Do you ever regret having a baby?

I don’t particularly miss anything about my old life maybe just the freedom? Idk I see all these posts with people obsessed with their child and I just don’t feel that way?
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Nah no regrets even tho I had them young Sometimes I miss freedom but then I know once they start school I will have it

Completely get how you feel, days can get very tough and you miss the freedom but also I miss the structure and organisation of my life before but would never change it for the world! It’s tough being a mum and an emotional rollercoaster

Do you guys ever get sick of people that just talk about their kids and that’s it? Like bring a mum is all they are? I feel like I miss proper adult conversation about non baby related stuff.

Nah I don’t get sick of them

Haha I think I’m in the minority 🤣 I find other peoples kids annoying too

I wouldnt say im obsessed with my child but Im definitely more than just a mum. I worked so hard for my career and I have my own interests outside of being a mother as much as I love my son.

@Zenani I think I’ve found my person! It’s so nice to hear someone else say they are more than just a mum! I think so many women get lost in it

Definitely more than just a mum. I don’t regret having him, I love my son but I miss the freedom, the way I could just go anywhere and everywhere without having to worry about an extra person. Now I have to think twice before doing anything. I’ve gone back to work part time and yes I miss him but honestly I could never imagine being a SAHM. I’d go crazy!

@Shazida ahh it’s so nice to hear someone else say that. Some days I wish I could just go out on my own 🥲 I feel like I need a break from being a mum. I got made redundant on maternity leave so I’ve become a stay at home mum unfortunately and finding another job is so tricky

I’m not sure if I regret it but I mourn my old life everyday freedom and comfort

It’s not a bad thing, we all need a break some times. Can you not leave your baby with anyone just to get out for a bit? That sucks hopefully you’ll find another job soon enough xx

@Mariam sometimes I think have I done the right thing? I wasn’t sure if that’s regret or not

@Shazida some mum’s make you feel guilty for wanting a break don’t they! It’s nice to hear from people that think the same. Not really no 🙃 and my husband works away so I’m pretty much on my own so I was looking forward to going back to work for some company xx

Yes they do! Doesn’t mean we love our babies any less. If anything, taking breaks will help build your bond as you won’t be so overwhelmed and tired. Ah no that’s not great. You don’t have any friends or family close by then I’m guessing?x

Sometimes I wish i could just pack a bag and go anywhere in the world! 😢 and then I just think why the hell didn't I do that more when i was a childless person!? My bucket list has kicked the bucket lol No regrets but I would of waited til i was with a decent man yeah

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Is your child old enough to react to you? My son runs over to me when I fell and hurt my hand. He kisses it then hugs me afterwards. He’s 5 years old. My daughter kisses me everyday without me asking her to. She’s 3 years old. I give my kids a lot of love and they return it to me and that’s part of the reason why I love coming home to them. If you hate being home with your kids, take them out for a walk or to the park. I don’t like being in one place the whole day. I hope you feel better. Maybe get some spa treatment

Oh, you are a sahm. I work full time. I can’t be a sahm. My husband have to make double as much as he does now for me to be a sahm and give me all his money and let me spend it on whatever I want to. That’s not going to happen lol. I don’t have the personality to be a sahm. I think being a sahm is harder than going to work. I am very proud of you. Be proud of yourself. But definitely get any kind of spa treatment. Even just a pedicure. The kids are asleep right now and my husband is going to take me to get a massage now. My mil will be home watching after the kids. I hope you find a friend here and pamper yourself with her

I love my children but that’s not all of me. I haven’t lost myself I still have friends and hobbies and somewhat a lil independence and freedom going where I want seeing who I want as a sahm w a car during the day. At the end of the week I get my breaks. So I try to incorporate some of MY life in amongst motherhood so I can still enjoy myself and not lose myself and be a shell of a mum only. I have single gfs too which sometimes is a nice break from talking about babies and kids all day. They are usually the ones I can call out last minute on a Fri night

I don’t regret having a baby but I do understand this. I miss my freedom too; just silly things like a quiet morning drinking coffee and scrolling though shit social media 🤷🏼‍♀️. I have a friend who is obsessedddddd with her daughter, cannot stand to be away from her for a second, she used to cry at work because she missed her, and honestly I don’t understand it 😂 I’ve never really felt like that! I enjoy having a break and talking to adults, I know she’s safe and happy with her daddy! I love her to pieces but I’m more than a mom and happy for some alone time :)

If I could pause time and have a 2 week break and come back to exactly this moment I would. I definitely have days where I miss the freedom of being able to walk out the door and go somewhere without packing a bag, planning snacks thinking about naps etc but I don’t want to miss any time with my babies

Never any regrets. But I'm realistic that our lives have changed significantly and it's a lot harder than it ever used to be.

No regrets. I am a SAHM to a 1 year old. But I agree that I find people who are obsessed with their children weird. The kind that will come over to socialise without kids and spend the whole time showing you pics or videos when I didn’t ask. Show me one or two if it’s related to the conversation and move on. I’m aware that I have limited capacity for conversation outside of my child right now as that’s what I do with the majority of my time. But I read, I cook, I bake, I go out for drinks and catch up with my work friends, I try new things. I have interests outside of being a mum.

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