Extra amniotic fluid

32 weeks scan and extra fluid has been found is this something I should be worried about ?
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Polyhydramnios? I had this with my first, but it wasn't discovered until v near the end (i only had a scan at 38 weeks due to reduced movements and they discovered it, plus baby's abdomen was measuring big). There are lots of things that can cause it, or it may just be one of those things. For mine, they suspected I had diabetes, but they never tested me and I didn't have it when they tested me after delivery 🤷🏼‍♀️ they wanted to induce me at 39 weeks, but I chose to have a sweep first, which was successful. Have they not gone through everything with you?

It’s only been discovered today and so have been booked in for further tests my gd test came back with no issues and I don’t have diabetes but it is in my family

This is a good read on all the bases. It's likely to not be anything serious, but this gives a good over-view: https://teachmeobgyn.com/pregnancy/fetal-abnormality/polyhydramnios/ The only thing I can say with mine is that I think it did slow my labour down as I think the extra fluid cushioned baby's head, so it wasn't directly on my cervix and my sac was bulging through my cervix instead. At one point they thought she was going to be born in the sac! My waters went at 10cm and it was a deluge 🙈 and during delivery my baby managed to get her hands either side of her head (baby has more room to move with the extra fluid), leading to a 3rd degree tear. I do wonder if I should have let them break my waters earlier, but the risks and complications of everything weren't really discussed with me. However, you have a bit longer to digest it and ask the right questions 😊

Thank you so much

Oh! And baby was fine 😊 they did suspect bowel obstruction because of the above plus she had severe reflux, but she was absolutely fine. She's also always been quite loose with her poos and now still struggles controlling her wees. I have no idea if any of these things are connected, but she is a perfectly healthy happy child otherwise x

Following, had the same diagnosis at my scan on Thursday, it wasn’t much higher and haven’t been booked in for any extra scans just one at 36 weeks, fingers crossed everything goes well🫶🏼

It’s scary reading about it, @Katie did you have any issues with cord prolapse? I’ve been reading about it and it’s a lot to take in

Thank you @dee the range is up to 8 and mine was 10 . I should know more tomorrow

@Dee no, and I didn't know it was a risk at all until I was reading about it after. It all happened v quickly for me - had a scan for reduced movements / raised BP and they found it. Consultant said they would like to induce. Next day had a sweep and started with cramps straight away and had my daughter 2 days later You guys are way better informed than I was already 😅 I do think it's why she ended up with her arms above her head though (and I ended up with 3rd degree tear). Wish I had been better informed, I think breaking my waters earlier might have been the better way to go

So an update guys baby is measuring at around 5lb at 32 weeks and is considered a big baby

@Afshan oh wow! That does sound big. Have they said they're worried about them?

@Katie hi not yet but I think they are just going to keep a close eye on me over the next few weeks

Plus a lot of people have told me the scan weights are off

@Afshan Although, think that would put them about 9lb at 40wks? Only slightly big

@katie so I’ll guess I’ll just monitor my glucose and go to the scans and see what they say ?

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@Afshan I had my 32 week scan last Thursday and they said 4lb 12 give or take too girl, I’d take it with a pinch of salt , did they say what percentile baby is on?

Hi @dee no I didn’t get a percentile number but I will def ask .

Hi ladies so an update on my post . Since Tuesday I’ve been trying to get the home glucose testing kit and no one seems to be able to give me a straight answer . Any ideas how I get one . I have a routine midwife check on 30 September and then a scan with fetal medicine unit the next day . Ideally I would like to check my sugars beforehand

@Afshan are tou able to text/call your midwife? She should be sorting it out but if not it’s next week your appointment they might just make you wait till then or phone triage and speak to one of the community midwives hopefully they can help

@dee I did the phone went to vm and only one tick on what’s app. I don’t have an appointment until the 30th

@Afshan my midwife is in 2 days a week so maybe phone the doctors on Monday see if you can ask when she’s in and make a phone call appointment

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