Why do people think having a degree means you've done something with your life or equates to intelligence?

I was speaking with a coworker of mine and she made a couple comments that rubbed me the wrong way because she "assumed" we both have degrees. We were talking about her upcoming class reunion and she made a statement saying "Well nobody in my class has really done anything in their life....well made a few. One got her Masters in *blank* and one has a PHD in *blank*" That doesn't mean they did anything with those degrees but okay. She on another day was struggling with a task and asked me what shw felt like was a simple question. She stopped herself and says "We have degrees, why am I thinking so hard about this?" As to say I'm intelligent because we have a degree, why am I thinking so hard about this one task. Like a degree equates to intelligence. What are your thoughts? I thought this was just interesting to witness.
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I mean, that said degree, in whatever it is, is expensive asf! I would hope someone’s doing something with their lives with it 🤣 don’t have a choice with these dang school loans. But on a serious note, these days you don’t even need a degree though and that’s the crazy part.

HAHA I have a masters degree and if I could go back, definitely would not have done it. Absolute waste of time and full of people being completely brainwashed IMO, regardless of the degree they're doing 🤷🏻‍♀️ a lot of my friends who have degrees think the same also! We also live in Australia, so the government helps you pay your degree fees but in reality, you're just in debt to the gov forever 😬 smart way to keep the poor poor. A degree gives you the idea you're intelligent but you're actually working under someone. The smartest thing to do would be go out on your own and have your own business!

My mom and sister both have bachelors they don’t use my husband was homeless and had to repeat freshman year and provides 100% for me and my family degrees don’t mean shit (my mom and sister are successful and hold there own but do not use there degrees lol)

They're definitely not the be all end all in the world. I have a joint degree with honours that I pushed myself hard to get and got It in a specific field to allow me to gain jobs in that sector as in the UK to work in this particular industry they will always pick someone with a relevant degree to have the job over someone who doesn't but then literally 6 weeks into my first year one of the biggest sectors changed their policy and now will send you to obtain a degree in the field from a university to further your education so if I end up doing that job I'll have to go back to university and redo all what I did so would've been a waste of my own money to do my original degrees in the first place. I know more people who have "pointless" degrees as they've never used them and they've got fantastic jobs than I do people who work in the field they studied and have reached good positions in the company. There's far more to life than studying and this whole culture of you have to have a degree to be successful i

Is really quite damaging for the majority of people as it makes them feel like failures

I dunno, but you reminded me of this. (I’m also an English grad, so it hurts just that little bit more). https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=aiqKK4ysI7g Good news though! I just finished paying off my student debts. I’m 41.

@Zee Where did you get this statistic from?

I don’t have a degree you know what I also don’t have school fucking debt that shit is bs 😂😂

Imagine getting a degree not being able to get a job with it because of experience or whatever but still paying it off for years 😂

@Elizabeth that’s not what I’m saying though is it Elizabeth what I’m saying is being think having a degree is top tear but most of the time it’s a waste in my option. I’m a legal secretary.

@Elizabeth what you waffling about bizarre flex ?

@Elizabeth Why you getting butt hurt over a comment ? Congratulations on your degree and your debt doesn’t make you any different. Degrees aren’t as valuable from my perspective as they were back then. Not once don’t I talk down on someone or say my life in better I comment on a post. You took it the wrong way adding emotion to a piece of text. Weird.

@Gabriella She messaged me privately then deleted it after I replied chat over 😂 please if anyone else is triggered I didn’t mean it in the way Elizabeth painted it. X

I have a masters degree and I'm not triggered 🤷🏻‍♀️ just thought the gif was relevant 😂

@Elizabeth your triggering yourself at this point I said sorry. You messaged privately and I replied you then deleted it so. I didn’t said anything nasty.

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@Louise honestly she's a troll just ignore her. She posts so much about needing mental health help then starts fights and claims it's her sister

I have a degree and I would say it is part of who I am. I worked my bum off to achieve it, worked during my degree and to reward myself I went travelling after. All 3 of those are achievements in my eyes but I would never assume I'm not intelligent than someone that dropped out of school at 16. You don't need a degree to get far in life but some jobs require a degree

I have a bachelor’s, 2 master’s and will be starting my doctorate next year. There’s no possible way to have my dream career without completing my doctoral degree. The importance of college comes down to your ultimate goals. There are plenty of ways to secure a good life and future without college. It’s a lot of time and money to invest, and a lot of people go, just to say they did. That’s a little silly. I think ideally most people should take time to live a little and figure out what kind of job will make them happy forever, and then make the decision on pursuing a degree or not, rather than jumping in right after high school when they may not be sure what they actually want long-term. The only person I ever met in college that paid someone to do their assignments never ended up graduating. You still have to show up for the exams and prove you know the material. Unless it’s online school or something, I have a hard time seeing it work.

@Zee Thank you! 💯

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