Nursery - Ofsted Rating gone Inadequate

Long story short, we enrolled our 1 year old to the nursery Tomberries in Southfields (maybe you know it and any info is more than welcome). They are stating on their website that their Ofsted rating is “Good” (apparently it was until the last inspection which was uploaded on the government website on 15th July 2024). We applied in March and got in. They have available this scheme called Benefits Scheme where we can pay for nursery pre tax through my partner’s company. They just came back to us saying that the nursery Ofsted Inspection report came as Inadequate in all areas and they can’t accept our application because of that. I’m absolutely desperate as I don’t want her to go there now but I don’t know what to do. I just called them and apparently they fired everyone from previous management and they employed new staff and doing everything they can to improve the rating. Their new inspection is due in month or so and they think it will definitely be good or even better. But I still dont feel comfortable sending her there. What would you do?
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Have u read the report to why it’s inadequate? Ofsted should return within 3 months of an inadequate rating. Majority of inadequates are due to safe guarding issues & not maintaining ratio which jeprodises the child’s welfare and safety. I personally wouldn’t send her there due to this rating - I’ve worked in the childcare setting and we always say your rating is only what u get on the day. So if they get outstanding technically it’s only outstanding for that day etc🥲

The only thing that would be a no in an inadequate would be inadequate for Safeguarding. I would question them about what changes are being implemented. One near me got immediate inadequate as they let an ofsted inspector in (a parent did) and he was there half hour before anyone asked him who he was. They are good again now.

The Ofsted reports are really flawed and subjective. I would read the report and ask questions. The same thing happened to me and our nursery went from Excellent to Needs Improvement (or whatever it's called), I disagreed with the report knowing my experience with the nursery, and surprise surprise when they were reinspected they got awarded Good. Apparently nobody gets "excellent" these days unless they get several "good" reports in a row

So, I've just read the report. I'm a teacher and I am thus not a fan of OFSTED at all, and agree with Emma's points. However, reading this one, I would not be sending my child. There are far too many safeguarding red flags. I would call around if you have other options or see if you can find a child minder and push back your start there.

Also, as I’ve discovered at our nursery, the Council will now withdraw any funded hours that you are entitled to, until such time as a better Ofsted rating is achieved.

We had the same thing at our nursery earlier this year, they got rid of all staff and you can tell everything has improved. (Not that it looked unsafe before) they got marked down due to not following the curriculum and not having a dedicated cook, no signing it even though its done electronically.They were given 3 months to complete what the inspector asked for otherwise the council would stop the funding hours. A few parents have pulled there kids out, but there's a year waiting list now. But... if you don't feel comfortable do not send your child there, as all you will do is worry. You could also go to the settling in sessions just to see what type of feeling you have

Our sons nursery has just been rated outstanding in all areas which I’m so pleased with (and not surpised as they really are fab) but if it was inadequate I’d be really concerned to be honest x

I actually looked around this nursery and it seemed nice but there were a couple of bits I didn’t like. There are absolutely tonnes of amazing nurseries in Southfields so if you’re not 100% sure I would send to a different nursery. When I first dropped my son at nursery it was really hard, but knowing I 100% loved the nursery made all the difference!

Thanks so much everyone!!!! For your input, advices and even reading their report. We decided not to go to that nursery after all. Luckily our first choice nursery (that is usually very popular and they didn’t have permanent places available even before I gave birth 😂) offered us a temporary space until April. They offered us 4 days a week almost every week until April like we needed (will take holidays for few odd days they couldn’t offer us) and put us on the internal list for the permanent spot next year. Like it was meant to be!!! I’m super happy and still can’t believe it we found a solution so quickly. Thanks again mamas! ❤️

@Emma my baby is also enrolled for Feb 2025 there 😭 would you mind sharing the report with me please? I am unable to find it in the Ofsted website

@Brioni do you have any recommendations 😀? I am now panicking because my baby will also be going to the tomberries 😭😭 but I would rather not!!!!!

@tati I'll try and find it again. I just googled the name, location and Ofsted xx I wouldn't pay much attention to it at all if you're that far off hun. Ofsted reports like that are redundant usually after 6 months. I had an outstanding one in a June and then we all left so the school was different staff by Sept lols. Xxx

@Emma so i called them and apparently it was all down to the manager failing to recognise a dangerous scenario🤯 but the new manager comes from a nursery rated outstanding (there is hope ahah)

The new manager sounded really reassuring to be fair but I’m still not comfortable sending my baby there next week. You’ll have another report available before February so don’t worry x

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