
Hey Mamas, I need some advice. So me and my child’s father pretty much been in a good space for quite some time now. I noticed a difference in communication around Mother’s Day when he told me “Happy Mother’s Day” for the first time since before our daughter was born and I was pregnant. The second line of communication started when it was my birthday, that was July and he told me Happy Birthday. Since then, our communication has been more unrelated about our daughter. In August, he started asking when he’s gonna come inside our home and everything and I keep denying it. Because since we currently moved, I haven’t let nobody know where we stay. I’m usually not the type that like to entertain anything from my past as it brings up old feelings and bring me back in a place I don’t like to be, but idk something about me just been wanting to give it another “try”. But sometimes I feel like I just entertain the situation because I’m bored. In late September we had unprotected sex, and we also did early this month. Since the last time I been feeling a little different because I been trying to build my relationship with God. And I feel like entertaining this situation is doing nothing but drawing my further away from him. Like I don’t feel myself. So I took it upon myself one day to ask him what was his intentions with me and he said to date me again… yall he hasn’t even been paying his child support since June, so not let me even go there lol. But last night I asked him again and pretty much he said he wants to date me again but yall he’s not doing anything to show me that he wants to. So at this point it’s been twice since I asked, I’m not asking again. I’ve literally been through this with him when we first started dated and after I had my daughter and I don’t want to go through this again. I’m expecting him to take me out on a date, I’m expecting him to try to get to know the new me… ask questions, spend time, but he’s not doing none of that. He keeps asking to come inside of where we stay but I’m not comfortable with that yet. At this point, if I point my mind in a place where I say “I’m done”, then I will completely stop entertaining the situation, but I want to say I’m done putting that expectation on him and just gone see what he gone do. Because his communication is diminishing and at first it was me that wasn’t really responding… now it’s him because of all of life’s responsibilities that he has going on. Anyways y’all, in this situation what would you do? Because I’m trying to be the best version of myself and dealing with uncertainty I hate that with all of my soul. I don’t like knowing what I’m going to expect from a person… I don’t like feeling like i don’t know where I stand with a person or if he’s even taking anything I’m saying seriously but I know I’m gonna fall back from all the request he ask of me (want me to send sexual pictures, and do sexual things with him like have sex), when he can’t even show me he’s trying to pursue me. I feel like everything is only sexual and that’s what’s bothering me. It’s more to a relationship, it’s more to getting to know a person than just getting in their pants. And that’s what’s bothering me about him. I’m trying to be nice but I’m not about to be taken advantage of. I know this post is long lol, but if any of you mamas have any advice I would gladly appreciate it. I’m tired of stressing myself out about this.
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I didn’t read this whole post but honestly I wouldn’t entertain him if he can’t even pay child support. That’s bare minimum. How is he paying for dates but can’t pay to take care of the child he created? He doesn’t have time to be entertained in anyway if his own house isn’t in order.

He’s not trying date you, he just wants to have sex, look at his actions. I don’t listen to what people say, I pay attention to actions. Stop having sex with him, and definitely don’t have unprotected sex. That’s what I would do if I were in this situation. Also, instead of trying to date he needs to be paying that child support.

He probably wants to be let off the hook from paying CS. And if it’s drawing you away from God, I don’t think you really need our input as your answer is right there. Any man who truly wants to be with you, with relentlessly pursue you and make sure you don’t have any questions or worries about how he feels towards you. Hope this helps!


Nope on a rope. If he can’t take responsibility for the life he already created? Actions speak louder than words and you and your child deserve someone who will step up.

I think you’ve already answered your own question. It’s been 6 months and he’s only asked for sex. If he wanted to take you on a date by now, he would have but why does he need to when he’s already getting what he really wants w/o having to put on the work.

Girl run…the enemy is trying to take you away from God…when we have sex it’s 2 souls become 1 and whatever demons they are dealing with now have access to you…you have to break that soul tie…God has been showing me a lot and me and my man had to stop having sex until we are married…we can’t play around with God no more…it doesn’t sound like your child’s father is serious about you at all…a lot of times the enemy tries to pull you back to a toxic ex and it seems like your chid’s father just wants to use you for sex for your body…your body belongs to God and is so precious that Jesus sacrificed Himself for you and when we do things that’s outside of God’s Will and what He has for us that is sin and that really hurts God more than you know because God sees your true value and no one can love you more than Him…so keep seeking God, get into His Word and pray as much as you can to get free from whatever you need to be free from and pray for your future husband

I have been watching Tiffany Buckner…she talks a lot about spiritual warfare and also sex and relationships and marriage…if you are not a believer and follower of Jesus I encourage you to just ask God to reveal Himself to you and show you the truth…for me at 38 this journey with Jesus has taken decades for me to really know it’s real…now my 4 yr old sees angels in the spirit and is describing things there is no way she could have a concept of

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