May 2022 Babies 🇺🇸

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S in Baby sleep

What do about toddler refusing nap

My son will be 2.5 in December but the last week he is having trouble napping. However if he gets a short nap in (30min ish) he is a terror the rest of the day. He used to sleep 1-2 hours and would be in a such a good mood. Now these short naps or just pretending to sleep for the nap time (i have a 7 month old as we...

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Incognito in Potty training

Potty training is hard

My two year old was fully potty trained and doing all her poops and pees in the toilet. Then we moved, and I’m sure that’s what caused the regression 😩 But now she is hiding behind chairs to poop her pants, and thinks it’s hilarious to pee herself. She will loudly and happily announce, I peed my pants! I am so frust...

  • Incognito
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  • Incognito
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A in Other

Calling you by your legal name

My son just started calling me “Adri” because that’s what my sister calls me and she lives with us right now. It drives me insane 🤣 is anyone else’s child doing this? I miss being called mommy 🤣

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H in Baby milestones

My lovely middle child

Im having trouble with my 2nd oldest who is two like his terrible 2s are so bad and he's always getting into trouble and getting into everything he can get ahold of if it's anything that sprays he'll definitely be spraying it all over you tell him not to touch it he does it anyways he always testing the limits my ol...

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Incognito in Family

Husband and kids

How do you keep yourself happy ? My marriage was amazing so i thought before having a kid now that i have a child. I just don't feel loved by my husband :/

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