Missed Miscarriage

Hello so sad to be writing this and reading some of your story's. I've had a suspected missed Miscarriage at my 8 week scan They aren't sure how far along the baby actually is but there is a pregnancy there yolk sac and I think she mentioned the pole but no heartbeat I've to back again on Monday to confirm it What happens after that? I'm still testing positive and I know that can happen but I'm not really sure what I'm to expect at the moment ? I still feel so tired but I imagine my symptoms will get less and less I asked the options for the removal of the tissue and I'm just wondered what your experiences where with each if you've had it Thanks
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So sorry you’re going through this too ❤️ I found out 25th Aug at a private scan that it was a MMC- I was around 10 weeks but baby measuring just under 7weeks- no heartbeat. They’re unsure how many weeks my body hasn’t realised for. I had no symptoms for it either I then had to block it out and go Spain for my sister’s wedding so didn’t get an NHS scan till 2nd Sept. This confirmed a miscarriage was starting as I had also started bleeding whilst away (29th) which was very light. I also on the 4&5th stopped bleeding completely which alarmed me but then it came back fairly heavy with strong cramps. This has carried on till now so the hospital are going to let me carry on the ‘natural’ method for another week and see on Monday if it’s ‘complete’. If not I can look at other options like tablets / surgery. If you unfortunately get confirmed they should give you time to decide what option you prefer. I was given loads of leaflets from the Miscarriage Association explaining everything. ❤️

@Jacelyn Thanks so much for all this lovely. I'm so sorry for you too. Its a very confusing time. Right now I feel in such limbo but I know deep down its done. My symptoms have but all gone all together. I think if offered I'll take the surgery. As I just want it over with now and to make peace with it :(

I’m so sorry this is happening to you. Here is the timeline I experienced and what happened. We found out at 8+2 that it had stopped growing at 5.5 weeks. It passed with no medication at 9 weeks which despite being as painful as being in labour (something I didn’t realise could happen) in a way I felt okay I didn’t need intervention. a scan the next day confirmed all tissue had been expelled so no further treatment necessary, they said to call the EPU direct if and when I fell pregnant again next time for a 6 week viability scan. Bleeding carried on for a while then 3 weeks after the physical loss my period returned. 3 cycles later we fell pregnant again and we’re currently 15 weeks. Technicalities aside please give yourself grace, and do what you need to do. I’ve had friends who chose D&C or the pills to help it move along and that was right for them. The reason I didn’t is because a day after the scan the bleeding started so I had a hunch it was going to pass without help.

@Madeleine pain like labour omg that's terrifying 😭😭😭 I would rather it just passed on its own really but if I get to Monday and it hasn't then I'll get intervention. I just want to get it over with now. I keep hearing of people though who go for the scan and suddenly all is OK but I'm not feeling hopeful. She didn't directly say it isn't growing or that I'd had a MM She just said it isn't at the development it should be for 8 weeks. To come back a week later as a lot can change in a week and it can make a massive difference So it's all very confusing

I’m keeping everything crossed for you still, but I know how you feel to want it to be over. Private scan said to me to rescan in a couple of weeks but my gut feeling was that it wasn’t viable which turned out to be the case, and EPU confirmed it two days later. My symptoms never kicked in. And yeah not ideal! I wish I’d known it could be that bad, I felt like such a fool going to A&E but the gynae reg who saw me said it’s actually incredibly common and she had a miscarriage in every night at that level of pain, and they gave me gas&air, morphine etc. which helped (cocodamol didn’t really touch it). But remember it’s the exception of pain not the norm and it may be completely fine for you so please don’t feel worried! Listen to your body and don’t feel ashamed to ask for help if you need it ♥️

I know it’s really hard but try and stay hopeful. There is many who come on here in the same position but it’s simply their dates being out. I didn’t think it could be out that much till it happened to me I should have been 8 weeks but was 5 and a half everything just happened late that cycle. Wait till next scan to even think about those options but what I will say is my natural miscarriage was the same as Madeleine it was horrendous pain and I’ve birthed 2 children before and it was exactly like my labours. I started bleeding lightly on the Wednesday and it got heavier as time passed. By the Saturday it came on out of nowhere and it’s a sight I’ll never unsee. I was out and I could feel all these clots passing through me and by the time I reached a toilet my trousers were soaked through and I was gushing blood like nothing I’ve ever saw. It calmed a little by night then on the Sunday is when my pains started and I passed the pregnancy itself. The pain stopped immediately after

I passed it. The bleeding continued for a few days after as I still had a little pregnancy tissue inside. The whole experience was horrific and not something I ever imagined a miscarriage to be. If it ever happened again I would opt for the surgery. Just hold on hope that something progresses. Was your scan internal? Xx

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