When does it get easier?

I know this sounds stupid as I only have one child and most have more but I’m just finding it really hard. You are superwomen who have more ❤️ When does it get easier and how to you handle the hard bits?? LO not long turned one and I’d say the last couple of months I’ve found the worst. I think we are just in the perfect storm of shit sleep, worse than ever, starting nursery, going back to work, teething, endless illness, start of tantrums etc and I can’t see any light. Of course I know it won’t be forever but being in the thick of it doesn’t help. Everyone says it should be easier but I don’t feel that. It’s times like this when I wonder if I’m cut out for it 😢 Sorry for the negative post x
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I don’t think you’re being negative. I think it’s hard and admitting that is honest and real. Becoming a primary caregiver in a world that is very expensive, offers very little support, no longer has village life to give a safety net, on top of the physical, hormonal, mental recovery from pregnancy and birth. And learning who your kid is while learning who you are as a parent. It’s a lot!! Be gentle with yourself. Find a way to get some time away from your bb to do something for yourself. The hard bits won’t last forever. Lots of love. You’re a superwoman. ❤️💪🏽✨

No need to apologise. You are not being negative, you’re being real. You’re a human being having a real human experience. Being a mother is exhaustingly hard and it takes it’s toll, often not enjoyable to the point where you doubt your abilities and makes you wish you had your life back with no kids involved. In my experience, some things do get better, only to be replaced by other phases my child goes through. And somethings I thought were over and done with, they come back again at a later stage. What your experiencing will end at some point like the teething, but it will take some time. Other things don’t end like having to go to work, the back and forth with picking up and dropping off your child to nursery and your child always falling ill. It’s relentless! But you reaching out and saying it as it is which is amazing. It’s better to let it out than to bury your feelings. Do you have any support at home? Not everyone does but I’m wondering if this is a possibility for you? 🌺🙌🏽

In my experience it starts to get better at 3->4 years when they start to regulate their emotions a bit. It then gets easier and easier until they get to about 12 and become teenagers, then it gets harder and harder until about 16, when, again, they get better at controlling their emotions. This is just my experience of my own child. Do not feel bad or guilty, parenting is really hard

Thank you so much for your replies ❤️ I think I’m just beyond sleep deprived and a bit burnt out. I do have support but we are not close to family or anything so it’s just my husband and nursery on the days I work. Things just feel a bit heavy at the moment. Thank you again ❤️

I am sending you lots and lots and lots of hugs, darling. This, too, shall pass. I was just wondering if getting your LO to sleep through the night (at least, no matter how crazy the day is, you could always look forward to a good night rest) I have found feeding babies well during the day and just before they go to bed helps with their sleep.

@Oly thank you 🙏🏼 Oh believe me I’m trying but she just needs me more than ever at the moment, I think it’s separation anxiety so hoping it will pass soon.

@Camilla the most perfect and gracious reply ❤️

We all go through phases like this and I promise you it does get easier. Endless illnesses at nursery will never stop but children are so resilient. Try to build up yours and your child’s immunity with probiotics and vitamins. When you can on weekends if you and your partner are both home try to squeeze a nap in while the other parent is with your child - or go and have some ME time and do something that makes you feel alive occasionally. Putting someone else’s needs before your own is a big adjustment and feels tough but when our little people grow from 1 to 3 or 4 you will look back on their pictures and miss them at that stage and wish you could go back there when they cling on to you all helpless ❤️

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