Feeling so guilty

I'm not posting all details of the last 2 days just the accident and result so Far. Lg 18w. Thursday we were at my mom's. I'd just fed my daughter and was burping her on my lap. No wind was coming up so I decided to try on my shoulder. Usually, Violet will sit on my lap in aided for a few seconds leaning against my chest. This didn't happen this time. When I removed my arm after sitting her up more so I could sort the towel out, she threw herself backwards and hit her head on a cubed extension lead. Skip forward. We were let home Thursday night but had to go back Friday morning for a third attempt at a CT although all signs were she's okay but as it's her head it was a precaution. So we fed her at the hospital in a room so we could burrito her up, turn out the lights and feed her so she'd sleep and hopefully stay asleep for the scan. 3rd time lucky. There was no obvious signs of anything wrong. But will get a call Monday when a paediatric person has taken a look. I feel so guilty she got hurt though. When we got in the car late Thursday to come home she looked at me, did a huge sigh of relief and had a huge smile on her face as she was glad to be going home. Yesterday when we were going home she did a big smile too 😁. She's perfectly fine and over it but I'm not over it. Has anyone else sadly had an accident with their little one? I'm not the only one right?
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My little one rolled off the bed the other day and I think I cried more than she did. I still feel guilty now but she’s been fine and was over it within 5mins x

Is she your first? That guilt when the first one hurts themselves is immense. I wasn't really like that with my second if she fell. I felt bad but not like breakdown bad. I think I've gotten immune to my toddler tripping over and just letting him get on with it that you just know they will be fine🤣 even at this age, they do "bounce" xx

@Jodie I'm glad your little one. Was/ is okay. My daughter still seemed fine other than crying for about 20 mins then fell asleep while soothing her because it was naptime after her bottle. I was close to crying, my face apparently went red. But somehow I held them back. Though on attempt 2 on Thursday for the scan when we were told to leave the room even though she was screaming so much and wouldn't settle. I looked at hubby with tears in my eyes. Then one of us was called in so he went in, and I broke down from hearing her screams and cries and not being able to scoop her up. A porter saw me crying and got me some paper towels which was nice of him. But that was the first time I ended up crying, I couldn't hold them back that time. I'm glad your little one is fine but I'm also glad I'm not the only one

Not with my own (yet), but with my nephew... he was around 6 months I think, but he could already sit unassisted, and was crawling. He was sitting in my lap, of course I had my hands around him, but he saw my brother (his dad) and he twisted himself and down he went and he fell on his head... I've felt so guilty, I was crying too of course... I didn't even want to hold him afterwards, but my brother pushed me and gave the baby to me so I get over the fear and guilt... he is now 9 years old and an amazing little fella 🥰 everything will be okay, but I get the mom guilt... I had it with my LO, as she was born with C-section, and it was the first days I couldn't get up without help, I was lying next to her and she was screaming... and I could not pick her up, cause I couldn't sit up 😭😭😭 so I had to wait for my husband to finish up in the kitchen... I was shouting but he didn't hear it

@Stacey-Leigh aww that sounds awful! It’s hard when they’re so upset but you can’t go to them isn’t it! You did so well keeping it in all that time and I’m so glad your little one is also okay! It’s nice to know we aren’t alone in these things x

@Stacey-Leigh I broke down when my LO got the BCG vaccine... we couldn't hold her while she was getting it, and she was screaming!!!! It broke my heart... and even after the vaccine, they picked her up and tried to soothe her... In my mind I was loke you are a stranger, give me my daughter, let me try to soothe her... but as I was upset too, I handed her to my husband and he could comfort her...

@Kata that's good your brother encouraged you to hold your nephew again to get over the fear and that he didn't blame you. I felt like I was going to be blamed by hubby not because of anything he's done but it was my fault. He has not once blamed me or made me feel bad which I'm glad of☺️. My lg was C-section too and I get what you mean. I had to wait for the nurses to come while she was crying in the cot. All I could do was move the cot back and forth to try and soothe her. At home though I did it all. Even though I shouldn't have. Told my father-in-law about it today as he's visiting today and he said it happens not to worry, she's fine and that's the main thing. @Jodie it really was that's the worst I've ever felt I hated it. I did surprise myself though at how well I held it all in. I knew crying when it happened wouldn't have helped Violet at all. I was in 2 minds whether to do this post or not as I wasn't sure if I'd be judged. But I wanted to know I wasn't alone and maybe others want to feel that too

@Kata what is the BCG vaccine? Is that one of the 8, 12 or 16 week ones? I struggled with the 12 week ones as she cried so much that time and I got all teary but held it back surprisingly. Aw that would certainly have been horrible not being able to hold her when having them done 😢. They should have passed her to you or you hubby to soothe her rather than they try first because as you say they're a stranger so it won't work. That's kind of comforting that it's happen to a pediatrician too. Wow, I bet your emotions were all over. Proud she rolled for this first time but scared ect because she went onto the floor. Yeah I kind of feel like a bad mom too but I know I shouldn't. Even thinking of it now I get teary eyed about it. But she's just woke from her nap squealing with joy 😂

@Patience I forgot to tag you in the last reply as some of that was in response to you 😂. From 'That's kind of comforting '

@Stacey-Leigh BCG is not a mandatory vaccine. We are originally from Hungary, but my hubbies parents are from Romania and they travel back a few times a year and it's high risk for TB, hence we decided to give it to her...

@Kata AHH okay thank you for explaining 😁. How come you weren't allowed to hold her for the injection? Isn't it done a bit like the others they get?

My daughter literally backflipped off my lap this morning. She’s got boot braces and a bar for her clubfoot treatment so she’s got just enough extra weight that if she throws her feet up too quick and is laying just far enough back she can flip herself. I was not prepared and she fell, fortunately butt first but still.

We have all done something that makes us feel guilty with our babies - nobody is perfect! You are just normal lol. Welcome to normalness 👍

Yes my little girl fell off the bed the other night. It was horrific! She was absolutely fine, me on the other hand.. an absolute mess! X

When my son was 3 days old I was on FaceTime with my mom and had my phone propped up on a pillow and I laid him down to change his diaper and the phone fell right on his for head he’s now 17 months old perfectly fine but I will remember that for the rest of my life I was distraught bawling my eyes out for days…

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You are not the first nor the last trust me every parent will go through something like this at one point or another.

@Haley wow that must have been scary especially as she has a brace too. At least I feel that would make it that much more scary. Glad she's okay though. Lucky it was somehow bum first. Trying to figure out how it was bum first in a backflip 😂. @Jess haha thank you for your comment it certainly helps. The hospital made me feel bad too when they said it'll be on the notes (I think, it was a blur) that it looks like we purposely delayed treatment instead of going when it first happened. Though she was fine when it happened. I just doubted myself after 10mins from waking up from a nap she just cried so much. She was tired still but I wasn't sure if there was more to it. @Charlotte it seems the bed is a babies favourite looking at these comments. When my lg was a month maybe 2 I was changing her nappy and if it wasn't for me holding her feet at the time she would have been on the floor as she decided to try and flip out of my hands. I quickly pulled her back up by grabbing the rest of her with my other hand 1/2

And raising my leg to also catch her 😂. @Destinee oh no, glad he was okay though. I've dropped my phone on her before, she's kicked it out of my hands 😂. I now use the strap on the back of my phone when I'm holding her so it doesn't fall out of my hand when she kicks. @Hailee thank you, it's comforting to know I'm not. My auntie said the same pretty much but still felt/feel so bad I thought doing this post may help a little and if not me then someone else who's been through it but doesn't want to post. I was 50/50 about doing this post, but I'm glad I did it. Thank you everyone, I still feel guilty, but not as much. It's great to know I'm not alone in this feeling and accidents. Have you ever taken them to the hospital for the accidents? Did they judge you as I felt a little judge by the delayed treatment comment. I was scared they get social services involved too.

@Stacey-Leigh honestly I want to know how she ended up butt first too. 😂

@Haley maybe she will be a gymnast and we will possibly learn that way 😂. Sounds like she did a full on backflip like on a trampoline and went into a seat drop 😂. All without a trampoline. The added weight must have helped her too haha.

@Stacey-Leigh no, it is given in the arm, under the skin... so they put her on the table on her side and held her down so she doesn't move around... it was heartbreaking to see

AHH okay. That sounds so horrible as a mom to see 😢

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