Still find it hard to leave LO

Anyone else feel like this? I have been back at work part time for a good few months now and LO goes to nursery - was hard at first but it’s great now so fine with that. Husband has LO days at the weekend if I meet a friend etc for a few hours but I feel anxious to leave overnight or anything like that. Lots of friends are going away for weekends etc and leaving LOs with family but I just can’t do it. Maybe the difference is we are still breastfeeding and the main comfort so I feel like it would be hard for everyone. I shouldn’t compare but just wondered if anyone else felt the same at this stage?
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I am the same she has never slept overnight with anyone else. Last night me and my partner went for a long overdue date night and it wasn’t until i had explained EVERYTHING in detail that I left her with the village at the house we are staying at with family with 5 people looking after her and I still texted several times for an update haha Not sure when i’ll let go. She hasn’t even started nursery yet so not sure how i’ll be with that too.

I'm the same. The truth is that we can't help it...we will always worry. Just started leaving my LO with my mum overnight but I still worry especially because she is picky with food.

I am so pleased you posted this because SAME! I quit my job and have had some extra time off now I’m looking for a part time job and I’m in tears every couple days and I’m like is this normal?? I’m with her 247 my mam has started to have her half a day a week so I can clean and she can get used to being away from me but now she’s going through the separation anxiety thing it’s breaking my heart she was screaming when I went to the shop last night when she was with my partner and I hate it she’s also breast fed I’ve been trying to cut down but again I’m her only comfort

Ps I’m Also a massive control freak like I’m fine if my mam just has her at hers but I panic if she takes her out and I know I need to get better

Thank you for making me feel less alone. @Kate I was exactly the same in the lead up to nursery, honestly so stressed as I still feed to sleep to for bed and naps and just thought this is never going to work. But she’s totally fine and loves it there now. We have had separation too on and off even with her Dad but just try to remember it’s all developmental and normal. Just really tough especially when we find it hard to leave them as it is. Also like you trying to cut down on breastfeeding but it’s so hard as feels like there’s always something that comes up - teething, illness etc!

Yep that’s exactly same as us! She has 13th and 14th tooth on way! She is going to nursery in September and I feel ill about it, how is the nursery managing to get your lo down for the nap?

The first few days they had to cuddle in arms but honestly after a few days she just lays down and they give her a little pat and she’s off. It’s insane in my mind, I’d never get away with that 😂 Honestly I was so worried but as everyone says they do adapt and actually being at nursery with the teachers who have seen it all before is reassuring, they will be able to settle her ❤️

Still breastfeeding/co-sleeping and would never leave LO overnight. In fact, my partner and I are going for our first day out tomorrow and leaving our son with my parents for the first time longer than a couple of hours! You're definitely not alone

Have a lovely time @Rosie we’ve been out once and I made my partner promise to distract her from the boob so I could have a few drinks 🤣 luckily she goes to sleep on a night with bottle and cuddle from dad

We live away from family and friends and I cosleep and breastfeed. I took a career break so won’t be returning to work for a while I’m just not ready. I can’t bare the thought of sending her to nursery all day I’ll probably keep her home till she stops napping and breastfeeding. She used to gladly go out with her dad/ my husband for 2-3 hours that’s the longest I’ve ever been away from her but right now she’s in a really clingy mummy phase. It’s hard but I hate the thought of her crying for me and being upset.

I know I couldn’t consider leaving my son overnight yet, but that feels totally normal for me at this age. Everyone is different but you don’t need to do anything that you don’t feel comfortable with. I think it’s great to be able to go to work and see friends and have some time for yourself at least

That’s it, everyone is different and need to be comfortable that it’s just not for me yet. I see her as still so little and she needs me. Short periods away fine but even then I worry! My husband sometimes says he feels like I’m trying to control too much and not give him as many opportunities but it’s hard!

It's the same for me - I still can't imagine leaving my LO for a whole night. I had to say no to a work trip that is supposed to happen in October for 3 days, because I wouldn't be comfortable leaving my little boy for that long. He is also breastfed, and he is also going full time to nursery where he liked it.

I've never left overnight, and won't even go back to work outside of times when my mum or partner can have her 😅

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