Heart shaped uterus?

At my first ultrasound I was told I have a slightly heart shaped uterus. My doctor doesn’t think it is so heart shaped that it will cause major problems, but said we will continue to keep an eye on it as baby gets bigger. She shared with me that many women with this end up delivering a little bit early. Worst case scenario it can cause you to miscarry in second or third trimester :/ I’m curious - has anyone else had this experience, and if so, how did your pregnancy go?
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I have a complete bicornuate uterus with a complete septated uterus. Pregnancies have been extremely difficult on my body. I’ve had 4 miscarriages. First two were the “twin” to my other. (I was pregnant on both horns). The other two were singleton pregnancies and I miscarried in the first trimester (both in the same year). They were on the smaller horn. My last pregnancy was with twins (each on one side of my uterus) and I carried to full term with them. I have 5 healthy children. All my other pregnancies I delivered early. My first was 28 weeks, second was 32, third was 35.5 weeks, and my twins were 37 (my only full term pregnancy). Sounds like yours isn’t as complicated as mine but I just wanted you to know that you can still have a safe pregnancy, it just maybe high risk and you’ll have lots of restrictions.

Also, my first set of “twin” pregnancies (was my second pregnancy, my daughter is now 10) she was 5 months gestation and I lost her “twin” who was only 3 months gestation. If you have a double uterus...you can get pregnant while pregnant. So talk with your doctor to see how severe the septum is within your uterus.

I know someone who had a heart shaped uterus and said she could have complications but the baby grew to the shape if that makes sense, so he managed to get his feet round one side and his body the other. He was born healthy, at full term and is now 2!

I also have bicornuate uterus and I have carried two babies no problem. Yours looks about the same as mine does. You should be perfectly fine. Just try to relax and enjoy your pregnancy 😊

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The worse thing that could possibly happen is your baby not turn and stay breech and you end up having a csection.

Here for you ✌🏽❤️

I have a heart shaped uterus too and I’m 15 weeks. Wishing you the best of luck for a smooth pregnancy and delivery!

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Thank you - you too!!

I have a heart shaped uterus (as does my mum) so far I am 21+1 and haven’t had any issues 🤞🏻 apart from being told I have had a low lying placenta which should move upwards. My mum had 3 children with her bicornate uterus and had 2 natural births and 1 c-section so hopefully all will be ok x

I'm the same and had to have lots of extra check ups as a pre caution as they tell you the baby could be born prematurely but in the end everything was fine. The doctor had also said that it was very likely the baby would be breech but this also wasn't the case for me. I did not have any complications during pregnancy and now have a healthy, perfect little girl 😊

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Btw in case she was going to be breech I had an elective c section scheduled (which you can cancel if you chose to do so if the baby turns in the last weeks)

I have a very slight one looks like yours they did a good look on the scan days and said that it should be fine. I am now 34 weeks without any complications. Raise it at your scan days and speak with the people doing the scans about how they feel it will affect your pregnancy.

I have a slightly heart shape womb with my first child I carried to 40 weeks 5 days so problems at all only problem as such is my baby layed sideways so never went head down ,I’m pregnant again with baby number two obviously ganna opt for a c section but other than that never affected my pregnancy in general ❤️

I have a heart shaped uterus and it’s fairly significant. It caused a lot of anxiety for me but I will say it was wasted energy cause I have two beautiful healthy girls. The main complication for me was I needed to have a c-section for both girls because they were sideways and NOT able to be turned because of my uterus shape. I carried my first to 37.4 weeks when my water spontaneously broke. My second I carried to 39 weeks and had a scheduled c-section. My first was 7 lbs 9 oz and my second was 9 lbs 4 oz! It can be scary but just keep an eye on your cervical lengths (that’s why they say you can miscarry but that can be avoided if you catch it early enough!). And only focus on positive stories from mamas who’ve been through it. You got this!

I have found out I have a bicornurate uterus recently. I miscarried in 2016 - unexplained then had a healthy baby girl in 2017 ( no problems during pregnancy and uterus shape wasn't noticed, she arrived 10 days early and I had a natural birth, only problem I had was afterbirth wouldn't come away) since then I've had 3 recurrent miscarriages in early pregnancy so they investigates and found bicornurate uterus at hysteroscopy, now I am 17 weeks and was supposed to have consultant led care but that doesn't seem to be happening anymore. My little girl weight 5,11.

I also had slightly heart shaped uterus and I was so concerned like you! But my pregnancy went alright! Good luck and enjoy your pregnancy❤️

I have an arcuate uterus which only got diagnosed during my c section. Although, I was high risk, it wasn't because of my uterus abnormality. Good luck!

I have a bicornuate uterus and from my previous pregnancy everything went well and so did my delivery. Smooth and easy. I am now pregnant again. I’m 22 weeks. Everything is going fine. Hoping for a good delivery as well. Good luck. I hope yours goes well too.

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He was born at 36 or 37 weeks can’t remmember. But other than that everything was normal.

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I have one and had a scheduled c section. This can be alot of different scenarios, but it's great that your doctor is keeping an eye on it 😊 I wasn't aware until the day before my cesarean was booked. It would have caused alot less anxiety if I knew earlier to be honest 😊

I have a heart shaped uterus (bicornate uterus) mine is pretty significant though. Was mostly okay until the end of my pregnancy and we had issues with the babies growth as there just wasn’t enough room and my uterus did not want to attach any further so I ended up being induced at 36+4 weeks. Apparently it can be different for everyone though so I would try not to stress to much your doctor may just want to monitor your pregnancy more. Good luck!

I had a heart shape uterus and did not find out until I had multiple miscarriages. I had surgery in 2014 before my last embryo transfer. My miracle baby is now 5.

I have a septate Uterus where mine has two chambers so a kind of wall in the middle. Risks and all are the same as heart shaped. I have a healthy 7 week old baby girl and knew nothing about it until I was dilated and they realised baby was breech (no space to move being in only half of my womb) and was taken for a C section. She was a dinky little thing. I have misscarried before but that was during very early pregnancy. Try to relax as much as you can and enjoy your pregnancy x

I have one. I had a miscarriage, a year ago, and recently had my little boy. Pretty normal pregnancy, apart from him being breech and having lots of reduced movements, my waters went when I was 34 weeks and he was born 4 hours later through emergency c section, which they found out then

Hey I also have a heart shaped uterus. My placenta couldn't connect properly because of it and the baby didn't have enough room to grow. We did make it full term (39.4 weeks) but my baby was only 5lb 10oz. Also caused a retained placenta and I had to be rushed into emergency surgery. As well during the pregnancy I didnt feel any movement only when my babes had the hiccups. I'm not sure these are common and I dont mean to scare you. If its only slightly heart shaped i don't think you will have any major problems. Good luck mama

I have one and I’m pregnant (now 24 weeks). I only found out because I was having bad ovulation pains when I was in the my early 20s. I had the full work up done (MRI, Saline Sonogram, etc) and ended up doing IVF since we couldn’t get pregnant after a chemical pregnancy. At my 20 week scan the doctor was completely surprised to hear I had a bicornuate uterus as they couldn’t see it anymore (very typical when baby starts to grow). Now that they know they will monitor you closely. I was told I’m higher risk for pre-term and breech. So far I feel good and baby is growing at a good rate. Good luck!! ❤️

I have a heart shaped uterus too! My first ultrasound looked a lot like yours! It didn’t effect my babe’s growth or health, but we did end up having a c-section at 38 weeks due to other reasons... With a mild heart shape, i have been told it CAN affect things like fertility and placental positioning, but as long as you’re feeling baby move regularly and he/she checks out on scans, I would say no worries! Their fetal apartment is just shaped differently haha

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That’s what they said about mine i wasn’t suppose to get pregnant thankfully I had my daughter but I had two miscarriages before her so she’s my rainbow baby 🥰

I have one

Mine is slightly heart shaped. Baby boy was born naturally at 40+1 x

I was told the same thing. Baby was labeled IUGR so I had to go in weekly for ultrasounds to keep an eye out for heart beat and growth. I was super anxious and worried through out the pregnancy, but ended up having a healthy boy! I delivered at 38 weeks by induction and had the all natural birth I wanted. I definitely feel for you because it was such an uncertain time, but try to hang in there and know that things can still turn out just fine!

I have one. Had no problems at all and normal pregnancy, but he was born at 36 weeks. Was still 6lb2 though and no problems. V healthy 9 month old now. X

I have one, my sons head got stuck in one part and ended up delivering via c/s due him being Breech

I was told I had this and that it'd be difficult to conceive or carry a baby, this was during a routine appointment years before I was pregnant to see whether I had an ovarian cyst. I fell pregnant last year, it was never mentioned at a paid scan I had at 8 weeks, I asked the sonographer about it at my 12 week scan and she said it was not heart shaped at all. I would ask them to double check as a second opinion, the sonographer told me that a lot of the time women only find out they have it into their 2nd or sometimes 3rd pregnancies. I would try not to worry too much (hard I know) as the stress isn't good for either of you but maybe ask them if extra monitoring is needed or if they can find out the severity of the septum so they can put your mind at ease xx

I have the heart shaped uterus and I had one full term pregnancy and a very early miscarriage

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Hello! I was told I was miscarrying again bc they were unable to find the embryo on two different visits. Turns out I have a bicornuate uterus. I delivered exactly one week early. Vaginal birth, perfectly healthy baby. The only thing that I can say is that I had a 61 hour labor and posterior birth. I was told by my first set of doctors that I would probably have to have cesarean and wouldn’t go full term. I change doctors and the second set of doctors weren’t worried about anything and constantly reassured me that everything was going well. Best wishes and hugs to you.

I have a heart shaped uterus and was also told that it could cause premature labour. I ended up being induced because my little boy was 2 weeks overdue and had a natural birth.

I have a slight great shaped uterus but they actually didn't know until my C-section. My son was beech (reason for the C-section) and my doctor said that may have been part of the reason he didn't turn over on his own - the shape made it harder to. The C-section was planned but it was only a couple days before my due date, I actually think he would have stayed in longer than the due date if we had waited on him!

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*heart shaped, not great shaped 🤦🏻‍♀️

I have one also, I was checked prior to planning on getting pregnant. They didn’t think it would effect my pregnancy and thankfully it didn’t! My son was breached so I had to have a c-section at 39 weeks but he was born healthy and I recovered well!

Same. Healthy delivery at 39 weeks.

I have a really bad bicornuate (heart shaped ) uterus. I have had each pregnancy in each side (horn) my babies have been IUGR and induced before 40 weeks but they are healthy and growing!

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I also have a really bad bicornuate uterus, I lost my first baby at 12 weeks. I will be 22 weeks Saturday, everything is good so far 🙏. I wish you the best of luck, you've got this!

I was diagnosed when had my son 8 years ago and told my right hand side would not be able to carry a pregnancy. 5 weeks pregnant on the right side but keeping positive, going back soon to check on pregnancy progression. 🤞🤞

I have a slight one. And both of my babies were healthy and full term and they turned on their own. You should be okay. 💕

I have a heart shaped uterus & so does my aunt! I did not find out about mine until after 22 hours of induced labor. I wasn’t dilating or progressing so I ended up having a c section. My daughter is 7 mo healthy & happy & my aunt has two kids (my cousins) & both healthy! Don’t stress mama 💖

Mine is very slightly heart shaped and I carried my son almost until due date. I'm pretty sure he would have gone over even, but he was breech so I had a scheduled C-section. I was told that you have a higher chance of a breech baby with that shape of uterus, because it's harder for the baby to change positions. Mine may not be the same situation though because they didn't notice the shape in the ultrasound, it wasn't until the C-section when they looked at my actual uterus they she mentioned that to me. And said she often sees it while performing C-sections for breech babies. Sending you love and prayers! ❤️❤️❤️

Hi I have a hart shaped one and had 1 misscarige and 2 healthy babies and had both natural births

I just found out yesterday that I have a heart shaped uterus. What is the test that shows how severe the heart shape is? Any info is greatly appreciated:) I had one miscarriage 3 months ago , and am now 6 weeks pregnant but had bleeding last night after having a trans vagina ultrasound. Going back for more blood work tomorrow, hoping last night was not a miscarriage. ❤️

Not me but my sister had a heart shaped uterus and she had one miscarriage scare. That’s when they told her about her uterus. She ended up delivering a week past her due date! Stay strong, mama! And stay positive ♥️ sending many well wishes

I’ve got heart shaped uterus. Still waiting for my first appointment as I’m only 7 weeks

I was diagnosed with heart shaped uterus my is really bad I’m carry my baby on one side of my uterus. I have got 2 ultrasound since then and everything looks good but only 7 weeks now. I’m honestly stress about miscarriage but trying to be positive. Good luck to you❤️

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I honestly don’t know what side that baby is. But I think is the right side looking at the ultrasound.

What side are you carrying on?

I have two uterus & two cervix! They thought mine was heart shaped at first - but then when I got my 20 week scan, they found out I have 2 wombs. My baby is growing the left womb. 27 weeks 3 days and everything is looking great.

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What a crazy thing to find out!

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I've got one! Two healthy babies. First was csection from placental abruption at 36 weeks. Baby was IUGR. No idea if uterus caused it. Second was born at 39 weeks, VBAC

I’ve got a heart shaped uterus. I’m 20+3. So far so good. Xx

I have a bicorneate uterus. I guess you could say heart shaped. I carried all 3 babies full term. One came 3 weeks earlier but she was all good. None moved head down and that's ok. All c-sections. All just chilled with there head in my left ribcage and feet to the right. I could always tell the dr exactly were baby was sitting.

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I also have a bicorneate uterus. Heart shaped as they call it with the wall in the middle somewhere. My 1st baby made it to 26 weeks lived for 3 weeks born natural he developed nec and tbats what took his life. 2nd born at 36 weeks and is almost 9 now no nicu stay born c-section,3rd born natural at almost 24 weeks lived for 3 weeks,4th born 35 weeks c-section nicu stay 5 weeks and is almost 3 now. Had fo have progesterone shots and have my cervix measured weekly or biweekly on 3 of the pregnancies.

I have a bicornuate uterus too! I found out when I had heavy bleeding from blood clots at 13 weeks. My little boy was totally healthy and unaffected by the clots or bicornuate uterus. The only affect was that He was breech the whole time so I had to have a c section.

I have a heart shaped uterus had one misscarriage couldn’t conceive had ivf in the end now have a baby 3 months old was in my stomach on one side just legs in other had c section went full term everything was good throughout xx

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