October 2024 Babies 🇨🇦

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S in Other


Are soothers good for babies?doc said baby can have crooked teeth later n might need braces! Iam not sure what to do…as baby likes it and not calming sometimes even after he is fed !

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J in Other

Anyone have a planned induction date?

I'm 39+4 today. Had a membrane sweep and OB told me doesn't look like labour for me anytime soon 😞 I have a planned induction for Nov 2nd but really hoping I can get him out before then!! Any tips to get things moving?? First baby was born at 38+3 so this is all new territory for me 😅

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Incognito in Early pregnancy symptoms

Back labour?

I’m having waves of a dull ache in my back every 10ish minutes. Could this be the start of labour?

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito

A in Other


I was having contractions 5-6 minutes apart for about 2.5 hours and now they’ve become about 10-12 minutes apart. Is this normal? I’m 41+1 today. Water hasn’t broken yet, but I had a sweep earlier today and I’m 3cm dilated. With my last baby, contractions started when my water broke and they were consistent every ...

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Incognito in Induced labor

Inducti is near

I'm 40+5 with ni signs of labor what so ever. Tried everything and nothing... I'm being induced in two days and I'm scared. I was not scared of labor if it started spontaneously but the induction is scaring me I don't know why. Any positive stories of induction that did not need c-section at the end?

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