2 under 2

So I have a soon to be 10 month old and I’m 25 weeks pregnant, mama’s of two under two how did you cope ?
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Commenting cause I’d love to know, I have an 8 month old and I’m 23 weeks pregnant

Lots of coffee and perseverance haha it’s not for the weak. Be prepared. You’ll have tandem crying. Figuring out how to hold both. Figuring out how to keep toddler in eye shot while breastfeeding haha it’s wild but each month it gets easier. Prioritize the toddler as they understand the attention they get. Wear the baby often just to have hands free. Adjust baby around toddler schedule/routine. That should minimize meltdowns. If you have help/village, ask for it often and especially in the beginning. Most of all, know you aren’t alone. Good luck

My age gap is bigger than, 21 months. Just know it is very full on, but you get into the swing of things eventually. There will be lots of times you don’t stop until bedtime but just remember this is all temporary and someday in the near future you’re babies won’t need you as much. Try not to get bogged down with what you think you should be doing everyday, if you need a day in the house watching movies just do it! Though I do find it easier to be out and about with 2 (helps the older one nap longer in the middle of the day!) And remember on really tough days, you can put baby in their cot, toddler in their cot (with a source of entertainment, I go for tonie box) and take a 10-15 minute break from them, (I’m still watching the monitor) sometimes you just need to do that for your sanity! It is hard but I guess its how you tackle it, stay positive and just have fun!

@Allana this gives me so much hope! lol I’m already mourning my sleep (30 weeks today, due end of Dec. w/baby 2. Currently have a 15/16 month old who will be 18 months when baby sissy is born), I feel like I just got it back lol But was definitely thinking of calling on the help of my gals that have volunteered when the time comes to be of service in whatever way they can be- I feel like I didn’t utilize that enough with my first, and it was a little detrimental to my relationships and mental health soooo not doing that again if I can😅🫣 Did you EBF when you had your second? I ask because apparently the caffeine situation in coffee I’ve heard can dry you up pretty quick😅

@Ashley yeah savor the sleep now. Cuz you’ll have to wait again, but only temporary. Mine are 17 months apart so I get it. Yes!!!! Accept all the help you can take. Especially the first two months. Then when you feel more confident and comfortable, be a bit more direct in The help you actually need. A lot of my friends didn’t mind at all cuz we hung out at the same time. Yeah I only breastfed my first, but I’m combo feeding my second. Although when I say combo it’s really mostly breastfeeding with 1 bottle a day. I do that so my baby will take the bottle when I’m not around (firstborn was anti bottle, so I never got a break). It helped me and my marriage cuz I could take breaks from feeding to do other things( hang with toddler, take a nap, go on date with husband,etc). I am not a huge coffee drinker but have needed it everyday to keep up with kiddos and stuff. So I supplement with lactation pills. Keep my milk supply coming. I haven’t had any problems. Also HYDRATE HYDRATE HYDRATE!

@Allana 😅😅😅😅😅 I’m in fir a treat

@Catarina yeah haha but I swear you’ll love every single second. Because you’ll know it will never be like this again. That this moment is small but tough. That they will never need you as much as they do now. That they love you endlessly as you are their whole world. Plus a year later those little gremlins will be entertaining each other hahaha

@Allana that’s why I need to think of the positive side in a years time it will be a lot better. I know it’s gonna be hard. I don’t know if I’m prepared😂😂

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