Community Posts, Tips & Support on First Trimester

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on First Trimester.

3 weeks left 🥳🥳🥳

I’m due September 8th & getting super impatient at this point lol Has anyone with a similar due date already had your baby?


38 weeks pregnant this week

Convinced baby boy will be late even though I want him to come now🤣



It has finally hit me 😂 I haven't wanted to clean for 8 months ... BAM ... 38 weeks pregnant and i've been cleaning the insides of cupboards i'm hoping this is a sign that the baby will arrive very soon



I can’t believe I’m having a baby I still haven’t come to the conclusion that I’ll be having a baby as yet. Low key stressed out I hope I’m not a bad mom especially with my relationship on a rocky side, I’m like so scared 😭.


Wish us luck! ☺️

Hey mamas, Just got admitted for baby. Looks like she’s coming early on her own. Hopefully will have baby in my arms by tomorrow. 🥹 wish us luck💜


Who else has convinced themselves their baby will arrive in September? 😅

I’m due first week of October and baby has been measuring ahead



How soon did you start (after your second was born) leaving the house together? Just you and your 2 under 2? What was the first thing you did together? I have to take both of my LO's to their doctor appointments alone and I'm so nervous about it lol One is getting vaccinated and the other is getting bloodwork ...


Baby came early!

Pack your bags and get your stuff done early Just in case! Went into labor at 36 w 5days on Sunday August 11th, FTM and was at the hospital by 8:45am and delivered by 10:49am. Labor started for me around 4am and I wasn’t even sure if it was real or Braxton hicks. My daughter came so fast that I had to go all natural...


Finally Here 💗

Had my princess early at 38 weeks + 5 days on Tuesday afternoon (the 14th)! My labour was around 7 hours, with the birth part around 30 mins! Things got slightly hectic with me tearing and losing blood and passing out! Buttttt! Im so happy she’s here and I’m at home in my bed with my lil Ki-laïa with me. Born 7.6lbs...


Officially 40 weeks!!

My due date was yesterday 8/16/2024 but little man is taking his time. I’m set to be induced on Monday 8/19. This is my first pregnancy but after having to see the high risk doctor a few times in the beginning I’m surprised we’ve made it full term. Anyone else gone past their due date?


Anyone feeling sensitive to comments / other’s ideas about when to “announce”?

When did everyone else / plan to announce their baby? Even though I’m only 6 weeks, I feel like I’m not “properly pregnant” and comments like ‘it’s still early days’ and it’s ‘very early on’ I find upsets me and gets me down. We have told close friends and parents but I don’t want to announce to too many people pr...


Anyone else a second time mum and already showing?

I’m 8 weeks tomorrow and already have a bump!! I feel I can’t hide it for much longer but I’m not ready for everyone to know yet. With my first, I didn’t show until 26 weeks and now I already look bigger.


Second baby in two years and I feel I have popped already 12 weeks

Anyone else?


Go day is so close 🥲

Yes I already have a child, yes I’ve already been induced and have had an epidural before but it’s been 5 years. It doesn’t make it any less nerve wrecking. Please send good vibes, thoughts, and prayers because my anxiety is through the roof. I go in Monday to have our little man 🖤


9 weeks pregnant - surprising my partner today

So anxious waiting for hubby to come home 🥹🤭


Pregnancy announcement!

Hey mamas! How did you announce your pregnancies to your partners and or family members? I’ll start! With my first I told my husband over the phone while he was at work. I wish I’d waited until he got home so I could’ve surprised him with a cute “I’m pregnant” display and share the moment with him. With this bein...


Birth of baby girl

So I had my daughter at 9:30 on Friday morning after a 12 hour labour all in all. After a “failed sweep” on Tuesday my waters went Thursday 9pm and labour progressed from there. Couldn’t have wished for a better vbac hoping you all get the birth you want and hope for 🥰❤️.


When does the second trimester ACTUALLY begin?

The internet seems to be completely torn. One website will say it starts at 13 weeks. Another right under it says 14 weeks. Then the next says 13 weeks. And so on! I’m 13 weeks tomorrow and I just want to be in the second trimester already!


Baby bump already.

Baby number 3 really said “ Hi how are you doing” lol. I thought I popped fast with my second, nope I really popped with 3.


So many boys this upcoming winter!! 🫶

My family and I thought that we were for sure pregnant with a girl this time but we’re here with our second boy 😳 as someone who only grew up with a sister this whole experience is so alien but so fun to experience and learn about lol 🤣


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