Am I Being Silly?

One of my friends had a baby full term over the weekend and she keeps saying about how thankful she is she didn't have to stay in hospital for more than one night but only stayed overnight due to having an evening birth/how thankful she is there were no complications etc. I'm so happy for her and her baby but she knows I was in special care/hospital with my son for the first 3-4 weeks of his life, knows how many complications I had along with my son coming 6 weeks early. Am I being silly for getting upset for how boastful she's being and how it feels like she's forgotten I had the opposite to her and I'm feeling triggered
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I don’t think you’re being silly at all, I completely get how you’re feeling. I didn’t realise how I felt about my son’s birth until a friend had a “normal” birth story that she was sharing. I do think though that unless you’ve gone through it, even if you watched someone and know the complications that you don’t truly understand unless you’ve been through it yourself. Hope your little boy is doing well now 💕

Exactly! Like, I don't want my friend to think I'm not happy for her as I'm so beyond happy/excited but at the same time, some of the stuff she says hurts emotionally. He's a lot better now, thank you 😊

I agree with @Beth ! You’re absolutely not silly for being upset. I do think perhaps she may have not realised that it’s an upsetting comment to make to someone who had a more difficult start to motherhood though! I’ve had a few friends make innocent comments in a similar way and it did really upset me too as I don’t think anyone can understand how difficult/scary it is when your baby arrives prematurely, but I tried to remember that everybody’s story is different. Hope you’re little one is all good 🥰

I think your feelings are completely valid ❤️ I also think your friend doesn't mean harm by not considering your story in telling hers. That doesn't mean it doesn't hurt! I've had so many inconsiderate things said to me by people I needed support from. I think it's more clumsiness than anything else. I also felt plain jealousy when hearing how easy some people have it. I think it's being human to feel those things. I'm happy to read in your other comment that you're little one is doing better!

Not being silly for how your feeling i feel jealous of the people I know who have had normal birthing experiences but I don't think they do it intentionally they just are happy they haven't gone through similar experiences to us. My daughter spent 8 weeks in nicu as born at 28 weeks and was in a incubator for over half of that. I often feel robbed because I didn't get to see my daughter straight after she was born didn't get to hold her for 1.5 days. And she was an emergency section so didn't get the birth I had dreamed of. However I also wouldn't wish what we've gone through on anybody. Xx

Agree with all that's been said here. I had complications with both children but nicu with a prem baby is a whole world away from nicu with a term baby. It's such a unique experience. So glad your baby is doing OK now ❤️

I'm personally guilty of this. I have 2 kids, love them to bits but i absolutely hated being pregnant and i wouldnt do it again. And i remember saying this to my best friend in the heat of my feelings and I'm so thankful she called me up on it and said its not nice for her to keep hearing me complain about pregnancy and to have enough of a choice to say I'd never do it again when shes been trying to have a baby for almost 3 years now and failing and knowing she'd give just about anything to be in my place. I felt like utter shit and since that day I have never ever complained. Might be worth pointing it out to her. Because it's so easy sometimes to not realise the things we say. Especially through pregnancy and just having a baby. There's so much you have to deal with individually that sometimes you forget about other people. Glad you're all OK now 👍

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