Worrying myself daft

So paranoid today 😩 I hate that my symptoms are slowing down 😩😢 pregnancy after miscarriage is a mind fuck 🤯
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Hey Sarah, We hear you mama. Hold on in there. How far along are you? I’m 10w+4 and started to worry myself silly as well. I opted for a private scan for reassurance and it was so worth it. Saw baby wiggling around in there with heartbeat and everything looking grand. If private is an option for you, I highly recommend it to put your mind at ease xx If it’s not, just remember your body knows what it’s doing. Symptoms can come and go from day to day, so try not to read too much into them. The best thing we can do for ourselves and our babies is be kind to ourselves and try to stay as calm as possible. I know it’s easier said than done. Thinking of you and sending you all the healthy, wiggly baby vibes. Let us know how you get on at your next scan xxx

Yup. Missed miscarriage at 15 weeks in November, found out on a scan. Had to go into hospital to deliver him on the L&D ward and miss him every day. 12 week scan tomorrow and I’m terrified there won’t be a heartbeat. My symptoms have totally slowed down this week as well I almost feel back to normal/pre-pregnancy. Also I struggle with people acting like this baby is a replacement baby and feeling like people think I should forgot about our little boy just because we are having this baby. This baby is such a blessing but a totally different baby and doesn’t stop me grieving or missing our little boy.

Thank you ladies. Jess I’m so sorry 😢 a miscarriage at any time is heartbreaking but to get to 15 weeks is so cruel 😞 Emma-Jayne my fiancé has booked us a scan for this afternoon. I feel ridiculous really as I’ve already had 2 nhs and one private scan 😂 but I figure if it brings me some peace then it’s worth it. Part of my worry is that we have started telling a few close friends and family over the past week, and we found out about our missed miscarriage shortly after we started breaking the news last time, so I guess I’m just taking myself back to that time. I’m 11+3 now but my 12 week scan isn’t until 12+5 and that feels like a lifetime away! Thank you so much for the well wishes and reassurance x

It really is hell! And if like me, with my son, i checked the toilet paper every single time until he was born!! I can only advise you take each day as another successful day down... its one day closer to meeting baby. It ruined my pregnancy experience and thankfully i am "a teeny" bit more relaxed this time round. Good luck and I'm sure all will be fine. You are definitely not alone in anxious feelings

@Sarah look at the gorgeous baby! I’m so pleased for you xx Going for scans is NEVER ridiculous. It’s a crazy amazing thing our bodies are doing and at times it’s totally incomprehensible! We’re literally making brains and organs inside our bodies 🤯 of course we’re all going to be worried to some degree over the course of our pregnancies. I hope now you’ve got some reassurance yours will be more enjoyable for you xxx

@Rachel I’m definitely doing this! 🫣 🤭

@Sarah so glad all was ok. I’ve not logged back in since my 12 week scan as unfortunately my scan showed that we had lost this baby as well, my symptoms slowing down was because something was wrong again. Baby died at 9+5 after a perfect scan showing the heartbeat and nothing wrong at 9+1 😞 But it shows that it can mean something or nothing with symptoms going down before your 12 week scan and be normal and I’m glad for you it was nothing x

@Jess awww Jess I’m sooooo sorry. You poor thing. That’s devastating!I can’t even imagine the pain of going through that twice. Sending you lots of love ❤️

@Sarah thank you ❤️ it was such a horrible shock it happening again, but we’ve been referred to the recurrent miscarriage clinic now because the first loss was in the second trimester. So hoping we get some answers and help and the next baby we bring home. But the two we’ve lost will never be forgotten ❤️

@Jess hopefully they can offer some help. If it’s any help at all, this is my double rainbow baby. I had 2 losses and third time lucky seems to have stuck! I’ve been out on progesterone and blood thinners and I’m now 21 weeks tomorrow so third time was definitely the charm for me 🩷 hoping for the same for you chick x

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