Moms who did a non epidural birth pls help

I’m worrying about my birth with my second. I got the epidural with my son but I’m hearing about all the complications like going deaf and getting paralyzed from the waist down. I’m just wondering how your birth experiences were with no epidural because I’m sorta considering it.
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I got the epidural but it only numbed me from the knees down. I was also induced so contractions were like 10x stronger. But then I had zero pain relief and couldn’t get natural relief from the bath, walking, position changes, etc. Honestly all I can say is it’s childbirth, it’ll definitely hurt. However it didn’t hurt NEARLY as bad as I expected it to, even though it was still the most painful thing I’ve ever felt? If that makes sense? It honestly just felt like the worst period cramps I’ve ever had in my life. But then it also felt like a big tight hug around my stomach. Both at once. And when baby is actually coming out, it was not nearly as bad as everyone told me it would be. That part actually very weirdly felt good. Like a huge release of pressure. Kinda like taking the biggest 💩 of your life. But it’s different for everyone. I only had a small peri urethral tear

I got an epidural my first pregnancy

My second I didn’t get one and it was way better and smoother than the first.

My first I was induced with epidural and my second came so fast I was 5 minutes from getting the epidural. It wasn’t by choice but I’m so glad now it was a natural birth. My first born didn’t latch as easily and everything about my second is so much easier. I healed faster and were still breastfeeding 6m pp. Not planning another but if I were I’d probably go natural. I had a dual which made all the difference in keeping me focused on my breathing. I felt so much better natural compared to feeling sick/weak after the epidural. I’d say if you go natural it’s all about mindset and empowering yourself to let go just breathe through the contractions bc they’re temporary. I pushed once and baby arrived vs hours of labor being showed by epidural

Doula ***

Slowed **

I had an unmedicated birth and I’m also a doula. It is hard but you can do it! I looked up a lot of techniques for coping and had my husband supporting me through each contraction. I felt really empowered afterwards. I definitely wanted to give up but I was encouraged to keep going and got through it. It really is all a mindset. I kept telling myself that the pain won’t kill me, just get through this contraction, my baby is working with me, etc. you got this!

I did a lot of practice with complete body relaxation because any tension/flexing of my body made contractions so much worse. Like having someone massage you and practicing being entirely limp and controlling your breathing through it. Another thing was that I rejected induction intending to go no epidural. Induction will intensify contractions to hopefully speed things along but I was already in labor with no complications so I felt there was no need and everything went very well

@Cecilia A I'm with you. My second is due in February and I'm already trying to plan around no epidural. Im scared of needles, and a spinal tap is even worse! I'm not sure of the statistics, but I know that there are a lot of things that can happen post epidural. I didn't want one with my first, but once my induced contractions REALLY got going, I couldn't take it anymore. I also wasn't progressing...the nurse said it's likely my body was holding tight, not allowing the cervix to dilate. 😮‍💨 So, I'm working to avoid induction! Id like to give it a crack the natural way too. Women have been doing it for centuries, I can too!

Agree it’s all a mindset. You have to get rid of the fear and just TRY to breathe and relax. I did both my July ‘22 and July ‘24 babies with no epidural just hypnobirthing. Check out the Positive Birth company on IG. Both my births had quick progressions, only 10 mins of pushing and easy recovery with no interventions (last birth the doctor literally didn’t even have to touch me until her ears were coming out). I credit a lot of that to hypnobirthing. Feel free to DM me with any questions. Good luck! You can do it!

I had an epidural with my first and then had to turn it off and pushed without the epidural. My second came so fast I didnt get the epidural but it was worth it. I got to the hospital at 5cm and an hour later and only 2 pushes he was here. It is painful and at one point i did ask for it but they told me it was to late because I was progressing too fast. But you can do it!

I had 2 all natural homebirths and it was the best decision I've ever made(other then my husband lol) and I plan on continuing to have uneducated homebirths

I got an epidural with my first it was an induction so my contractions were really really bad. The epidural barely numbed me and only on one side too and wore off before I pushed my son out and I was throwing up because the pain was soooo intense. Needed a uterine catheter because i couldnt pee on my own after giving birth and the back pain lasted for weeks pp I couldn't even hold my newborn for more than 5 min while standing up. And it was overall 12 hours labor with 2 hours of pushing and I had a first degree tear as well and needed stitches so imagine a catheter inserted in while all that is going on yeah it was not a pleasant experience at all I still have PTSD. My 2nd came on my due date naturally he came out less then an hour after arriving at the hospital so overall it was a 3 hour labor and less than 5 pushes that he was out, it was also all super super intense and I basically gave in to the epidural and right when they inserted the needle in my spine I started pushing & that's it so it was natural 😭

I would definitely try no epidural again I have a good pain tolerance overall just not when it comes to labor contractions 🥹 but I plan on moving more this time around and maybe request sitting in the shower so the warm water can help my contractions and have my husband put counter pressure on my lower back because I do have back labor as well but I definitely don't want another epidural like nope no way never again. And GIRLLL the recovery after a natural unmedicated labor is bomb I was ready to run a marathon I felt amazing. When I had the epidural I couldn't even walk by myself or even shower or anything I was in so much pain.

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