Pregnancy Tests

Whatever you need to know about pregnancy tests, we’re here for you. Discover expert advice and real stories from real women who have been there.

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I took a pregnancy test last week, and I took another one today. Are they both positive?

I just want to know



I’m 3 days late for my period. I tested and it’s hard to tell if I’m pregnant or not. I have been testing for the last week and every single test shows these faint lines. I’m waiting another week to see if the lines get darker. Has this happened to anyone 3 days past their period or should my lines be darker?! 😅


It’s positive to you guys to right?

Have been trying for more than 7 months took this and another this past Friday and they both came back positive 😱 I have an appointment Thursday to confirm



Been taking the cheap tests off Amazon for the fast 3 days showing faint lines, but not enough for me to be convinced, thought I’d get out the clear blue this morning and I think that’s a definite positive I’m not sure how many DPO I am as I’m irregular.


DPO and testing

I have PCOS and I had a very positive LH strip on 13/10, I am appx 8-9DPO. Is it too early to test? I did a FMU test and it’s negative 😖


Testing question

Hey so I just want any opinions on this. My last period was the 25th of September. I have been taking test which all come back negative. Like all of the early response tests. I think I’m pregnant and have been having symptoms. For example I am cramping but haven’t gotten my period yet. Which has never happened befor...


Positive or no

Hello, I know that this is really early to be asking as my period is still 11 days away but I took a pregnancy test on Friday because I've been really sick lately and it was fain this is today's test that I just took what do yall think?


Line eyes please!

Is this positive? Pretty sure I kept within the time frame of 10 mins. Would it look like this even if it went past the time frame? Photo in comments.


Evap line or positive?

Pic in comments. Really unsure!


Is this positive??

Do I have line eyes or is it positive? I am suppose to get my period today but wasn’t having any period symptoms like normal.



Has anyone ever tested negative in the morning but positive at night or taken the 6 day early test was negative but got a positive I’m thinking I’m 12dpo but got a negative this morning had lots symptoms but thinking now it’s period coming



line came up literally straight away, i’m due on my period in 2 days so anxious as i had a miscarriage a few months back, also does this seem to dark to be before my missed period?


Faint lines?

Has anyone used these tests from Amazon? They’re only cheap but for the past 2 days I’ve seen these faint lines. (Tested 2 more times this afternoon.) I wasn’t sure if it’s evaporation lines or a faint positive, I don’t want to get overly excited I’m not due on for another 3 days.


cb digital

ik yur not meant to open a digital i just couldn’t help myself. iv had a couple faint positives past couple days. now the cb is saying not pregnant but when i opened it there was 3 lines?? i also took a digital last month and the lines was alot darker this time around compared to last time. advice??? (ill put a pic ...


Still HCG in my system after a period?!

I had surgical management of miscarriage 5 weeks ago and had a normal period last week. However I’ve done another pregnancy test today and there’s still a line?! We did TTC twice when I ovulated 3 weeks ago but then I got my period so surely it can’t be a new pregnancy. Plus the line would be stronger by now if I ...


Are these look poistive.. First one is of Yesterday 8 dpo..2nd one was today Fmu..the thing is it came faint positive when i saw it within a time frame..after few hours when i saw it was dark..then 3rd one test is also from today but it

Is lighter..i just did the test last one.. Soo are they look positive:.last month i also got faint positive with easy home test..but it ended up periods..i dont know about this time

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