Motherhood is lonely af

Mom of 2, recently moved to a different state than originally from. Feeling abandoned and deserted by so called friends and having a tough time meeting ppl as well. I'm just having a tough time navigating my mental health and always feeling tired beyond belief. This is just a venting type of post. I'm sure many moms have similar experiences.
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Meeting other mom friends is definitely tougher than I imagined. I think we are all needing friends but it's also hard to put yourself out there while also navigating motherhood, especially when there is so much judgement. I have met some great women on this app though so I would encourage you to keep trying. Also seek help for your mental health. I was afraid to admit that I had postpartum depression and started crying when I called my doctor's office but I'm learning that it is so common and we're not alone. I started taking medication and after a month on it I'm feeling so much better. If you want to message me please do and I hope things get better soon.

Hi, yes lovely I've had similar experiences with some so call friends who I used to do things with go on holiday with etc and now they don't ask and do loads behind my back and even go to Mexico and not ask xx

I think I've just been having a particularly tough time today. It comes and goes. Thank you. I'm hesitant to speak to doctors about it because i don't want to take medication, and I don't know what to expect from them either.

@Gemma That's terrible. I'm sorry. I don't understand why ppl turn like that. The way i see it, is that i must no longer serve a purpose to them. So i do us both a favor and stay away then

I was also hesitant to take medication but my doctor convinced me and it is just temporary, you don't have to be on it forever. I don't know when you had your babies but I've read that PPD can last up to 2 years and that is a long time to suffer and miss out on being present and enjoying your babies.

I agree to you .:: Motherhood is lonely … your friends stop calling you bec they think you are busy being a mother … you are not able to call people bec you are trying g to navigate things and in free time trying to again to 10 other things … I felt lonely too bec I am introvert and working full time … I have tried to keep contacting new mommas and ask for their well being not am expecting a message in return …O feel that is important… May be talk to some momma in your area who can talk to you over messaging

Aww hun. If I was in a new area I would put myself out there and go to every baby group or mothers group that I can fit into the week, I mean I go to baby bounce 3* a week and a mothers groups which I’ve made friends from and now I see them outside the group and don’t attend anymore (that’s my goal, to make friends w 1/2 and then meet them outside the group coz I know I can’t befriend all of them) I’m a social extrovert though so it’s easy for me to get out there and make friends…keeping them though, with our schedules and some mamas working PT or FT and can’t get out at night, is what makes it hard for me. I try not to get myself lonely though I’m always surrounded by people even if it’s walking through the shops and chatting up some mamas in the baby room

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