Feeling down

Anyone free for a chat? Little one has just turned a month old and I can’t shake these feelings of sadness all the time. I’m barely sleeping, even when little one sleeps, I find myself just wide awake even though I’m so tired. I’m starting to feel like the worst mum. I don’t want to talk about this to anyone I know as I feel like I’m moaning when I should be happy. I love my baby so much but feel like he deserves so much more than what I can give. When will this get easier😫feeling so lovely and not sure if I can take it😭
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The same thing happened to me. It is so difficult and miserable to try to take care of a baby on no rest. It will get better soon! It doesn’t last forever

I felt exactly the same when my daughter was first born 😢 it’s hard to talk about but we’re almost 9 months on now and i can say it gets 100% better and easier xx

Hi Ellen! So sorry you are feeling this way. The first 3 months are the hardest. It is normal to feel this way. I also didn’t communicate it because I felt people wouldn’t get it. Try to have a routine. Try to go on a walk everyday. Have a sweet treat when you feel your worst each day. Plan fun things for the weekends so you have things to look forward to. These helped me a lot!! It will get better! ❤️

My baby is now 15 months but I promise you it gets easier. If you need some help towards what the Future looks like please message me. It is very hard but it gets easier darling xxx

If you messege me I can always call and have a chat bbe. Don't be alone. I don't even tell my family that I feel down it is hard to talk about x@ellen

Sending you a big hug, I felt exactly the same but we’re at 4 months and for the last month or so I’ve been feeling so much better. It really will improve, try and accept help from family friends so you can sleep as this will help too. You’re doing so well, keep going ❤️

Sending you hugs darling! I went through this and it’s the most horrendous feeling!!😣 Message me if you like..no judgment 🤍

May I just ask you something just to know… I’m a bad sleeper as in I’m a night owl and during pregnancy I was up till 2am every night so I feel like my 2 year old is still not sleeping through the night for this reason… did you sleep well during pregnancy?

My boy is 6 weeks and i am feeling the same hun. I've been told it gets easier so we've got this 🫶 Please feel free to message me anytime xx

Baby blues. I have 6 children and experience this to some degree each time postpartum for at least a month. It's rough but a lot of it is hormonal and will pass. It's hard to see it now but tell yourself to just hold on for a bit longer and you WILL feel much better soon

I found the first 3 months the hardest by far! Got slightly easier month by month as we got into routines and he’d sleep longer and longer stretches but it was around the 3month mark I felt much happier. He’s 2 and a half now and although he’s very hard physically with how fast and strong he is now I’d still say he’s by far easier now than when he was a newborn! These first few months feel like they drag on for years but I can promise you they’ll feel like a distant memory before you know it! Hang in there! X

Everything you’re feeling is valid and you shouldn’t feel like you have to hide these feelings. Most people you open up to will surprise you with how they react, I expected negative responses or to be brushed off like “it’ll pass” “be happy” “how can you be sad with this beuatiful baby” etc etc. but a lot of women go through this and when you reach out to them they will probably say “I’ve been there” and that’ll help you feel less alone x

The first months are the hardest. I now have an almost 2 year old and a 4 month old and I can confirm although still a bit hard it gets much more rewarding. Feel free to message me. xx

Yes! Feel free to message me! Something my mum said when I was pregnant is, everyone has baby blues. You have to just shake it off and don’t give it a second thought. I thought to myself, if I don’t get out of this myself, nobody will be able to get me out of it. It’s something I have to do. For me and my baby. It’s extremely difficult, but it gets soooo much easier and your love grows to your baby the more you get to know them. I’m sure you’re an amazing mum and will be to your baby. You got this girl!

I was the same! Especially week 6! My girl is three months and it definitely does get easier. I always read comments with women saying it gets easier but in the moment I couldn't see how??? But I promise it defo does. You've got this! Give yourself some grace you've had a massive life change x x

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I am exactly where you are right now. I too have a month old. I have loads of support but I feel like nobody gets me when I talk about the overwhelming feelings of PND. I hope it does get easier. I’ve reached out to services for mental health and gotten myself back on medication (as I am not breastfeeding) - reach out to services that are there to support you if you don’t feel confident talking to family x sending you love 💕

I completely understand how you feel. I felt like that when my LB was born. I turned out to have really bad postnatal depression. I feel like you could have it. I would advise you to see your gp or health visitor ASAP just to make sure it doesn't get worse. With the support of medication and the perinatal team I am back on track. People say this all the time and it's so hard to see it especially when your in it, but it does get better. There is nothing to hide, I was really open about my postnatal depression and honestly everyone was so supportive. X

Hi lovely, I felt like this when my little one was newborn I totally get it. We are nearly 10months now and honestly when everyone told me it gets easier I was so annoyed because at the moment you don't feel it and I'll be that annoying person and say it really does get easier, don't get me wrong there are still tough days/nights but I think you just learn. That's the thing you are both still learning and adapting and it's a lot that coupled with no sleep, your life has changed and learning to navigate that it's really hard and no one can prepare you for that, that was the hardest thing I found/still find. Honestly you have got this, you're not alone. Please feel free to message me any time, if your not sure on something or your awake in the night (I still have night wakes so I'm up)

This was me as a first time mum, but now I’m here with now a 2 year old and a 1 month old. It does indeed get easier with time and I’m looking forward to all the milestones I get to experience all over again. Yes, I am too in the thick of it with rubbish sleep and on antidepressants, yet i know the light at the end of the tunnel and keep reminding myself to get me through every day. Message me if you need it 💖

Hi Ellen, my little one is 2 now, I had problems during my pregnancy, I had 2 friends that helped me a lot…..but the best help was going to therapy, they will understand you and will give you some tools to keep under control those feelings, you can refer yourself without no one knowing! Also I’m here if you want to talk! Woman ….we are strong 💪🏻!

Thank you everyone for your comments! It really did and has helped me feel less alone in this and more positive about the future. Thank you all🥰🥰

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