Large baby- induction vs c section

Hello ladies. Consistently through my last 3 growth scans our little boy has been measuring above the 90th percentile. My scan yesterday (34weeks +4) advised 99.5 percentile. Now more likely than not I will be faced in three weeks time at my last growth scan with a decision between induction or Caesarian section. I am not sure how much I trust these growth scans as I’ve heard they can be quite inaccurate. I am leaning more towards induction but I worry that if he is in fact over 8lbs by then if I choose induction I risk shoulder dystocia, but then I also worry about c section which comes with its own possible complications and longer recovery time. I would really appreciate your opinion and any words of advice if you’ve been through or heard of someone going through a similar experience. Thank you 🙏
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My first was 8lb 10 - we had many growth scans and they said he was measuring in the 90s. I only ended up being induced because he was late - not because he was big. I was told that big babies weight can help labour! Being induced because of the size of the baby (so I've been advised) is not a medically justified reason to be induced. If there are other factors at play then I would trust the professionals. My boy nded up being delivered by emergency section - because he was back to back and I have a tilted cervix... this just ment that my contractions were closing my cervix before it had time to open... this was due to induction. He was 99th head and 70th body with skinny long legs. I have the same this time round (measuring huge) - but I'm going for a natural vbac and refusing induction unless they have clear medical reasons. Big babies of 9lbs plus are delivery all the time naturally - I would talk with you midwife and ask what are ALL you options. My first was predicted 9lbs 9 btw so not accurate at all

Shoulder dystocia in babies over 8 pounds is nearly equal to babies under 8 pounds 🙌🏼🙌🏼 Ask about the actual data and stats Xx

Exactly what gabi said! Just to add my son was 9lb 7.5oz had a natural delivery didn’t need any help x

Are you not considering vaginal delivery? The nice guidelines specifically advise against induction for "suspected large baby"

I delivered my first naturally with no complications and he was 9lbs 2oz. I believe if there is no medical reason for it such as GD, High BP etc..then you shoukd be allowed to go naturally. For weeks drs/consultants brainwashed me into thinking i could never birth him, he would get stuck, end up disabled, hurt me and all sorts but i didn't want to be induced or a section and luckily my midwife stuck by my said and told me tgat i dont have to if i dont want to, like there was no actual need for it. Although i did have 3 sweeps in hopes it would help me go naturally rather than needing to be medically induced and i went into labour 38+5.

@Charley I have been told that due to the size of the baby they recommend either induction or c section at week 39.

@Gabi he is 6.8 pounds now apparently and his head is in 99 percentile. He grew 2.2 pounds since last scan 3 weeks ago. I obviously don’t want to endanger our son and the question I posed is based on what I’ve been told by the various consultants.

@Justyna I would have a careful read of this then, as that's actively against uk recommendations

I’ve had the exact same recommendation on Tuesday at 36 weeks scan. Shoulder dystocia is so rare so very slim chance but understand they have to give all the info so you can make an informed decision. I’ve decided to eat my dates, drink my raspberry leaf tea, exercise when I can, keep positive and let my son come when he’s ready. Hope you’re not too stressed 🩵 Hypnobirthing has really helped put things into perspective for me. Have you tried it?

My first baby baby was undetected big baby...they just said at 37 weeks he had a long femour...he was born at 41 weeks 10.7 pounds, 60cm and 37.5 cm head. He was born naturally and no issues. I personally would refuse both c section and induction only because of measurements, unless you have GD or other complications. Good luck!

We don't grow babies too large to birth. That isn't nature. As said above suspected small or large baby isn't justified reason for unnatural induction of labour or big surgery. If there are medical complications like diabetes, hypertension, pre eclampsia, or other then different situation and induction or c section could have their place and be actually helpful X

Scans are inaccurate, especially late term scans. In saying that, my baby is also measuring 99th percentile apparently, measuring 4 weeks big. My ob wasn’t concerned. I’m booked in for a c section at 40 weeks - not for reasons related to baby’s size. But hopefully go into labor before then so I can try for a vbac.

As others have said, it is actually against national guidelines to induce just because a baby is measuring big. I'm meant to be induced at 39 weeks for GD but at 28 week scan baby was measuring big so they said maybe 38 weeks. I wasn't happy about that and spoke to my midwife who's Canadian, she said they would never induce for a baby measuring big in Canada and people here just seem obsessed with it. Have a look at the links Charley posted above and see what you feel most comfortable with. Also in following scans he's just measuring average now anyway.

My first baby had shoulder dystocia, but that was due to the forceps delivery and the doctors didn’t want to wait for the baby to turn on her own.. mines a bit of a long story but shoulder dystocia can happen to any baby no matter what the weight so don’t let that be an issue for you! She was born 8lb 13oz

I am in the exact same boat as you, I know everyone seems to be saying to read data etc on here but we are being told by doctors what are options are? Yes we don’t have to listen but I wouldnt want to put my baby at risk if medical staff are telling me the safest options to get baby out? Anyway i have been reading up on the nhs website about the different ways they can induce and the risks. When I spoke with my midwife she did say that inductions are the longer process because they can take 3-5 days to kick start anything. I will try to find the links for you to have a read. I still haven’t 100% made up my mind which route I want to go! It’s a lot to take in and process. Hope your okay💖

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@leonie I think the issue is that you can't necessarily trust medical teams, this has been made clear from the birth trauma enquiry released earlier this year and the over medicalization of birth. In the case of pathology (diabetes, hypertension etc) then consulting medical teams is absolutely warranted. But predicted large fetal size is not a pathology, it's normal birth, and should be managed as such. When you've got Drs telling you the exact opposite of what the NICE guidelines say, maybe you should think about how much you trust them. They're also not necessarily telling you the safest way, unless they give you the data and Cochrane reviews and peer reviewed studies, how can you trust that what they're saying is the safest?

@Charley in the ladies post, she asked if an induction or c section would be her best option and not many people have given positive responses other than to ignore or go against medical guidance. That wasn’t her question. I think we need to remember we are suppose to be a supportive group making each other feel heard and understood. If like me we decide that we want to get our babies out by c section or induction under our doctors and midwives advice that is also ok.

Everyone I’ve known be induced has ended up having a c section anyway so I personally would never bother with induction

@leonie Incorrect. I did give positive advice at the top 🙌🏼🙌🏼 OK I stand corrected! Different chat 🙈🤣 I replied to another person saying "we do not grow babies we are unable to birth"

@leonie but the point is she doesn't seem to have been told that there is another option, so that's exactly what my comment was doing, providing information for her to be able to know all the options and make her own decisions. I'm absolutely not advocating going against or ignoring medical advice, challenging incorrect information though? Always. I am not judgemental of anyone's choice of how to birth their baby, I myself have a c section booked for 40 weeks if he doesn't come spontaneously before that. I personally am deciding against induction due to research. Information is key here, so providing it where medical teams have been hiding it/untruthful/not revealing the whole picture IS helpful and in line with the point of the group.

@Justyna I had this same conversation with a consultant today. Babies abdomen is measuring 99th percentile and apparently he now weighs 8lbs 1, at 37 weeks. I've been told they want to induce me at 39 weeks, as he might be 'too big for me to birth' and there is a high risk of shoulder dystocia. I've asked for another scan at 39 weeks, I'll do some research between now and then and make a decision at that appointment. Its so hard when they tell you scare stories and it makes you anxious. I would read the links shared above and trust your instincts xx

I’m in the same boat as you and unsure what to do. My son was 8lbs 13oz he did have shoulder dystocia which is why i’m being recommended to have induction or c section dependent on size at 36 week scan. That being said although he had that, I had a super fast delivery, unplanned at home with Dad and paramedics. My son was fine after no lasting problems and if I could choose to have a home birth this time I would. I think you have to trust your decision and the professionals, everyone’s opinions differ and it’s really just you and baby that matter. Xx

INDUCTION! The recovery is so much easier! This pregnancy will be my second induction as I grow big babies! My first little boy was born at 38 weeks and 10lb2oz and my little girl I’m currently 36 week pregnant with and she’s hit 8lb already! So we’re expecting another double figure baby! We did have shoulder dystocia with my first but the only additional help needed was I had to be cut slightly! But that was painless! Your body will do what it’s got to do! I never expected to birth a toddler sized human but we did it! And we’ll do it a second time around!💜💙

@Justyna doctors will try to get the quickest way possible, but the midwives are wonderful and they always try for most natural possible as ita safest for baby. Although there is a time limit their expected to do, if you have induction though it can take forever to get 10cm dilated, and I found that breaking my waters was the most painful so think about pain relief before. I did mine with none and it was so so bad. Good luck zx

I was told my boy was 7 pounds 1 on my 35 weeks scan told me to think about induction or c-section, getting another scan Monday to see what he weighs x

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