Any moms out here that ONLY have one child and want more but later?

It seems that everyone here that has a 2 y.o toddler like me already has another child or pregnant. I don’t understand, it’s so hard and I want at least to be able to sleep great again before trying for another. But it seems I’m of a rare opinion? Anyone else?
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I’ve just become pregnant with my second and my first born is 4. There’s no such think as a “perfect age gap” you do what suits you and your family. Whether they be one or more children xx

Hi I’m currently pregnant with my second and my little girl will be 4 in 3 months. We thought we were one and done but decided later on that we wanted one more. It’s absolutely ok to have more of a gap, for one they will be more independent and potty trained which will be less stress on you. Most want a smaller age gap so their kids will play together but there’s no guarantee that will happen. Kids have their own personalities and wants. There’s articles out there that says women don’t even feel like themselves til 2 years out postpartum so I can’t imagine going through it before you’re ready.

My first born is 8 and my little one is 1 almost 2. Seeing them bond is definitely worth it

I have a 2yo and am due any day now. He’s been great since a baby and we’ve slept through the night for the past 18months so that’s not an issue for us luckily 😅 we wanted them to be close in age and I wanted to be done having babies now as opposed to later, so that’s why we decided it

My bonus son is 21! first born is 9 & baby will be 2 in February! Age gaps have worked fabulously for us! Do what is right for YOU & your mini family & don’t let what others are doing nor what others THINK YOU should be doing dictate your life & whats best for YOU. There are studies out there that say it literally take 6 or 7 YEEEARS for a woman to fully* recover physically, mentally, emotionally from pregnancy & giving birth! Take allll the time YOU need! PERIOD.

My toddler just turned 2 but I’ve got a really bad baby fever and we’ve been trying since May without success so far but we want another so that I can continue to be a sahm till they both go to school and then free myself. I’m also turning 32 soon and in case I want another one later I still wanna be within 35

My daughter is 13 months and we are hoping for a 2.6-3.6 age gap in case we want a third (I don’t want to be pregnant past 31) but I honestly think we’ll just have 2 so we’ll see what gap we get later! The first year has been hard but it’s getting better but I like you would like some good sleep for awhile before starting over🤣

@MaryKate can I ask why you don’t want to be pregnant past 31?

I absolutely had to wait until my son started sleeping better before we tried again. He’s almost 3 now and mostly sleeps through the night or wakes up once when he does wake up. He’s also been potty trained for a few months which will be a help when baby #2 arrives. They will be a little over 3 years apart. I think that will be a good age gap for us but I know it will be a huge adjustment. There is no perfect age gap though. I also personally think the 2 under 2 people are cray cray 😜 (I’m joking, no one yell at me lol I absolutely think you should do what works for you).

My first was 4 when I got pregnant she turned 5 last month and my little one is 9 weeks. It's easier having a more independent child but my 5 yos sleeping still isn't great but if I waited til she slept better probably wouldn't have had anither x

I have a 15months old and we are planning on a 4 year gap. I am 5 years older than my sister and my husband is 4 years younger than his so that is the gap we are comfortable with and know works for us. You do you. There are pros and cons to everything and I was and still am very close to my sister growing up so the gap meant nothing

Currently pregnant with second at 21 weeks and my first turns 4 next week! It was absolutely planned this way, the idea of having a baby when my son was any younger than he is now still fills me with dread 😂 hats off to those who have smaller age gaps, it would have been hell I feel!

I'm pregnant & due my 2nd baby in December, when my daughter will be 3months away from turning 3. We always knew we wanted another baby & tbh we don't want too big an age gap. Once we're out of nappies fully with the baby that'll be us over that stage & part. My daughter was never a good sleeper & recently is getting much better, we know this may change when baby arrives, however will go back to what we currently have. I didn't want to have kids too old myself either, there's so many factors to take into account, and what's right for one isn't necessarily right for another x

I’m currently pregnant with #3. We have a 1 year old and a 2 year old (12.5 months apart) who will still be 1 and 2 for a few months after baby is born. You’re not wrong about the sleep. It is exhausting. My oldest sleeps through the night but takes a while to put down, my youngest goes down super easily but still wakes at least a couple times a night. Even though I know it probably would have been easier to have a bigger age gap and I’m super nervous adding our third to the mix I wouldn’t change anything. BUT with that said I do think that every family and situation is completely different. I had a lot of help and a strong support system with my first 2 that has really helped with everything. It’s a very individual and very valid whatever you choose.

Literally feeling the same way as you!

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I found out that I was pregnant right around my sons 2nd birthday, I'm almost 34 weeks pregnant now. It was an accident that wasn't supposed to happen yet, but it did. (We were thinking if we were ever going to have a baby again it would be when he was older and we were ready again) I love her already and wouldn't change it now...... but a part of me feels guilty because my son is so used to it being almost always just him & mommy, I know this baby is going to take away some of my time and energy for him. And a part of me is not at all ready for how much more it will be on me.

I'm 36 and I have a 2-year-old too, and I definitely want two more. My daughter was a surprise blessing for us, but I was on my way to reaching a weight loss goal. I wanna hit my two biggest goals and then work on having the twins. I don't think you're crazy for wanting to wait a while before bringing another into the picture. I'm just concerned because I'm getting closer to 40.

I have 2 but my first is 11 and 2 so after my first I lived a little grew a little before having my second.

I am with you on this, my son is almost 14 months old and I am not ready for another right now. He just started sleeping properly, eats what we eat, we have our schedule and our activities. Also I think he still needs my full attention and I need some me time too. I'm thinking I'll be ready for another when my son starts preschool honestly

Just a preference of my age vs my children & potential grandchildren. I would like to be no older than 50 when my youngest is 18 and out of high school. My parents are a little older and my grandparents were older when I was a kid and if I ever become a grandparent I want to be in good enough shape to do things with them (I already have a bad back and can’t be on my feet too long and I’m only 26).

lol who are u hanging out with? Who is “everyone” lol Because there’s lots of us mamas out here who didn’t want the pressure of 2under2 so we are waited. U are not of a “rare opinion” there lots of us who have our reasons for not wanting to pop out kids back to back. Stay strong out here cuz the pressure to have another one so soon is real! Do what feels best for u and ur family! I intentionally wanted to start having kids at 30 even tho I was married at 27, ppl tried to pressure us into having kids in our 20s bt I wasnt abt start to have a kid in 20s I just wanted to enjoy those yrs without the stresses of parenthood. I found out I was pregnant on Christmas Day 2020, a month after my 30th bday. My kid just turned 3 last month & our plan was to wait until he is at least 3 yrs old and out of diapers b4 I even entertain the thot of having another one! lol I’m in no rush! I’m enjoying every minute bt I know I would be overwhelmed if I didn’t stick to my plan and had another 1 so soon

Just got pregnant with my first 2 years old. Perfect timing for us

Funnily I think most people seem to have a much larger age gap. Almost the second I had my firstborn I was thinking about going back (ivf) for another because it took us about 9 years to fall pregnant. Luckily we didn't go back sooner than we did because we only had a 22m gap with twins. This time around there's almost a 4yr gap and it feels so different. I don't know what their relationship will be like but it is definitely going to be easier with older kids who are slightly more self sufficient. My eldest kind of missed out on the excitement of a baby because she was so little she didn't understand as she does now. She liked her babies back then but it's not the same.

@Sarah congratulations on the new addition to your family!!

My son just turned two and I’m due in May. I’m still digesting the fact that soon our family of 3 will be 4. Don’t feel pressured to have more. I wanted to have 2 and then stop and I’ll be 35 next month. I felt like my age was a factor to have a second one soon. But now I feel like one could have also been just fine! Nothing wrong with one kid. I guess what I’m saying is just listen to your heart.

@Lauren yes! I glad that u touched on age being a factor that led to ur decision! Because Ive heard a lot of women say exactly what u said when they have these types of conversations. I actually feel like I get side eyed by a lot of ppl when I tell them that I’m in no rush to have another kid cuz I’m 33 & They look at me like Im running out of time or something bt I’m not one of those women who cares abt having kids after 35+ considering I started having my first at 30. My husband & I had a plan & I agreed that my 30s wud be the only decade to have all our kids. From age 30-40 is the yrs im willing to grow our family. I was definitely not having kids in my 20s & certainly not going to in my 40s & 50s. And also I told him that I need at least 3yrs in between each new pregnancy so I’m thinking we will probably end up having 3kids total! Bt we will see how I feel if/after I have our 2nd one! bt im glad u mentioned ur age being a factor cuz I know lot of women want to pop kids out b4 35

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