Acupuncture and TCM group

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Acupuncture and TCM group

For anyone interested in traditional Chinese medicine

159 members

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N in Pregnancy care

Anyone had acupuncture during pregnancy?

Is it safe?

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S in Fertility treatments

Acupuncture and IVF?

Hello everyone! 👋 I'm currently exploring options to enhance my IVF journey and I'm curious about your experiences with acupuncture in conjunction with IVF. Has anyone here tried acupuncture as a complement to IVF treatments? What was your experience like? Any insights or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank y...

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Incognito in Other

TCM Herbs

Has anyone been prescribed (or tried on their own) any Chinese herbal remedies? I read a really interesting case study ( that made me more curious about integrating something into my TTC journey. We’ve been TTC for 5 months with no luck which I know is technicall...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

K in Other

TCM warm food suggestion when TTC

Has anyone tried to or strictly followed the “eat warm foods” recommendation of TCM while TTC and conceiving? I’ve been given this advice by my acupuncturist but I think it might be stressing me out more than necessary. It’s nearly impossible to have an all warm, healthy, and cooked meal being a busy person. I even ...

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M in Fertility treatments

TTC baby#2

Has anyone tried to conceive baby #2 and tried all the things (Letrozole, clomid, iui and FSH shots) and still not work? Besides doing IVF has anyone gone the natural way and ended up pregnant? I tried all those things and no luck. Got pregnant month 1 of Letrozole with baby #1 and now we’re going on 1.5 years of tr...

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