Growth scan weight vs birth weight

Can you guys advise what your baby’s estimate weight on growth scans was vs how much they actually weighed at birth? Just had my 36w scan and baby is weighing 6 lb 12 apparently 🤷🏼‍♀️
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I had a scan on the Monday and they said he was 7Ib 15oz. Went into slow labour Tuesday night. Had him Thursday lunchtime and he was 7Ib 9oz. He was born 37+3 so would have been massive had I got to 40 weeks 🤣 I'm tiny aswell!!

My baby was estimated at 6lb at 36 weeks as well, not had him yet but I have got another scan on Tuesday x

@Emma oh wow so yours was pretty spot on then 😂 congrats!! Xx

@Emily that was 5 years ago but thankyou!! Got baby number 3 coming soon xx

Had my 36 week scan last week and was told baby was weighing 5lb 10! The consultant wanted me to go for induction on Monday due to slowed growth but I’m only 37 weeks and have no other risk factors that would warrant induction so feeling apprehensive about it all🥺

@Abi if you aren’t feeling comfortable ask them to at least push it back a few weeks or rescan you at 38? I’ve seen so many people say they get the weights so wrong x

@Abi I’ve had the exact same conversation today, I’m 37 + 4 and his growth has dropped off ever so slightly, despite all his lung, heart, brain etc all looking perfect the doctor started talking about induction. I asked if there was any concern about his health and well being and he said no, so I stood my ground and asked ‘then why should we deliver him early?’ In which he didn’t have much of a response tbh. I spoke with a friend of my MIL who’s been a sonographer/midwife for MANY years and she stressed how as long as all is looking good with the placenta, brain, lungs etc she wouldn’t rush delivery at this stage! It really upset me that I felt I was being forced into an induction I didn’t want, but defo standing my ground until there are concerns for his well being! Xx

I was told my first would be ‘huge’ (9-10lb) so it made up one of a few reasons that I was induced at 39w. He was only 6lb15oz!

My daughter was estimated to be 5lbs 12oz at 36 weeks and I was later induced due to her being small for gestational age, she was born 5lbs 14oz at 37 weeks x

5 pounds 8 at 39 weeks, born at 39+3 at 5 pounds 11 🩷

My first was close but not quite spot at 39+0 she was estimated 7lb 14oz and born at 39+5 at 8lb 1oz so only an oz or two off from the estimate. At 36 weeks plus they should be putting on .5 lb(8oz) a week or just over an oz a day. There is +/- 2lb error on estimated weight at this point as they are big and wiggly and some sonographers are better at getting accurate measurements than others. I had a scan yesterday at 36 +1 and was estimating 6lb 4oz. So his range would be 4lbs 4oz to 8lbs 4oz currently and 6lbs 4 oz to 10lbs 4oz give or take a few oz at 40 +1. With my daughter born at 8lb 1oz that is an accurate window for me. They have measured similar sizes the whole way through it’s hard to compare past 20 weeks though as my growth scans have not been at the same gestation as my first but the estimated birth weight going off of this last scan is within a .5 lb of his sister so we will see!

My first was well off! They said he was big at 8lb, big man was born at 10lb 2! I’m currently 36 weeks pregnant again with her being 8lb currently but they won’t induce me until 39 weeks! So another double figure baby incoming!😂😂x

@Beth hi Beth, I am in a similar position with our first baby, he is measuring in the 99th percentile and I’ve been offered c section or induction at 39weeks, are they going to induce you just because of the baby measuring big? Or are there other factors? I’ve been getting conflicting information about the need for induction just because the baby is large for their gestational age, hence the question.

@Justyna have you looked up Dr Sara Wickham? She has loads of facts and info on induction x

@Justyna no it’s genuinely just because he’s big, places have different rules, my first I was allowed to be induced from 37 weeks but this time around it’s all changed so got to wait until 39! I do have slightly raised blood pressure but nothing major and that there concerned about! You can just request an induction as soon as you hit the right week☺️ my first was born in the 99th centile there so cuddly💙

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@Abi I’m quite shocked they are wanting to induce you early! my baby is measuring on the 10th percentile very small and slow growth but they want me to go full term and will only induce if baby isn’t here by 40 weeks! I had a growth scan at 33w and baby was measuring 4lb and I got my 36 week scan in a week x

At 35 weeks they said baby was 7 pounds 1, im getting another one on Monday to see what he weighs again, they have told me to think about getting induced or having a c-section at 39 weeks I’m due the 14th of October x

@Kirsty how do you feel about having a c section or getting induced early? It will be interesting to see what the weight is showing on Monday x

@Emily I’m in to minds really, they said if he comes out naturally he could get stuck or I could get cut so that scared me, I’m leaning to c-section if I’m honest but I wanna no what he weighs before I make a decision x

My 1st was predicted 9lb 6oz and was born 5 days later at 10lb 11oz😂 x

I'm due 14th October baby at 36 weeks weighing 7lb. I'll be getting stretched and sweep at 38 weeks, then induced 39 weeks if the sweep doesn't work

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