Hello :)

Hello and welcome to the group. Maybe we could start by saying who we are and a bit about ourselves, including our passion to write.
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Hello I'm Rahma from the UK and absolutely love to write , I lost interest as life got too busy but as my son is showing the same love for books I decided to pick up something I've been missing for years and start again 😊 I also wish to find friends as I live in a remote area basically a farm and it gets lonely sometimes love to everyone x

Aw I would love to live in the country but I can imagine it gets lonely at times. Sometimes my family and I go to the country, my parents have taken me since I was little and I find it so peaceful. I live in the city though. I have one little boy who is three. I studied creative writing and psyhcology with the Open University. I don't feel like my grammar and syntax is great. I have urges to write. I start but haven't continued. I feel like this group has the potential to be inspiring and fun xx

...maybe we could even take aspects of each other's personalities and use for our characters xx

Reading books can help with grammar alot that not a big issue , just write what you feel and don't be too hard on yourself because we all do when we write something and I'm the perfect example I wrote so much in the past but never shared anything with anyone thinking it's not good enough xx

@Emma Cotterell that's a great idea 💡 ❤️

Yeah we can always be kinder to others a lot easier, it seems x

Hey! I’m Danielle, I live in the north east of Scotland. I gave birth a couple of weeks ago and want to use my maternity leave to rekindle my love of writing. I write a lot in my corporate job but it’s not the same as getting creative or reflective. I’ve been going through a tough time wider in my life and used journaling as an emotional outlet. I’m hoping to keep this up but also make space for me to write to express myself.

Hi, I'm Rachel. I live in Ohio, US. I used to love to write but since having kids I feel like my creativity has gradually reduced to basically nothing. Every so often I have an idea for a novel or children's book but never end up doing anything with it. It's my dream to one day actually finish something and have it published.

Hey, I’m Annie and although I studied English literature, I’ve never really written much for myself. Tried a few times. I’m going through a separation and writing about it is one of the ways I’m able to reflect on my emotions and keep them in check (important when you need to be on mum duty, would love to sink into a heartbroken mess but not a luxury I have right now 😁). I adore reading and holding a book in my hands (audible has been great when carrying a baby about though). Happy to be here, happy to meet you all 😊

@Annie what genres/authors do you like to read?

Thank you all for sharing. I think it it easy to pocrasinate or have the voice of self doubt in your head that you can't do something, when actually we can. @Danielle congratulations on your new addition. I think the fact you have only had your baby two weeks ago and you are thinking about pursing a passion is amazing. Yes, writing can be therapeutic. @Rachel I have had ideas and not done much with it too. A poem/children's story came to me quite a while back. This will be the perfect place to share and encourage each other! @Annie since having my son (he is three now) I have really enjoyed reading. I am sorry you are going through a tough time, maybe this group and writing will help you be able to focus more on you :). Xx

Hi all, I'm Henna, I've loved writing since I did my GCSE creative writing and got an A! Haven't had much time to write anything plus I find it quite overwhelming to think about the plot and making sure that stories arent left open ended! I also work full time as a HR Advisor and will be starting my Level 5 CIPD soon along with running my household and raising my 18 mo with my husband!

@Rachel I’m fairly open and I do like a suggestion from friends. My mum suggested my current book. I found it on her bookshelf and it looked ancient, but it was written in 2008 😂. She said it’s so tattered because she just keeps going back to read it again. It’s called The Forgotten Garden by Kate Morton. I’ll hand it to her, it’s already made me cry and I’m only on chapter 11 of 51 😁

@Annie I just bought that one this weekend at a used book store! Just based on the cover and description. I'd never heard of it. I haven't started it yet. My tbr shelf is fulllll 😅

Yeah I have a bit of a backlog to work through. This one seems to be a good one 👍 seems sometimes you can judge a book by its cover 😆

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Hi everyone, I'm TJ. I live in Warrington Warrington in the UK. I first got into reading and writing when I was in high school which was back in the mid-late 1990s. I love making up stories of my own about meeting my favourite TV characters from programmes like CSI: MIAMI, CSI:NY, NCIS, NCIS: LA and NCIS:NOLA, COLD CASE (I love American crime dramas and some UK ones too like The Bill). One of my stories was that long I needed another folder for it (I write my stories in a writing pad and then I put page numbers on them as I'm going along so that I can keep them in the right order and the I'll put them into individual plastic packets n a lever arch folder.

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