February 2021 Babies 🇺🇸

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M in Teething

Any advice plz

I have just noticed this on my sons tongue it seems to have just randomly appeared looks like a bruise or some some of blood spot underneath just a bit bigger he is 5 months old but has no teeth yet so i don't understand how this could have appeared should I be worried and anyone else had same experience I no you sh...

  • M
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  • M

J in Potty training

Potty training troubles

I didn’t start potty training my son until he turned 3 (feb 2024) and he did excellent. We went straight to underwear and had very few accidents. Sometime in August 2024 he hit a regression where he stopped telling us he had to pee and would just hold it until he went on himself. I’ve been told it’s just a phase but...

  • J
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Incognito in Baby milestones


Is anyone else still experiencing tantrums at this age? My son has always been on the grumpier side. He is great at communicating why he is upset but still has these extreme meltdowns. They are loud and in the moment he can’t be calmed. They only last for about 1-3 minutes but probably 5-10 times a day. Is this normal?

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T in Potty training

SOS!!! Boy potty training

I am plum out of ideas. My little dude has gotten the number one down buuuttt the number two is proving to be incredibly infuriating, providing undeniable insanity, and loads of curse words. Endless research, goal charts, commando, pants no underwear. I do not know what to do!!! Please help me find some way to get h...

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Incognito in Activities for kids


So every morning my son wants to take something to school with him I say no and he has a breakdown and is angry the whole car ride and it is draaaaaaaiiiining yal I wanna scream bc I get so frustrated but I know it’s a really big let down for him so I keep my cool but it’s wearing me out yal 😂😭! Any tips ?? Or do yo...

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