Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy.

2nd pregnancy

When did your little one start kicking in your second pregnancy? I’m 17 weeks today and can feel bubbles popping and like pressure pushing up against my belly but still no kicks yet.


Tightening all day, but not sure if labor is close. Should I wait or get induced?

I'm 40 weeks and 5 days pregnant, but there's no sign that baby girl is coming anytime soon. 😅 My midwife said I'm 2cm dilated, but my water hasn't broken and I haven't lost my mucus plug. The last couple of days, I've been getting tightening pretty much all day. Does that mean labor is close? Not sure if I should…


Baby movements

I’m 37 weeks pregnant & I’ve noticed my baby isn’t as active any more it’s been a few days he still moves just not as much as before when should I be concerned?


Sitting up

How long after your section could you sit up without aid and pain?



I took my first tablet last night and I’ve woken up feeling so nauseous and spaced out. Is this normal is so how long does it take for this to die down?


Could this be the start?!

I am 37 weeks today and as of last night have been getting dull aches and constantly needing to pee! I haven’t slept because I cannot get comfortable - no matter how I lay it feels like I’m pressing on bubba and it’s uncomfortable! He’s always making very aggressive movements that feel very low down? Waters have...


Painful feet after having a baby

Has anyone else experienced this? I had sore feet during pregnancy but the pain seems to just be getting worse. Once I’m up and about it’s fine but when I first get up it’s pretty painful.


Should I have seen my mucus plug?

I don’t know if I’m in the start of labour, or just super super uncomfortable. Either way I haven’t lost my mucus plug yet, at least I haven’t seen it. To those of you have given birth already, did you see yours?!


Is it normal for periods

To be so irregular after c section a year a go?


Definitely BFN?

Unsure how many dpo I am ,either 13 or 6. BFN isn't it


C section

I'm 33 weeks pregnant is it too late to decide I want a c section my anxiety is getting the better of me and I just can't bare the thought of giving birth naturally


Pain management for S3 endometriosis

I’ve been diagnosed with staged 3 endometriosis. I get extremely bad period pains which stop me doing daily tasks as I get horrendous abdominal and back cramps and really bad leg pain! I know the only way to help is getting surgery however as we are TTC my fertility specialist has advised to not touch the endo just...


Hourly waking/ help

I just am exhausted been like this for about 2 weeks I get literally no sleep don’t know what do do


Severe pelvic pain😣

Anyone else experiencing severe pelvic pain?😣 It hurts to do everything. Walking, turning in bed, sneezing, etc. It feels like he’s literally into my pelvic bone😭 I’m so over it. I’m due Nov 27th and I honestly don’t know how I’m going to hold up until then. I’ve brought it up to my OB and the only thing she…


Baby names.

Do you prefer to announce baby names? Saw on IG mom didn’t want to announce, pushy family member made her.


She’s here

My November 3rd baby was born in October! 10/21/24 6.0oz 19in ❤️🐻


Need Some Ideas

My son's birthday is Friday coming up. I'm so excited 🥳 I know balloons, gift, and cupcakes but what are some things that I can do or places that I can take him for his birthday? He'll be turning 2.


TW please be sensitive line eyes

So bit of a back story we've had two miscarraiges this year in space of 4 months of one another and I didn't think I was ovulating this month as it happened later than usual so we just had sex as and when twice only and in my head I'm like that's not enough to fall pregnant even though logically I know once is enoug...


Vbac failed

Sadly i didnt gwt to experience the birth story i wanted as after going into labour naturally and dilating to 4cm before getting to hospital, i managed to get to 9cm but baby suddenly pooped and began experiencing severe oxygen drops to the point where i no longer had a choice to wait until i was 10cm to get assista...


Bad body odor

Anyone else’s armpits smellin like sautéed onions?? When does it go away?? I NEVER smelled before and I used to be way more active and sweaty (working out, sauna, etc).


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