May 2023 Babies 🇺🇸

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M in Baby milestones

Worried- 17 month old not talking yet

Hi everyone! My baby boy is 17 months old now, and not really saying or attempting to say much at all during the day. I’ve talked to the pediatrician and have taken him to a speech evaluation already but have been told that since he’s at least saying 1-2 words and can make himself understood through gestures that th...

  • M
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  • M

Incognito in Maternity clothes

Shoes recommendations

What kind of shoes are you all buying for your baby? Those flexible shoes don’t really fit mine properly. She has a pair of Nike that fits her pretty well. Any other kinds that you can recommend that are good for walking?

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Baby milestones

Pointing 17 months

So my baby was evaluated at daycare today and it says she’s not pointing to an object or picture when it’s named. She will point to show me something she wants, and even says “this” when she’s pointing, but she won’t necessarily point if I say, “point to the apple”, even though she knows what an apple is and she kno...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Postpartum mental health

Postpartum Rage

I feel like my hormones are out of whack still, and I have so much rage built up in me. My husband works and helps me sometimes but I never get a break EVER and I love my baby so much but between my husband needing more out of me and me having to be a mother and everything else it’s so much. I don’t want to over rea...

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito
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R in Baby milestones


Hi yall. I know it’s developmentally appropriate, but it makes me so uncomfortable especially when she does it on me. Please tell me I’m not alone 😭

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