
My 6 month old baby girl went to my mums yesterday for the night and she told me she had given her chocolate. I am so angry as I have specifically asked her to not give her chocolate and she did it anyway. It is safe to say my mum will not be having her again after this. I wanted to make sure she will be ok as I know babies are not supposed to have chocolate. She also had a dairy allergy previously and has only just started to get over it. She does seem fine but I’m just wondering if there anything I should be doing as I’m very worried now. I am a first time mum and have PPA so I’m really struggling currently.
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She’ll be fine. In what form was the chocolate she’s given her?

Both have my children have had chocolate from 6 month so I personally wouldn’t be angry. But I totally understand that you specifically said not to, so therefore your mother hasn’t respected your boundaries you have set for your own child. And I wouldn’t let her have the baby again unless she can absolutely whole heartedly promise it’ll never happen again. Baby will be absolutely fine by the way. Don’t stress yourself xx

If it’s really chocolate and not candy bar chocolate there is no dairy involved. If it’s candy bar chocolate there may be milk powders in it. Contact your doctor and make sure they are aware given there is history of dairy allergy for the child.

@Tam @Gillian it was dairy milk buttons. @Jasmine thank you for the reassurance. The fact she didn’t respect my boundaries is definitely why I’m angry. Also because she had the history with a dairy allergy so it could have caused a reaction. She was in hospital previously for her allergy so it was very worrying for me. She’s only just turned 6 month as well so we’ve only just started weaning her we haven’t even given her solids. Just porridge in the morning.

What country? I ask because there’s chocolate laws in certain countries but not in the USA

I used to be a chocolatier for several years and I would be around it a lot. Sometimes milk chocolate does have it depending on the percentage (hence the name)

Bless you. Being a mum is the most worrying job in the world! Honestly baby will be fine & most probably really enjoyed them😂 but again, that’s not the point. The point is boundaries were severely crossed! Hope your mum understand why you’re angry xx

Sorry but i’d go nuts 😬 it’s more than just disrespecting your boundaries, you literally haven’t given her solids yet and she has a dairy ALLERGY! Milk is the main ingredient in buttons, i’d be livid

@Gillian we are in the UK. @Lauryne trust me I did, we had a very heated argument. She was also arguing with me saying she cries too much and it’s my fault as I’ve created a Velcro baby. She even said she doesn’t want to have her anymore so I have cut ties with my mum after everything so she definitely won’t be having her anytime soon. I’m so glad I’m not over reacting thank you for the reassurance.

I would cut ties too in that situation. My own partner is worried I’m creating a Velcro baby by responding to her cries but it’s how babies learn to trust you by being responded to no matter why they are making noises

@Gillian that’s exactly what I said to my mum, she is 6 months old she is crying for a reason. She is also breastfed so she tends to be more clingy and it was our first night away from each other so obviously she’s going to cry more because I’m not there. I have cut ties with her definitely, again, glad to know I haven’t over reacted on the situation x

Breastfed babies are like that😂 more so than bottle fed babies. Since we switched to night nursing only my girl is less clingy but appreciates her contact naps more. Means more dishes but oh well🥲

@Gillian this is what I was trying to explain to my mum, my mum has always formula fed and she’s never been around breastfed babies so she doesn’t understand that they are different. I always let my girl contact nap on me, the house work can wait but I won’t get these precious moments forever

both mine have been formula fed from birth and contact napped and they are both Velcro children 😂

They grow way too fast to not hold them as often as possible. My niece just had a baby and I’m not visiting so my girl stays tiny as long as possible😭 my friends (18 month old at the time) was SO big after I had my girl and I saw her two days before having my girl. It was crazy to see it happen in front of me like that and it not be my own kid

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@Gillian my oldest was 3 1/2 years old when I has my second and omg when I held her for the first time afterwards she felt like an actual teenager😭😭

Personally I think giving chocolate to a 6 month old is a bit crazy in general😬 just totally unnecessary but for a baby with milk allergy it’s dangerous! My daughter is cmpa too so I know how i’d react if someone purposely gave her milk. I’m sorry it’s gone that way with your mum, I highly recommend looking up the book ‘The Nurture Revolution’ (it’s free on spotify premium) if you’d like some reassurance on the ‘velcro baby’ topic to know that you’re doing the right thing 🫶🏼

@Gillian I wish! both boys were/are bottle fed and would get back in my belly if they could 🤣 so clingy!

I had really bad PPA, slowly eased off now, but I completely feel you. Don't stress, she'll digest and poop it out and she'll be fine ❤️ if the allergies flare up, I'd go see a Dr though, but I do think she'll be fine! I would be livid though!! More of the fact that you said not to do something (regardless of what it was) and she still did it - that's just me though. I'm a very big believer in what the parent says goes. I definitely wouldn't be leaving her there again, but make it clear. However, she may try (whether it be months or years) to sway you into leaving your child there and she'll give her things and just not tell you about it, so I would definitely stand your ground here. You gave her an opportunity/change and she blew it. That is all 🤷🏻‍♀️

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