Community Posts, Tips & Support on First Trimester

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on First Trimester.

Feel huge!!

I'm 10 weeks today and I feel huge!! I'm struggling to hide it but I'm not ready for work to know yet. Although pretty sure they've guessed already 🤦🏼‍♀️ this is my second baby, I was nowhere near this big until 6 months last time! I'm terrified I'm going to be enormous!


FET success after chemical pregnancy

I’d love to hear stories of a successful FET after a chemical pregnancy. I experienced a chemical pregnancy in June after a FET and am preparing to start another FET cycle in a couple weeks. Protocol is staying the same.


I give up 😭😭

13 months trying for our rainbow baby, 7 months on clomid and still not getting pregnant! I don’t know if I can handle more heartbreak. It’s too much. I wouldn’t even know where to start to get my husband tested or even if I should. I’m so angry, upset and depressed about it. 😭😭😭😭



I saw this on another post and i thought I’d share mine: • Epidural: Yes, however didn’t fully work • Pitocin: No • Caesarean: No • Gender reveal party: No • Breastfeeding: Yes • Due date: 06/07/2024 • Birthday: 06/07/2024 • Nauseous: Yes • Heartburn: Oh yes! • Swollen: No • Hours in labor: 12 after gel induction...


Fed up!

38 +2 weeks, exhausted, burning indigestion which Omeprazole isn't doing nothing for. So fed up of being pregnant but so anxious about giving birth, you would not think this was my 2nd Pregnancy!


Hey ladies :) just needing some guidance in regards to working out . I have consistently been going to the gym for 2 years now.

I am 5 weeks pregnant , should I carry on working out or wait until my midwife appointment to understand if I can still lift etc . Also has anyone taking creatine while being pregnant ?



Anyone have any step kids??? Aswel as their July baby? Who would like to DM me and tell me how you’re coping, because I’m not doing too well 😅❤️‍🩹


Anybody’s baby born on 29th July? How is everyone getting on🥹

First sleepless night with my baby, was a bit fussy even after trying everything. Is anyone else’s newborn like this? Makes me so emotional 😖 as I feel like they’re in pain or something


Funny turn

37 weeks today - all of. Sudden went boiling boiling hot 🥵 extremely shaky and really weak… has anyone else had a funny turn like that x


Struggling with that final wait for baby 👶🏻

Anyone else struggling with that final stretch? I’m 35 weeks and will be induced week 38 but it feels like forever and I’m so ready to meet him 🥹💙


Announcing pregnancy?

How far along were you before you announced your pregnancy, if you have?


Pregnant with a twonager!

Is there anyone else pregnant with a two-year-old/toddler? How are you coping? I feel like this pregnancy is so different to when I was pregnant with my little boy..I could relax if I felt tired but there’s no chance of doing that with a toddler bouncing on my head 😂😂



They received the samples!! Now just gotta patiently wait 💗 hoping for my baby girl! I have two boys already 😂


Anyone else?

I’m 37+5 and i’m sooo ready to meet my baby, i know he’s likely not going to be here for weeks yet because i’m a ftm but it’s getting me so down that i’m not having any labour signs and i find myself getting really upset whenever i wake up and realise there’s still no baby and still no signs of labour. Need some pos...


First time pregnancy

First time ever being pregnant so I’m really new to all of this. I was just wondering why people say they are 7 + 2 pregnant? Sorry if this is a stupid question. First day of my last period was 18th June so I’m a bit confused as to how many weeks I am and what the + means? Thanks in advance 🩷


Labor and delivery

So 08/2020 I had my daughter during the pandemic and I will be honest I loved how they told me only 1 person can stay which was the dad and that's how it was 08/2022 although it was the pandemic then I still only wanted one person in there and it will be the same for this one as well how do y'all feel do you like a ...


My July became August baby 🥰

My little girl finally arrived yesterday at 41+3 at 7:34am. Born at home with an 11 hour labour through the night. No interventions, no inductions/sweeps for suspected big baby (which she was but she came out just fine). She weighed 8lb & 14oz and I got away with a 2nd degree tear. I trusted that my babe would come ...


First vs second (etc) babies

Okay friends. Can we talk about subsequent pregnancies for a sec? Nobody told me(but I kinda deduced lol) that you’d show sooner, and get bigger (it seems lol) with subsequent pregnancies lol (I mean, of course! Your body’s already done this so it knows what to do lol but still! lol) I just took a pic the other da...


Positivity boost

I’m having a really tough week and feeling down in the dumps. To cheer myself up I wondered if people could share any positive pregnancy things that have happened this week? Or what they’re most looking forward to when baby arrives?


Baby shopping

When are you all starting to baby shop because I feel like doing it now 😂 I’m almost 17 weeks


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