Exclusively Pumping Mamas

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Exclusively Pumping Mamas

Exclusively Pumping is breastfeeding too and is a great way to provide your baby with breastmilk if they have challenges latching you the breast.

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E in Other

Slacker boob

How do I fix this? I’ve tried everything like powerpumping different flanges, replacing parts etc. I pump 5 times a day for 30 mins.

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E in Pumping


So I pump for 15 minutes, my let down starts instantly and may last 5 minutes and then that’s it, I don’t get any more milk after those initial 5 minutes. What can I do to try encourage my milk? I pump every 3 hours if a can, I pump in the golden hours at night too. I should still pump for those 15 minutes even thou...

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Incognito in Breastfeeding

Combo feeding?

Am 4 weeks pp and don’t think I’ll ever produce enough for my LO. Anyone else struggling to continue as they are not producing enough? Feel like a failure x 2 as breast feeding didn’t work out and am still having to feed formula. Thank you

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L in Baby & toddler food

Ready or not

So my little is 6 months old this week. He can sit and is very interested in our food so I started with a couple of purees (just what I felt most comfortable with at the time altho the end goal is blw) He basically just pushed the food straight back with his tongue and pulled faces. So I thought perhaps I should ta...

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l in Pumping

milk over 1

I am exclusively pumping and I do still want to give him breast milk after he’s 1. Does anyone else do this and if they do how much do you give them ?

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