January 2025 Babies 🇬🇧

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January 2025 Babies 🇬🇧

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J in Sleep & tiredness

I’m full of a cold again 😭

Second time this pregnancy I’ve been poorly. I’m SO fed up. I don’t really know the reason for this post other than I’m feeling pretty down and drained. I have 13 weeks left until baby is here and I can’t seem to enjoy it 🥺 fainting, throwing up, headaches constant blocked nose and headaches. And now baby has tur...

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L in Pregnancy scans

Breach babies

Anyone had a breach/ transverse baby from 17 weeks? Little lady has been moving between breach and transverse since my gender scan at 15 weeks. Im worrying about her turning head down in time or this pregnancy ending up with a c section? Any positive stories?

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P in Other


Hey guys! Hope you’re all ok! This feels like a really random thing to ask but does anyone feel like their stomach is too small/unable to stretch enough to grow a baby? I’m 27 weeks now and already feel so uncomfortable and heavy. My skin around my stomach feels so tight and my belly is rock hard! I’ve always been q...

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L in Induced labor


I have been told by my consultant that they will recommend induction due to my GD, some point between 38-39 weeks, maybe earlier depending how big the baby is measuring later on. I need to read up on it but can anyone share their experiences? How were you induced, length of labour etc. good or bad so I can prepare m...

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H in Pregnancy Week by Week: First Trimester

28 weeks today

Never thought I’d ever say the words…I’m in my third trimester ☺️ Pregnancy after infertility/sub-fertility is an absolute doozy. I do wonder sometimes whether I’d be enjoying it more if it wasn’t convinced it would be taken away from me at any moment. I’m just so grateful to be in this position, and I’d convinced...

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