’re measuring your bump and not your baby!

@Becca this is very reassuring! 😆 I know it’s never accurate really I just panicked when I thought she was 7.7 already 😂

@Charley mines got height but nothing else!

Is this an app or something I only have my hand written notes? 🤔

@Courteney yeah it's called my pregnancy notes... Not every area uses an app though I don't think? It's pretty rubbish as most stuff doesn't ever go on to it so I have to ask for paper copies anyway!

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