Community Posts, Tips & Support on Planning for a Baby

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Another false positive !!

Annoyed 😠 Easy@home, 8 DPO, not the first time I’ve gotten a false positive! Was in the time frame, with color. All other test have been negative, even immediately after. WTH?! 🤦🏼‍♀️ has this happened to anyone else?? I also did a FRER, and it was negative ):


How soon can I get a positive?

Hey ladies! I’m trying for baby #2. How soon can I get a positive test result? The days marked with a heart are the days I had intimacy with my partner. The light blue days indicate the times with a high chance of getting pregnant, and the day marked with a circle was the peak day. I tested yesterday, and it was ne...


How to adopt a child/why is it so expensive?

I’ve had 4 miscarriages so far and a 3yo little girl and while we want for her to have a sibling my heart can’t handle any more miscarriages. I’ve been looking into adoption but god it’s so unreasonably expensive. We live in US, make 230k/y so we can give a good life to another kid, but I can think of so many better...


What does a godparent mean to you?

My sister is with a guy he proposed after a few months she said yes. No problem except last I knew marriage wasn’t really her thing. People can change that’s fine but he isn’t that great. She complains to me a lot she supports him financially he doesn’t know how to cook eats all crap etc. he texted me in a group wit...


False or positive?

Hello ! I’m 4 days late and tested on 2 poundshop tests they instantly came up positive I done a positive and took over 5 mins and said negative. Am I maybe testing too early ?


Negative or positive

Hi guys I’m 4 days late on period have taken 2 poundshop tests they came up instantly as positive then took a digital and took quite a while and said negative . Then done another clear blue & extremely faint am I testing to early ? Or evaporated lines?



So my cervical mucus is egg white, my bbt is in the low range and my lh test is this. None of it is lining up so I’m just confused and idk


Help with ovulation

I’m having ovulation symptoms ( stretchy egg white discharge, higher bbt with dull headache) but my ovulation strip lines are not peak, does it mean I’m not ovulating?


Day 21 progesterone

I’ve just had my day 21 progesterone results back and they are supposed to be higher than 30nmol/l to confirm ovulation and mine was only 16nmol. Does anyone have experience with success? I’m so disappointed.


Ovulation tracking did I find my peak

My peak seems a little low I thought tested at night then in the morning and had intercourse last night just hoping we timed it right


Am I imagining things?(more photos in comments)

So we’ve been trying for another baby for 18 months, got pregnant once and lost the baby at 9 weeks. The next couple of months we’ve decided to stop trying as my husband doesn’t want a July or August baby😂🙄 However… I’ve just done this test as my period is a day late and I swear I see a second line?


Pregnancy test

What does this mean I’m confused? X


Evap line?

I did a test the day after my period was meant to come and it was negative. For some reason I went back and checked on the test hours later and it had a second pinkish line. Is this an evaporation line or could it be a positive? Also, I tested two days prior and it was negative.



How to I politely ask in laws and parents etc to give us a few days to ourselves once the baby has arrived? I'm struggling and worrying of what their reactions will be even though I'm quite entitled to ask for some space.



I’m 9DPO. Can anyone see a line? I don’t think I can. I have a feeling I’m out this month because I got my last positive at 9DPO


Very faint positive

Hi everyone, posting this an icognito as haven’t announced yet - I took a test yesterday and this morning with fmu and the line is very very faint positive both days and hasn’t got darker today should I be worried? I am 4 weeks and 3 days from my last period. I had a miscarriage previously so am just very paranoid.



everyone talks about how much they want to nest and or are nesting but can we talk about who hasnt nested, i just feel so mentally draining and emotionally drained, any one else??


Ovulation test

Period finishes last Monday (7th) I use the flo app and that is suggesting I’m due to ovulate tomorrow and this is my test this morning should it be getting darker? Never used ovulation tests before


Baby On The Way!!🌈

Just took a test… It’s positive! Daddy doesn’t know yet


Had sex during my fertile window, bt I got negative pregnancy test today, am I testing too early?

Wondering if anyone has ever tested positive AFTER their missed period because I was anticipating a positive test result by now. My period is literally due soon! I can’t take this wait anymore! Please someone give me some hope, Do I still have a chance of getting a positive this month! I have always tested positive ...


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