
What are peoples experiences with nurseries? My LO is due to start some settling in sessions the end of October when he’ll be 10 1/2 months old. We liked the nursery when we went to visit but I’ve become so anxious to send him there! He has some separation anxiety and I’m so nervous he’ll just scream there and have to come home 😔
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My little one started a month ago at 9.5 months and he’s turned really really clingy. He’s not really enjoying it at all and screams when I drop him and they have to pull him off me, it makes me feel awful!!! I literally bawl my eyes out. I’ve only been leaving him 3.5-4hrs (I’m paying for 7:30-3:30) Not every child is like this though, my friends little boy goes to the same place and never was like this going. I’m really considering taking him out because they said he’s quite sad all day there which I just hate, I’m torn between leaving it longer and seeing if he’ll settle in or just stopping sending him as it’s making him have really bad seperation anxiety… he won’t go to anyone but his dad now (or me ofc) not saying this to scare you just our experience currently, so many people said it was amazing for their little ones!! I’d say give it a try, your little one might surprise you! All children are so different xx

My eldest started at around that age and the drop offs were bad for the first few weeks. He would cry on hand over and I had to get my husband to do them because I found it too difficult. But, he was eating a bit, sleeping a bit and in photos he was playing and looked happy. I was reassured the whole time by the nursery. Then, after those initial weeks, no tears on drop off, and the eating increased, nap lengths increased and we all just felt settled. Not every baby is going to find it easy. And the nursery will be used to using all their tricks to comfort little ones as much as they can. Nobody likes to leave their crying baby, it’s hard enough already and the mum guilt can be all consuming, but they’re in safe and capable hands. They’re learning that you always come back- it’s a notorious age for separation anxiety! They’re learning that other people can and will take care of them. Then they start to learn so much from the other babies, enjoying the different toys and opportunities.

My LO started at around 7 months and we haven’t had any issues - she’s gone into a clingy phase at home but she doesn’t get upset at drop-off or pick-up. I don’t think it’s inevitable that your baby will be upset so try not to worry - the little ones pick up on our moods and can tell when we’re anxious! I tried some CBT techniques when she first started, to really mask any anxiety from her and make the drop-offs a really fun and exciting, positive experience. Most nursery staff will be super experienced with separation anxiety - I spent one morning with my LO settling her in and I saw how amazing the staff were with a little boy there who had pretty extreme separation anxiety - they were so loving and caring, he settled down quickly and it put my mind at rest. Does your nursery offer a settling in session where you can attend, maybe, see how they do things?

Also echoing other comments about how much they learn - our experience with nursery has been nothing but positive, baba’s milestones are coming on in leaps and bounds!

My LO starts officially Wednesday but she’s just had 2 settling in sessions. She couldn’t be happier there. No tears at all, she’s 8m and she’s just happy crawling round playing with the other babies. She honestly couldn’t care less that I’m not there 😂😂😂 I do think her personality helps though, she’s quite an independent baby and she loves other kids so that’s obvs a massive bonus.

Thank you so much everyone for your honest experiences 🥹 I’m still super nervous but I know I just need to be brave and try it! I’ve read that nursery can be so beneficial especially since we don’t know many people with babies for him to socialise with ❤️

my little girl has just done her first full day after 3 settling in sessions and she's absolutely loving it so far. she's 9.5 months...she's not cried and just slotted right in like she's always been there they Saif. however there are quite a few new little ones in her room who are taking longer to settle and still getting upset etc. but from what I've seen they are so well looked after and get lots of cuddles. they are all different and it's so hard to leave them and trust others with them but it will be fine xxx

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